The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 34 Is it reality or dream?

Icarus looked at Nimf. Although there was no expression on her face, she was a little unhappy in her heart. She didn't know why.

Seeing Nimf’s happy smile, the understanding Icarus immediately put aside the unhappiness in his heart, learning from Monkey King to reach out and touch Nimf’s head.

Nimf, who was very happy at first, became even happier after getting Icarus's recognition.

"Why do both α and β like to recognize human beings as the main one?" Astria looked on the side and looked very puzzled. In their understanding, the humans on the ground are just lowly grubs. It's an incredible thing, although this grub is too powerful.

Monkey King looked at Astraea and said, "From now on, you should use your name instead, don't use the model number instead, it sounds weird."

"Name..." Astria hesitated: "But... we are still in a hostile relationship, and only true companions can call the name directly..."

Hearing this, Nimf immediately stared at him: "You idiot, do you still treat us as a dead enemy? If that's the case, I won't give you anything to eat again."

When Astraea heard this, she was shocked: "Huh?! Why is this, I just call it."

It seems that the Lord of Food and Sora, she chose food.

Here, I had to mourn for the Lord of Sora for a second. He is already in Astraea's heart, and he has no place to speak of.

Just after Sun Wukong took the three daughters of Icarus into the campus, he saw countless students on the playground, all of them looking up, and chatting non-stop.

Monkey King looked at Eishiro Morigata, who was equipped with a glider on the roof, and knew what was going on without asking.

At the same time, Chu Yuan's worried voice also appeared in Sun Wukong's ears: "Guild Leader, Senior Shouxing like this is really too dangerous, let's call him down quickly."

At the front of the crowd, Mikako said with a calm expression: "Ah~Don't be so nervous, if Morikata, you can't die even if you fall."

When Chu Yuan heard the words, his face was speechless: "Isn't he your childhood sweetheart? What's the matter with your calm tone?"

Mikako smiled: "Get used to it, it will be natural."

"Get used to..." Chu Yuan heard the words, full of black lines: "How many times has Senior Shouxing done this kind of thing?"

"Anyway... I can't remember it." Mikako said, seeing the Monkey King walking towards them from the entrance of the campus, and his eyes lit up slightly: "Ah~ Goku is here~"

"Huh?!" Chu could originally look behind him. When he saw Monkey King, his pretty face was flushed in vain, which reminded her of the two days as a maid when she was on an uninhabited island, but It made her memory fresh, it was a truly unforgettable memory, which made her dream a very strange dream at night.

As he approached, Nimf looked at Shou Xing with a curious expression: "Why can't that guy think so much and want to jump off the building?"

Mikako: "It seems that I got a little inspiration from studying your card, so I want to experiment."

As soon as the voice fell, Morigata Hideshiro on the rooftop had already leaped down, fluttering and falling from the sky to a big tree not far away in the exclamation of a group of students and teachers...


Looking at Morigata Eishiro with bandages on his hands, feet and head, Monkey King finally knew why his parents would reject him and hate him, and said with a slight emotion: "It's a miracle that you can live till now."

If you change to someone else, like Moromi, you don't know how many times you have died.

Anyone who has such a dead son is very troublesome. It is not unreasonable to kill his brother when he was a child.

However, scientists are crazy, incomprehensible, and do things differently from ordinary people.

Seeing Nimf, Shouxing immediately took out the card and gave it back to her: "It just happens that you are here. I want to return the card to you after school..."

"Do you still want to wait until school is over?" Nimf said grimly: "I really didn't realize it. I said that I only borrowed you for two days, and only now I have to pay it back."

"I'm really sorry, because the research is too dedicated and I forgot the time."

Monkey King looked curiously: "Then what have you researched?"

"Let's go back to the club and talk about it." Morigata Hideshiro said this, looking a little excited, but still calm.

New World Discovery Department.

Shougata looked at the three of Icarus seriously: "Actually, I have a question that I really want to ask you. One of these cards is a device that allows people to enter other people's dreams, right?"

Nimf: "Is this what you studied?"

"Yes." Morikata said with a serious face: "I want to confirm from your mouth, is that really a device that enters the dream of others?"

"Of course, what's the problem?"

Shou Xing heard the words, the Microcast wrinkled slightly, his expression in vain became extra serious, and he looked straight at the three daughters of Nimf: "So, does Sinaps really exist? Or is it...are we real?"

Seeing Shou Xing's serious expression, Monkey King suddenly became interested: "Oh ~ what did you find?"

In just two days, he unexpectedly discovered some clues, this guy is really capable.

Shougata said with a serious face: "Remember that girl named Fengyin Rihe?"

Chu Yuan looked curious: "Fengyin Rihe? The one from Class 2 in Class D? Does she have any questions?"

"I heard the chairman say that Wukong seems to be interested in her. People like you can't be interested in an ordinary girl. Therefore, when experimenting with the dream device, I chose her, but you guess , Where did I go?"

Chu Yuan rolled his eyes right now: "Of course it's in her dream, can't you still go to the sky?"

"Yes! I'm in the sky, to Sinaps!" Shou Xing said excitedly.

Chu Yuan curled his lips with a bored look: "That's just a dream!" Suddenly, he paused again, and said in surprise: "No, how could you see Sinapus in her dream? Is it because Feng Yin Rihe …Not human?!"

Shouxing looked at Nimf seriously and said, "I also want to know why? Is that really a dream? Or is it reality? I wanted to ask Fengyinri and classmates face to face, but today, I couldn't find her anyway. Ask the teacher, she doesn't know where Feng Yin Rihe went."

"It's really getting more and more interesting." Mikako looked at Monkey King with a smile: "Seeing such a calm look, you must know what's going on?" ..

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