"One time...invaded so much?!!!"

Sora Lord looked at the screen on the screen where he was sleepless, and he worked so hard to create a picture of a dozen artificial angels falling from the sky. His expression was shocked and ugly.

In his calculations, relying on Nimf's abilities, he would at most invade one or two artificial angels, but the abilities he showed now exceeded his calculations.

Monkey King can only say that the food they usually eat is not for nothing.

"Go on, Astoria, believe in yourself, you can!"

"Even if you say that, Master, I don't have much confidence!" Astria looked tangled: "I'm not like Senior Nimf, saying that evolution can evolve!"

Sun Wukong spread his hands together: "I won't make a move this time anyway. If you don't make a move, then wait for us to be bombarded by the final weapon together!"

Monkey King understands very well that if all difficulties are easily resolved by him, Astra and the others will have no sense of tension or danger. They will never be able to activate the Pandora system and achieve the possibility of self-evolution, so they can only be forced to force them. Evolved.

"Huh? Why... how is this!" Astria heard this, holding his head with both hands, making him more nervous.

Mikako encouraged her with a smile on her face: "Come on~ Astraea, our lives are all tied to you."

Chu Yuan was also cheering for her: "I believe you can do it."

Fengyin Rihe: "Go! Astraea!"

"Why are you all like this!" Astraea yelled "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

After Astraea was so unconfident, Icarus looked at Monkey King: "Can't...put the master in danger..." Then he looked at Asteria again: "Please take care of the master..."

With the wings open, Icarus's figure flew into the sky, opening the absolute defensive circle, and wrapping himself and Black Icarus in it at the same time.

At the same time, Heicarus also released the bowstring at the same time, and the arrows burning with black flames shot out...

A terrifying explosion burst into the inside of the absolute defense circle. Even if it was blocked by the absolute defense circle, you could still feel the slight shaking of the sky and the earth.


Astria and the others let out an exclamation.

Smoke and dust filled everything in the air, blocking the line of sight, and couldn't see what was inside. Only a moment later, I saw two figures falling from the sky. They were Icarus and Heicarus...

Monkey's figure flashed, catching the falling Icarus, and flashing to the original place again.

Mikako went to check immediately, her eyebrows frowned slightly: "97% of the function has stopped, it has been...spent..."

Astria looked blankly: "It's scrapped, that is to say... dead?! How could... this..." Deep regret and self-blame climbed onto her face: "If I don't hesitate... Uncertainty will not happen..."

Monkey King caressed Icarus’ delicate face: "It’s really not worrying, I rushed up by myself, but it’s very happy to see you care about me so much, so you can’t just Sleep like this, Icarus, I can't live without you."


As if the sound of a heart beating violently came from Icarus's body in vain, she floated up on her own, shining with a dazzling brilliance, breaking through the sky...

"The system confirms...Everything is normal...The self-evolution program...Pandora starts...Model typeα Icarus, ver·Ⅱ starts!"

The damaged shell began to repair itself...

The original armor-style dress has turned into a gorgeous fabric form, perfectly showing Icarus' proud figure.

The new wings spread, making Icarus more heroic, beautiful and charming.

A brand new and perfect Icarus appeared in front of everyone.

"Too... great!"

Seeing that Icarus was okay to evolve, Astraea, who originally blamed herself for sadness, cried with joy.

"Another one has evolved... and this kind of powerful and chaotic effort..." Sora Lord looked at everything on the screen, with a shocked expression on his face: "As expected to be the queen of Sora, Icarus! This kind of power is really true. It’s fascinating, it seems that we have got very good data!"

"Give me... kill her!" The Lord of Sora gave an order, and more than a dozen black holes emerged, and twelve black Icarus leaped out of it...

"Unexpectedly... there are?!!!" Chu Yuan looked astonished: "How many fakes did that guy make?"

Icarus, who closed his eyes slightly, opened his eyes in vain: "The action test begins!"

The absolute defensive circle was activated, which counteracted all Black Icarus' heat beam attacks for Icarus.

"AegisⅡ communication failure...Response speed is delayed by 3.5F, make correction..."

All the frenzied bombings of the twelve black Icarus were on the absolute defense of Icarus, but the Icarus who was inside was standing still.

Hei Icarus, who is as strong as defeating Astraea in a second, can't shake Icarus.

"Too...too amazing! As expected to be Senior Icarus!" Astria looked at the situation at this moment, her eyes were already shining with the little star of worship.

Monkey King stretched out his hand and squeezed her face, and said, "If you don't linger, you will be the one who is prestigious now."

"Huh? Really?!" Astraea looked expectantly: "Then master, when will I evolve?"

Monkey King: "The opportunity was wasted by you, I don't know."

Astria was hit hard: "Hey~~ Why is this!"

"Dual variable wings, the action test begins!" Icarus was expressionless and muttered to herself like a machine. While removing the absolute defensive circle, facing the siege of the digital black Icarus, her whole body was shining. A transparent aperture aura flashed his figure, rushing out of the encirclement of several people as if teleporting, punched straight, and bombarded a black Icarus on the back.

Amid the roar, Heicarus let out a scream, smashed to the ground like a cannonball, and shook an extremely exaggerated pit.

It was just a blow that made Black Icarus scrapped.

"That's awesome! After the evolution, Icarus... has he become so strong?!" Feng Yin Rihe looked surprised, looking at Monkey King with anticipation: "That...Master, can I evolve?"

"Your body is not loaded with Pandora's system."

"Is that so..." Feng Yin Rihe showed a lost expression. She didn't like fighting, but the new posture after evolution made her a little yearning.

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