Who would be willing to entrust his life to such a waste?

Monkey King picked up a long sword from the ground and moved forward indifferently, looking at the bright armors of the knights. It was so obstructive: "Knights, huh, you guys--it's an eyesore!"

Monkey King is not overflowing with sympathy. It’s just that these people in front of him slaughtered the children without blinking. It really makes people look down. It can’t be called a human anymore, it’s just draped. Human skin monster.

The voice was soft, and the knights truly felt death, and the invisible and inexplicable pressure made them retreat with unceasing fear.

At this moment, they didn't even have the courage to step forward.

"A miscellaneous fish is a miscellaneous fish, so you can only bully an unarmed person? When you encounter a strong enemy, can't you resist?"

As he said, Monkey King swung the long sword in his hand, the cold light flashed, and several heads flew down. The intense fear made the knights more fearful.

"Da... Damn!! It's so far away!! I haven't seen him use his skills! How did he get attacked?!" Belius couldn't stand this depressed atmosphere and screamed in fear. The scene of being taken away at random made him panic, frightened him, and made him uneasy.

"Quick! Go and block him for me! I'm not someone who can die here casually! Hurry up and help me buy time! Use your body as a shield to protect me!" Belius saw Sun Wukong go one step further, and he left death. Close to a portion, yelling hoarse in fright.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him because they were also afraid.

Who would dare to step forward in this posture of waving and killing people?The knights did not advance and retreated, with deep fear on their faces.

Seeing the knights around him retreating, Berius was completely shrouded in fear, shivering and screaming sharply again: "Money, I will give you money! Two hundred gold coins! No, five hundred gold coins! Quickly! Come and save me!!"

Unfortunately, no matter how many rewards he offered, no one came forward.

"It's really ugly. Rubbish like you doesn't even have the qualification to die in my hands." Monkey King looked indifferently, looked at the knights, suddenly lost interest, but his voice filled his ears like a magic sound: "You guys ——Let’s kill each other!"

"W...what?" All the knights were taken aback.

At the next moment, Berius suddenly laughed wildly with a hideous face and roared: "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!!!"

I saw that his eyes were blood red, and he was almost scared. He suddenly dashed to a knight. The long sword in his hand slashed at the aorta of his neck without hesitation. For a while, blood splashed, carrying Howl crazy!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh On the neck, the sharp blade got stuck in half of the neck...

For a time, bloody cannibalism, all despair kicked off...

When the villagers around saw it, they were all stiff and horrified. The picture in front of them was too weird and bloody. The demons in their eyes seemed to have turned into real demons at this moment. They picked up the butcher knife and began to kill. Up your own companions.

A few minutes later, dozens of knights hacked each other to death like this abruptly, leaving behind a completely inscrutable body.

"This, this...what kind of magic is this?!!!" Lundes in the distance looked at everything in front of him with shock and horror. Under his solemn face, there was a deep shock and fear. Just a single sentence made most of it. The knights slaughtered each other to death.

"This person... must never come close!" Therefore, he came to such a conclusion, without hesitation, with the remaining knights, turned and fled...

Monkey King turned a blind eye and didn't bother to chase after him. These people accidentally escaped two or three of the ants in his eyes, so let's escape. Anyway, death sooner or later is not all death.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you for saving our Kahn Village. If it weren't for you, we would probably... I don't know who your benefactor is...?" An elderly man with more than half of his hair dyed white but a healthy body When he came to the front of Monkey King and saluted respectfully, the villagers around him also bowed their hearts to give thanks.

"Don't get me wrong, I did not do it to save you, just because they were not pleasing to your eyes." Monkey King glanced at the old man, turned around, and looked far away from the village. There, if there is no accident, it should be There will be a large underground tomb, inhabited by a group of BOSS-level characters.

Monkey King was very curious as to why the King of Force did not appear, and where he accidentally flapped the butterfly's wings.

Then he looked at the two sisters An Li not far away. At this time, the two sisters were holding their parents' bodies and crying, their faces full of sadness and helplessness.

At the same time, on the mountain road less than one mile away from the village, a group of people riding horses resembling warriors gradually approached Kahn Village.

These people wear different clothes, although they also wear armors, they are free to match different equipment; some wear Piquet, some do not wear armor, revealing the chain-locking clothing inside.

Some people wear helmets, while others don’t. The common point is that everyone shows their faces. Although everyone wears the same sword, in addition, they are even equipped with bows and arrows, single pistols, and nails. The spare weapons, such as the head hammer, are in sharp contrast with the cavalry who attacked Kahn Village before.

To say that they are cavalry and battlefield veterans is to praise them. To put it awkwardly, they are just scattered mercenaries.

However, the captain at the forefront has an eye-catching and aggressive appearance.

"Captain warrior, look, there seems to be someone falling down on the road ahead!" A sharp-eyed soldier suddenly pointed to the front and shouted.

"Let's go! Go and see! Maybe it was attacked by a nearby imperial knight, and see if it's dead!" The warrior commander immediately ordered, urging the mount to rush to the boy who fell in the middle of the road, and check it. , The chief warrior of the kingdom said: "I'm still angry. Look at the wound on his body, it is obviously caused by an attack. Hurry, hurry up and bandage him. If you can save it, you must save!

After being bandaged by everyone, the unconscious teenager woke up miraculously.

Looking at the strange environment, the stranger, the young man was slightly startled: "Where...Where are you? Who are you...?" ..

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