
Sora Lord is surrounded by the beauty, sitting on the throne, looking calmly at the panic-faced Nimf who is kneeling down the first one: "Are you coming back so soon? Look at you embarrassed, mission Did it fail?"

Nimf lowered her head in a panic: "Yes... I'm sorry! I don't want to! Who knows, there should be Icarus on the ground! How could I be able to fight such a monster! And her master, Even more monsters, maybe...maybe even more dangerous than Icarus!"

Sora Lord looked indifferently: "It seems that you are not useless, but you have brought back some useful news."

An artificial angel with a face beside Sora Lord shouted coldly: "I haven't rushed to report useful information about the master Icarus."

"I don't know the specific information very well, but I can be sure that the mysterious power that prevents Sinaps from ground information is what he did. He looks no different from ordinary humans. He has long red hair. Handsome, with incredible power, he can take the powerful blow of the "Final Weapon" launched by Icarus with his bare hands!"

After hearing this, the King of Sora couldn't help but frown slightly, and all of her angels showed shocked expressions: "Take the final weapon with your bare hands? What are you kidding? It's not because of your own mistakes. Looking for excuses?"

When Nimf heard it, he was furious: "You are so bloody, how dare I lie to the master!"

Sora Lord returned to the calm and calm of the past: "Forgive you for not dare, but I am curious, Icarus's memory and some related functions have long been sealed by me, how did she wake up and even use the final weapon?"

"That..." Nimf peeped at the Lord of the Sky, and whispered with a scared face: "Yes...I used a hacker system to invade her system, but she did not expect it to be used in turn..."


An angry face appeared on the face of Sora Lord, and he stretched out his hand, and a beam of light shot out in an instant, bombarding Nimf’s body, causing her to scream, and flew out to the ground after a dozen or so rolls. She stopped, but she didn't dare to complain, she immediately got up in embarrassment, dragged her injured body and hurried forward to kneel again: "Yes... I'm sorry..."

"You are so stupid to help the Queen of Sora and wake her up. You really tainted the name of electronic warfare. It seems that you are just a botched product and there is no need for it. Just discard the beta type. Anyway, in a few thousand years, the grubs on the ground will not be able to find this Sinaps, and there is no need for an electronic warfare machine."

When Nimf heard this, his pupils shrank, and his face panicked: "Please... please wait! Next time I will definitely..."

"Next time?" Sora Lord looked indifferent: "The opponent is the awakened Sora Queen, and there is a master who seems to be more troublesome. What can you do with this stupid thing?"

An angel holding a big sword suddenly walked out, came to Nimf's, and said tauntingly: "I originally planned to discard your useless botched product, now the time is right."

As she said, a sword pierced her back waist, flashing a flash of electrification, and even though it did not penetrate the skin, Nimf still screamed in pain.

"Lord...Master!!" Nimf stretched out his right hand to the Master of Sora begging for mercy.

However, Sora Lord waved his hand indifferently: "Take her down, such a stupid bot, I don't even have the mood to tease her."

The sword-holding angel stretched out his fragrant tongue and licked the corners of his lips, with an evil expression on his face: "Then let me perform the execution ceremony of the abandoned β type!"

With that, he grabbed Nimf’s hand and dragged her down...

"Please wait...Master...really...really want to abandon...I?...Why? Why?...I obviously have worked so hard...Why?...Please give me a...chance!..."

However, the Lord of Sora completely ignored Nimf’s plea, and his indifferent eyes made Nimf fall into the endless abyss of darkness...

But suddenly, the gentle figure of Monkey King suddenly flashed in her mind, with a dull face muttering to herself: "...why...why can a stranger be so gentle to me...but you, master...I obediently executed you. Of...every task...why?"

The angel holding the sword threw Nimf on the wall, sneered and mocked: "Why? Indifferently because you are useless to the owner. Since it is useless, you have to deal with it naturally. This is not very natural. Thing?"

"Naturally...?" Nimf froze in a daze.

The angel holding the sword stepped on Nimf's chest and laughed: "Why, you are not a tool, do you still think you are a'person'? Don't make people laugh, haha~~~"

In this ruthless ridicule, Nimf suddenly recalled what Sun Wukong said before leaving: "If you have not experienced suffering, you will not know how to cherish; if you have not lost, you will not understand what is most important to yourself; if you have not experienced it After hurting, I don’t know who cares about me most, and where I belong to my true home."

Nimf’s silent eyes suddenly rekindled a glimmer of hope, and he took a deep look at the place where the Lord of the Sky was, and his hollow eyes became more determined: "Here...not the destination I want... I am not a tool without emotions either! Ah~!!!"

With a scream, the extremely violent sound wave blasted the angel holding the sword on her chest in vain, but the other party was an somersault in the air, with his wings spread out behind him, and his figure was stabilized. Cut in half, then looked down at Nimf, and laughed wickedly: "You dare to resist, it really is a bad thing, are you trying to betray the master?"

Nimf trembled and stood up from the ground: "I never thought of betraying, this is what you forced me...I...I...this is not the destination I want!!"

"Oh, when have you already had this kind of infidelity?" The Lord of Sora looked at Nimf indifferently in the distance, his eyes flashed with real murderous intent: "It seems that the grub on the ground has already given You have instilled a very dangerous concept, it seems that you must be abandoned."

The other artificial angels spread their wings to surround Nimf, "Do you think you can escape from our hands?"

"How do you know if you don't try it!" Nimf flashed a light wave in his hand, and a card was already in his hand.

"That is?!!"

Seeing this card, all artificial angels, including the Lord of Sora, were moved...

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