The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 24 Super Vibrating Photon Sword

Nimf looked at the two opposing figures in the sky, and opened her mouth in shock: "Impossible! Even if the attack power of △ is high, it is impossible to defeat the absolute of α with a single blow. Protective circle!"

Monkey King: "Didn't you find it? Astria's speed is too fast. Icarus's absolute protection circle has not been fully opened yet, it has been cut by her with a single sword."

Nimf looked stunned: "So that's the case, let me just say, Icarus's absolute protection circle can't be that fragile."

Sun Wukong shook his head, looked at the lightsaber in Astria's hand, and said, "No, Astria has the ability to break Icarus's absolute protection circle with one blow."

Hearing this, Nimf also thought of the horror of Astria's melee combat, and immediately shouted to Icarus in the air: "α, don't let △ get close, you have to keep a distance from her and perform long-range attacks!"

"It's nosy!"

Astria shouted angrily, and appeared in front of Icarus again as if teleporting. Icarus knew that she couldn't be entangled by her close body, so he spread out his wings for the first time and flashed to While avoiding it, at the same time, the brilliance in the hand is condensed, and the weapon is already condensed in the hand.

Nimf looked stunned: "Isn't it?! The ultimate weapon was used as soon as it came?"

Monkey King: "It seems that Icarus also felt the threat from Asteria!"

"The final weapon..." Astria stared at Icarus, and stopped pursuing him, but his eyes revealed undaunted perseverance: "Senior Icarus, you who betrayed Sinapus, just Let our fetters be completely cut off here!"

The lightsaber in his hand was swung horizontally, and a huge beam of light was blasted to envelop the entire body of the sword. There were terrible lightning flashes around the beam, gorgeous and exaggerated, as if Astraea was holding a huge ornate light gun, full of violent violence The destruction of the atmosphere.

"That's...!!!" Nimf looked shocked: "Super Vibrating Photon Sword——Golden Robbery!!! Stop them quickly, if they are allowed to fight here, the entire island will sink. ! Even us will be affected by their attack range!"

Monkey King turned his head to look at Nimf. "This last sentence is your voice, right?"

Nimf looked anxious: "You care~ Don't talk about this yet, haven't you easily taken over the final weapon of α? Hurry up and stop them!"

"If this holiday island is destroyed, it is indeed a pity. I plan to take Mikako and the others here on vacation. Moreover, if the battle is on this scale, the two of them will indeed be injured. This is not what I think. What you see."

As Monkey King said, he took a step and appeared in front of Icarus: "That's it, Icarus, you go down first."

"the host?"

"You two are so foolish, but both will be hurt. Let me send her away."

Hearing this, Icarus retracted the final weapon and landed on the ground.

She still knows a little bit about the strength of Monkey King, after all, Monkey King easily grabbed the powerful blow of her final weapon with bare hands.

Seeing this picture, Astraea frowned slightly: "The master said that your grub is also very strong. You must be very careful when you encounter it. Therefore, I will not be merciful! Kill you, After getting rid of the two of them, I can go back to my life!"

With a soft cry, the super vibrating photon sword in Astraea's hand-the grab of gold has already been slashed towards Monkey King!


It is the violent roar caused by physical collision!

At this moment, both Astria and Nimf's eyes widened in shock, and the twin, Hobby, who had lost the ability to fight, also had a damn expression, full of shock.

Because the picture they saw was so shocking, one finger, the grub they had always thought, took the terrifying super vibrating photon sword of Astra with just one finger. ——The gold grab!

"Unexpectedly... unexpectedly... next... a finger?!!! And... hasn't exploded yet?!!!"

Gemini Hobby was already trembling by the shocked and frightened body.

Nimf also widened his cute and surprised eyes: "This guy must be... not a human, right?"

"No...impossible!!! guy...who is it?! How could human beings have... this kind of power?!!!" Astraea was really frightened at this time, her own trick It was even more shocking for her client to be picked up by the other party with a finger.

With a flick of Monkey King's finger, the light gun that was parried by him has collapsed and dissipated.

Astraea swallowed her saliva with a'gulong', and her body trembled with fright: " all...not a...level!!!"

Nimf looked at Monkey King's figure radiating a strange light: "It's so handsome! He can't be something... a humanoid?"

Monkey King looked at Astraea with a smile: "How about stopping here? I don't want to see anyone injured on either side."

"Yes Yes…"

Astria nodded instinctively, obviously captured by Monkey King's aura.

"△, do you know what you are talking about?" Gemini Hobby suddenly shouted angrily: "Don't forget the task that the master gave us, even if we die, we will definitely complete it!"

As he said, the electronic brilliance in his hand was shining and condensed into a card. On both sides of the card, strange rotating black holes appeared like a screen.

Mysterious ripples spread, and the card suddenly emits a dazzling light, which obscures everyone's sight. When the light dissipates, everything here is still motionless, and time is stopped.

The Gemini Hobby stood up from the pit with difficulty and looked at Monkey Wukong who was standing still. A smug sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Even if you are strong, in front of the universal card, it is still a small and weak grub!"

"△, what are you waiting for? Don't hurry up and give this grub the final blow!"

"Ah~but...but..." Astria hesitated: "I have made an appointment with him...I will stop here..."

"You stupid, idiot, do you want to defy and betray your master?"

"I...I...I know..." Astria struggled in her heart, and finally lowered her head, her entire expression darkened: "Master's command... above all... I'm sorry..."

Seeing Astraea walking towards him step by step, Monkey King sighed slightly: "The fate of your artificial angels is really sad, but at the same time, I think I should do this. It's complicated." ..

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