As the Bone King, Sebas will naturally follow his words, but as a human teenager, it is strange to care about him.

The guardians of Naxalek only obeyed the orders of the 41 supreme Supremes, that is, the orders of the 41 game characters. Now the teenager has lost the Bone King game characters, and naturally also lost the bones. The treatment Wang deserves.

Now he is just an ordinary human being. In the eyes of the guardians, he is just a weak clown and ugly bug, and he can no longer enjoy the glory brought by the Bone King.

On the other side, Gu Geoff was already fighting with the angel who came close.

Gu Gefu drew his sword and shook it at the angel. The sword flashed swiftly, and the sword light of the strongest man in the kingdom really carried an astonishing aura that was enough to make a single blow.

However, even though the angel's body was severely damaged, it would not die. The blood spewed out in the air turned into angel's magic power, and disappeared.

"Assault! Kill it!!" Ge Gefu stared sharply at the angel who had escaped, and gave orders to his men.

When all the soldiers heard the words, they all roared, and the angels who rushed towards them like a rainbow rushed over!

The safety of the chief warrior does not need them to worry about, because they know very well that the strength of the chief warrior is stronger than them. The strongest warrior in the kingdom is not a decoration. Their only task is to break through the besieged angels and make a bloody path. , In order to break through.

Although the angel was hit hard by Gu Geoff, he was still fighting for the flaw in Gu Geoff.

But in the same way, after the attack, Gu Geoff also understood why the angel received a powerful blow from himself and did not fall.

Some monsters have special abilities, as long as they are not hit by weapons of non-specific materials, their damage will be greatly reduced.

Angels have this ability, so even if they were hit by a powerful blow, they didn't fall down.

Now that he knew the reason, Gu Geoff immediately gathered his body strength and activated the martial arts skill "Concentrated Fighting Qi," and the sword shimmered.

Seeing this opportunity, the angel also swung the sword of Chi Yan.

It's a pity that this speed is too slow and too late in the eyes of Geoff.

With the movement of Ge Gefu's sword, a more powerful sword than the one just now, easily cut off the angel's body.

The angel whose main body is destroyed disappears into the air like melting; the shiny wings disappear in an instant after being scattered, and the dreamlike scene is fascinating.

But Gu Geoff is not optimistic, because there are more angels approaching him, but seeing this scene, his face shows an inexplicable smile.

In this way, the encirclement of the village was lifted, and his efforts have had the desired effect. Now he only hopes that the villagers can escape, and he can do it without any worries.

And at this time, the horses under his team neighed, just like Geff, the horse's feet were raised high, and several people groaned following the falling horse. The angel took the opportunity to attack, and there was another magic caster beside him. Magic attack, several soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

Gurdjieff couldn't bear to witness this painful take over, roared, and galloped forward, the angel who was blocking the road with one sword and two sections, the target was directed at the enemy commander.

Many years of fighting career, let him understand the truth of the first to capture the king.

However, his behavior naturally attracted the attention of the other party, and there were more than thirty angels blocking him.

Seeing the other party's strict precautions, Gu Geoff was naturally very upset, launching a hidden killer move, and the heat radiating from his hands spread to his whole body.

Gu Geoff has broken through the limits of his body and reached the realm of heroes. Not only that, but he can also activate a variety of martial arts skills at the same time ─ ─ this can be said to be warrior magic.

Staring at the six angels flying around, like a flash of swift martial arts skills, it hits six angels in one move.

"Six Lights Slash!"

The surrounding six angels were severely broken, becoming a ball of light and dissipating.

The reinforcements of the Silian Church exclaimed, and Geff's subordinates cheered loudly.

However, then, more angels attacked Gerjief again, and one of them had already slashed off the Red Flame Sword in his hand.

"Reflect instantly!"

Almost at the moment when the angel slashed down, Gu Geoff immediately activated the skill, his body flashed away like a haze, and another counterattack made the angel turn into a ball of light and dissipated.

But Gu Geoff's actions did not end there.

"The flow speeds up."

Another skill is displayed on the body, and his body shape instantly becomes extremely agile, and the attacking angels are solved one by one with the movement like clouds and flowing water.

With a single face showing several tricks and killing several angels one after another, Gedeff's men saw the dawn of victory, their morale became even higher, and even their strength in their hands increased by one point.

"It's really good, you really deserve to be the strongest warrior in the kingdom!" The enemy looked at Geoff and exclaimed, "But it's over."

The priest who lost the angel summoned a new angel again and launched another round of new attacks.

Ge Gefu looked very solemn for a while, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "The situation is a little bit bad!"

One or two angels are naturally not a threat to him, but if it is an inexhaustible angel, it will be a little difficult. After all, he is also a flesh and blood body, and his fighting spirit and physical strength are limited. If this continues, he will inevitably be consumed. dead.

Seeing this situation, the soldiers who had just given rise to hope of victory were ruthlessly shattered, but since they had been prepared for a long time, their morale was not low, but they became more brave, fighting toward the angels. go with!

Gu Geoff bit his lip and could only continue to swing his sword, showing several one-strike mortal moves. The record of continuous use of "Six Lights Continuous Slash" was constantly updated.

He wanted to get rid of the group of priests close by, that is, chanting with magic. Unfortunately, countless angels blocked the way and couldn't get close at all. After beheading the angels in front of him, a new group of angels was called. Out.

This cycle gradually brought him to the brink of death.

Gu Gefu felt that the sword he was swinging was getting heavier and heavier, and his heartbeat was also disordered. In the face of such an inexhaustible number of strong people, he could only admit it.

The subordinates also fell one by one, and in the end, only Ge Gefu was struggling to support him, but even if he stepped into the realm of heroes, he had no chance of winning in front of the endless stream of angels.

Seeing this situation, Sebas said with a calm face, "It seems it is over."

"No! It's not over yet!!" The young man yelled decisively, covering his abdomen and ran forward, raising his hands at a distance of no less than 50 meters: "Please continue to fight, Lord Warrior!! "..

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