The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred Seven

When Wang Ye heard the words, their complexion changed slightly. They fled alone and left Lu Jin alone. They naturally couldn't do it, but if they stayed, it would become a hindrance, and it would be impossible. Then, look at Yuan Tao, etc. People are not willing to let them go.

"It's all in this situation, still want to go? Lu Jin, do you still want to block us all by yourself? Are we really a decoration?" Yuan Tao looked at Lu Jin, his eyes faintly flashing with killing intent, he He really wanted to kill Lu Jin, but at this moment, he focused his eyes on Lu Linglong: "Gao Ning, Dou Mei, and Lu Jin will leave it to you two. How about this little girl? "

"Yuan Tao, you bastard, dare to try one of our exquisite hair!!" Lu Jin heard the words, and instantly exploded his hair, a violent scorpion broke out, and the five thunder curse talisman was instantly drawn into shape and turned into a five-thunder light column Xiang Yuantao Lasing away.

However, I saw a bead flying out of Yuan Tao's hand, forming a transparent enchantment, which actually blocked the thunder light of the five thunder spell.

"It seems that you are really anxious, Lu Jin." Yuan Tao's face was gloomy and unkind: "I heard that you care about your great-granddaughter the most, but I don't know what happened to her and what will happen to you. What?"

"You bastard, I killed you!" Lu Jin's face was angry, and his fingers danced with the painting in front of him, and it took a moment to lose to Thunder Talisman.

"Amitabha Buddha, Lu Shizhu, your opponent is us." Gao Ning and Dou Mei stepped forward at the same time, blocking Lu Jin's path.

Because of worrying about Lu Linglong's safety, Lu Jin was extremely angry right now: "You two bastards, get out of here!"

"Forgive me." Gao Ning smiled, but when he moved his hands, he couldn't see the slightest softness: "Twelve labors."

"Huh?!" Lu Jin frowned, and he was already extremely angry. At this moment, he suddenly found that he was almost dizzy with anger at that moment, and his eyes immediately fell on Gao Ning: "He M's, Gao Ning, a bald donkey, is really in trouble, so solve you first! Quadruple Thunder Talisman!

Just as the four thunder symbols were about to turn into thunder and shoot out, Dou Mei opened her hands, and a little bit of starlight pollen scattered from her hands, making Lu Jin, who was originally angry, almost half hypnotized, and bowed her head. The eye, standing still, disappeared together with the four thunder symbols.

"Hey~" When Shen Chong saw such a great opportunity, he couldn't miss it, and slapped Lu Jin's heart with the power of opening the mountain and cracking the rock.

"You damaged goods, how dare you hurt someone with a secret arrow!" Wang Ye burst out with a loud shout: "Kun word——tuhe cart!!" The ground in front of him instantly surged like a river and swallowed it towards Shen Lang. .

As a last resort, Shen Lang could only turn around halfway to avoid the edge.

And Wang Ye also reflected it at this moment, and was slightly taken aback: "Pan Dao seemed to say something terrible just now? Sins and sins! Is this the Twelve Labors? It's really amazing!" He reminded loudly, "Hey, you guys." But stop talking, and quickly protect Shaoyin on the hands and Jueyin on the feet."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Lingyu and the others did not suspect that he was there, and immediately clicked on the two key points of each.

At this moment, Lu Jin also woke up from Dou Mei’s scent. He glanced at Wang Ye and praised him: “You call Wang Ye, it’s pretty good. I’m afraid it’s impossible to leave now. Now, depending on your skill, you should be able to help a little bit. I blocked Gao Ning and Dou Mei, and the others will be left to you. Remember, we must protect my Linglong, otherwise I will ask you for it. Stay away from me, I'm afraid I will hit you together!"

"Senior Lu, then you have to be careful!" Wang Ye's expression was solemn. He had already learned Gao Ning and Dou Mei's ability just now. This ability to affect others' emotions without knowing it can only be scary. To describe it, those who are weak in mind may lose themselves in an instant.

"Four madmen are going together, the old man is not afraid, let alone just two!" Under the influence of the Twelve Labor Forces, Lu Jin can be described as arrogant at the moment: "You guys get farther away from me! The rebellious birth triple... Five Thunders Talisman!!"

Five thunder talismans protected him, and Lu Jin rushed towards Gao Ning...

"This old guy actually played suicidal style..." Yuan Tao shouted loudly, "Handan, go, stay away. This old guy has a triple rebellion, but you can't play with him like this. We Let’s clean up our goal first."

"Two people, this is not okay, or else, how about letting a junior be your opponent?" Wang also blocked Yuan Tao's path.

"This handsome little brother, how about let's have fun too?" Xia He looked at Zhang Lingyu with a charming smile.

"Hmm..." Zhang Lingyu was blushing now, his eyes dodged, and he was a little afraid to look.

With squinting eyes, Zhuge Qing shook his head as he looked at the side: "I said that you are a Taoist master, you are a cultivator. You are usually serious, how can you not even be a woman's charm? Or, let me come. Right?"

"Leave it to you." Zhang Lingyu changed the target to Shen Chong without hesitation.

"Hey, handsome guy, don't go!" Xia He looked dissatisfied: "I really don't understand the customs." After speaking, he fixed his eyes on Zhuge Qing's body: "However, this little brother looks good. Pretty handsome, it suits my liking~"

"Really, that is my honor." When Zhuge Qing squinted his eyes, facing Xia He, there was no change in emotion as usual.

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be affected?" Xia He looked at Zhuge Qing with a little surprise, and said that squinting was a monster, and it didn't seem to be groundless.

"Handan, you go get that girl for me!" While Yuan Tao entangled Wang Ye, he also gave instructions to Handan.

"Oh oh~~" With a silly look, the silly egg ran over to Lu Linglong and the others, holding a water gun in his hand and giving it a shot at Lu Linglong.

Lu Linglong and Zhi Jinhua dodge at the same time, but Handan is also suddenly speeding up to get close now. The huge body carries the great pressure of the two women, but each still punches Handan's belly. Go up, it's just that the silly egg is like a okay person, scratching his head, with a look of curiosity: "Are you tickling me?"

With that said, there was no pity for Xiangxiyu with a fist as big as a casserole, and the two women could only step back, with a serious face: "This big guy is so thick!"

"I am not thick-skinned, but wearing a magic weapon." Handan'er explained seriously.

"So that's the case, refiner..." Zhi Jinhua's eyes lit up. This stupid big man looked stupid, but he didn't expect to be so stupid. He even told others about his abilities.

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