The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 68: Another Icarus


Gemini Hobby brought a sumptuous dinner to the laboratory of the Master of Sora: "Excuse me, Master, it's time for dinner!"

"Let it go first." The Lord of Sora stared at the things in front of him without turning his head. The Gemini Hobby was shocked when he saw it, "But... the variable-wing nucleus?! ~ As expected of the master, the house opened successfully, yes. Right?"

Sora Lord’s expression was indifferent: "No...sorry, this is just a semi-finished product... The variable wing core that Daedalus has incorporated into the Queen of Sora... It was added slowly when Daedalus expanded. Condensed and stabilized things...If you have to contend with that power, it will take the same long time here, let alone that person..."

"That's it~~"

Gemini Hobby was a little disappointed.

"But... that's enough..." An inexplicable evil smile appeared at the corner of Sora Lord's mouth: "That person on the ground... didn't he easily healed the disposable consumables? He doesn't like robbing the West very much. Napus’ artificial angel? I’m going to give him a big gift now. I’m looking forward to it. He can treat this artificial angel as well, hehehehe..."


The semi-finished product "variable wing core" floats in the air, shining with shocking arcs and sounds.

The cold season in March and April has passed, and now it is gradually warming.

After more than a month, Mikako and the others will have summer vacation.

Because Nimf and the others have gone to school, Monkey King now looks a little bored, so they lie on the couch in the yard, basking in the sun, and enjoying Olegana’s careful massage.

In the hall, Kaos, at the suggestion of Monkey King, watched those youth school romance dramas. The pictures of kissing me and me from time to time made her very puzzled, but also made her a little envious: "Hang out with someone you like... ...It seems very happy..."

Turning his head, Kaos looked at Monkey King in the courtyard, his eyes twinkling, got up and walked over, hugged Monkey King's left hand, and looked at him expectantly: "Master... Let's go out and play."

"Yes!" Monkey King smiled and touched Kaos's head: "It seems that telling you to watch TV is not in vain. You all know you are dating me."

"Dating?" Kaos was puzzled.

"Hang out with someone you like, that's a date~"

When Kaos heard this, his eyes brightened: "Master, please date me!"

Monkey King smiled heartily: "You learned very fast, let's go!"

Allegana looked at the back of Monkey King holding Kaos away, and said weakly, "That...Master...Can you also take me?"

"Oh~ Does Allegana want to date me too?"

Allegana has always been three expressionless: "If it is the master, it would be a great honor! Otherwise... there will always be a feeling of being abandoned..."

"You are about the same virtue as Mikako. Okay, let's go. Neither of you have gone to a human amusement park. Today I will let you play it all."

Kong Mei Academy.

Astraea covered her head with her hands, lying on the desk with a painful face, listening to the teacher on the podium constantly "pounding": "Ah~~ School is really boring! This teacher is so annoying. Ah~ they are making people sleep~~ Nah~~ Chu Yuan, can I blow her away?"

"Stupid! This is a teacher! Don't do strange things!" Chu Yuan was obviously taken aback.

Nimf also felt very bored, and looked at Icarus beside him: "Or... Icarus, shall we skip class?"

Icarus did not answer, but looked at the driveway in the distance outside the window: "Master..."


Nimf and the others looked out the window curiously. When they saw Kaos and Olegana being held by Monkey King and talking and laughing on the street, each one was one. The assistant gritted his teeth: "It's too cunning! It's too cunning! We are suffering from a hellish classroom, and the two of them are actually shopping and dating the master happily!"

"It's decided!" Astria slapped the desk with both hands and yelled, "I want to skip class!"

With a bang, the white wings opened, and under the stunned expression of a classmate, I flew out of the window...

"Wait for me! You fool, don't run away alone!" Nimf hurriedly followed.

Icarus looked at the teacher who looked astonished on the podium, and at the two Kaos who were walking with Monkey King on the street with happiness, and suddenly felt that his power stove became a little strange: "Master I follow your own heart..."

With a crash, Icarus also spread his wings and broke out the window...

Chu Yuan yelled and rushed out of the classroom: "Hey~ you guys hurry back to me!"

The beautiful young beautiful teacher looked out the window blankly, feeling very hurt: "Is the teacher's class really so boring?"

In the next class, Fengyinri and Icarus looked at the few people flying out of the window, with a look of curiosity: "What are they going to do? Has something happened?" After hesitating, he raised his right hand: "Teacher, I I want to go to the toilet..."

In the other classroom, Mikako looked out the window and narrowed her eyes slightly: "Ah~Does the group skip class? It seems very interesting~" Then, under the surprised gaze of the teacher and classmates, she walked to the window...

Teacher: "Wait~ Mikako, what do you want to do?"

Mikako responded with a graceful smile: "Don't mind~ Teacher, just on a whim, I suddenly wanted to miss class."

With that said, under the awkward gaze of the teacher and classmates, they went directly down the window...

Monkey King looked at all the people around him with a speechless expression: "I said you guys, shouldn't you be in school now?"

Astria: "It's so boring to go to class! Master, I don't want to go to school anymore."

For a scumbag, class is really cruel.

At this moment, even Shou Xing ran over carrying the computer: "Master Wukong, please look at this..." As he said, he showed the computer in front of Monkey King.

Monkey King glanced lightly: "These black angels have come to the ground again, the Lord of Sora is really incessant."

Nimf looked serious: "Look at the location of this teleportation, which is just above our Kongmei Town. It is definitely for us!"

Fengyin Rihe: "Master, let's go outside the town, lest it affect other people."

While speaking, I saw a light falling from the sky...

At an altitude of less than 30 meters above the ground, there was another sudden stop. With a snap, the light ball dissipated, revealing the artificial angel with wings on its back.

"That is…"

Just seeing the face of this artificial angel, Mikako and the others opened their eyes in astonishment: "I...Icarus?!!!"

"Hey?! Why are there two Icarus?!!!"

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