The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 64 The World of Mind

"Why are all these people so perverted?" Feng Shayan whispered, she had to obey, and finally realized that she was sitting in the well before.

Precisely because of this, she now looks forward to what Sun Wukong can teach her.

Chen Duo just got rid of the poison for Feng Shayan, she couldn't wait to run to Monkey King: "Master, you know my strength almost thoroughly, don't you? Hurry up and teach me some powerful moves!"

"Don't go too far, you have to take your time." Monkey King reached out and patted Feng Shayan's head, and said calmly: "With your current strength, there is still no way to learn some advanced applications, but some basic and simple usages can be improved. ."

"How to do?"

"Try to punch me."

"Okay? I respect you, Master."

"If you ask you to hit you, hit it."

"All right." Feng Shayan chuckled and punched Sun Wukong in the chest, but when she heard a sudden cry of pain from herself, she stepped back several steps and almost sat down on the ground. .

It turned out that at the same time she punched out, the moment she was about to touch Sun Wukong, he was transferred to Feng Shayan by his space power.

Therefore, this punch seemed to hit Monkey King, but it was actually Monkey King who used space to transfer Feng Shayan's fist and hit herself.


"I know this, but you can't transfer other people's fists like the master. Some dead objects can be transferred barely, but it's very limited by distance."

"That's because your strength is not at home, and your understanding of space is not thorough enough. Of course, the most important point is that you have gone through a misunderstanding. You have been practicing Chi, thinking that your Chi is stronger, so your own ability. It will become stronger. This is wrong. That way, it can only increase your attack power, but it will not do much to improve your spatial transfer ability."

"Hey?! How do I practice?" Feng Shayan's eyes widened at this moment. Is her cultivation in the wrong direction?

"Cultivate your own god, improve your state of mind, and then blend into your mind, to understand your ability to transfer space, to understand it a little bit, to blend into it, then your understanding of space will become stronger and stronger."

"In fact, the simple summary is that this is the same as the magician practicing the magical magic. If you have contacted the magical magical magic earlier, you won't make detours, but you have used good space abilities like this."

Feng Shayan looked helpless: "Okay, okay~ Master, can’t I know that I’m wrong? Don’t keep talking about this. I’m a stranger by nature, and no one taught me. It is excusable, now you can just give me the right thing."

"Tell you to teach you that you still don't want to listen, right?"

"Yes, yes, I want to hear, I want to hear."

"I think you owe it."

"Don't!" When Feng Shayan heard this, she instinctively took a few steps back: "Master, won't hit me again?"

Monkey King sighed, "Come here."

"Just go without hitting me."

"It seems I have to teach you how to listen to Master."

"Don't, I can't come here." Feng Shayan immediately persuaded, and cautiously walked to Monkey King, putting her hands behind her, as if he was afraid that Monkey King would beat her.

This timid appearance made Monkey King a little funny: "Okay, I didn't say I'm going to beat you. Sit down."

"Oh~" As soon as she didn't hit herself, Feng Shayan immediately sat down.

Monkey King: "I will draw you into my own state of mind now, don't think about anything, just keep it empty."

Feng Shayan nodded.

Monkey King stretched out his hand and pointed at the center of her eyebrows. Feng Shayan only felt her mind sinking, her eyes were dark, and she was shocked to find that she was already in a chaotic world of changes and thunderclouds. The Monkey King standing next to him would be shocked.

"Master...Master? Where is this? Where did you use teleportation to take me?"

"What moves in an instant?" Monkey King patted Feng Shayan's head in an angry manner: "This is your state of mind, but it's really bad enough. It seems that your temper is really bad."

"Ahem~~ Is this my state of mind world?" Feng Shayan coughed awkwardly, and looked around curiously: "I heard that those sorcerers are practicing this stuff, how do you practice? Master, you brought me here. What are you going to do again?"

"Everyone has a real self in the world of mind, and this real self knows exactly how to develop his abilities. I bring you here so that you can see your real self."

"So amazing? I also want to see who I am. Where is it? Where is it?" Feng Shayan looked around with surprise.

And at this moment, a deep, smirk smile suddenly sounded: "Oh, ah~~ I didn't expect you, an outsider, to enter here with this straw bag, it's amazing."

"Uh~ this guy... is the real me?" Feng Shayan looked at her suddenly flying in front of her eyes, her eyes were dark, she looked exactly like her, she was full of black lines, and her face was angry: "Asshole, Who are you talking about?"

"Uh~ I really can't say that to you." Feng Shayan in her mind seemed to look introspective: "After all, I am you, and you are me. If you are a idiot, it means I am a idiot. Sorry, for scolding. I am deeply sorry that you are a idiot."

"Uh~ she is apologizing like me?" Feng Shayan looked at Monkey King dumbfounded. Why is this true self so weird?It’s a bit refreshing.

"However, you are an outsider, how can you step into other people's minds at will!" Mood Feng Shayan's eyes suddenly fixed on Monkey King's body, her dark pupils revealed real killing intent and hostility.

He just took a step forward and appeared in vain in front of Monkey King, slamming his fist towards Monkey King's face, surrounded by a deep black fist.

It's not a pity that Monkey King grabbed her wrist with one hand, which made it difficult for her to make a difference.

Feng Shayan's eyes widened in shock at this moment: "Just now, what she used just now... is teleportation?"

"No, just space shuttle." Monkey King explained indifferently.

"Damn it! Why in the world of other people's minds, you can still have such a powerful strength?" Mood Feng Shayan looked at the Monkey King who was holding her wrist with an angry and shocked face. It's her home court. What's wrong with this person?..

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