The wind moved Monkey King's robes, adding a little mystery to him.

But in this wind, Negan and his party felt the breath of death.

The shock of that sword made their memories fresh and lingering, flashing back and forth uncontrollably in their minds from time to time, making the fear in their hearts more intense.

This is a powerful swordsman that they cannot understand.

"The dying person is not qualified to know my name." Monkey King stepped forward and walked to the front of Ge Gefu, looking at everyone in the Sunshine Sacred Book.


There were several hoarse screams around Negan, a voice full of fear.

At this time, Negan knew the fear of his men very well. This kind of scalp numbness, originated from the instinctively panicking aura of the strong, even his feet were frightened.

Just standing in front of this person, it feels like standing on the edge of death, at this moment, he is staring at death.

"Where is he sacred?!!!"

Negan was a little mad with fear in his heart. He searched all the memories in his brain, but he didn't find such a strong man in the world.

A flustered roar came from Negan's mouth: "Keep calling, don't let this person come near!!"

The magic chanted as they heard the words, they immediately chanted the spell, and once again summoned the angels, covering the sky in front of them.

"I don't believe it. You can use that powerful sword skill without any restrictions." Nigan roared. He believed that that kind of terrifying sword skill that kills all angels with a single sword absolutely has huge limitations, and it is impossible. Used frequently.

"Oh~ You don't think this is my strongest trick, right?" Monkey King looked at the speaker with a smile, flicked the sword in his hand again, and suddenly all the angels were neat and tidy again. The burst of light dissipated.

"Actually, this is just my ace."

Indifferent words came into everyone's ears, and the breeze was blowing, but they felt the biting cold, fear spreading, and devouring everyone of the magic caster.

"No...impossible!! This is impossible!!!"

"Woo, ooh───!!"

"Is this a monster?!!!"

Negan's pupils tightened, his eyes widened, and he was so scared that he sat down on the ground. The fear made his heart collapse, and he shouted hoarsely: "Attack, attack me!!"

The magic casters who found that the angels were not useful screamed, and at the same time they used the magic they believed in a series of fears:

"Conceive Humans" "Hammer of Justice", "Binding", "Rain of Fire", "Green Jade Sarcophagus", "Sacred Laser", "Shock Wave", "Stalagmite Assault", "Open Trauma", "Poisoning" , "Terror", "Curse", "Blindness"...

Numerous attack, control, curse and other magic all greeted Monkey King. If this is an online game, everyone will be able to see a staggering series of immune fonts on Monkey King’s head.

A magic caster who was mad because the magic had no effect made a strange scream. He threw out the magic wand in his hand and smashed it at Monkey King.

"Hey hey hey~ Forget about throwing magic, throwing magic wands is too much!" Monkey King grabbed the thrown magic wand and looked at the magic casters indifferently. The indifferent voice made them feel like they were Trapped in the world of nightmares.

For a while, everyone's movements were frozen in place, and they didn't dare to move.

And Monkey King raised his sword's hand again.

"No! I don't want to die! I don't want to die yet!!!"

Some magic casters could not bear this suppressed fear, screaming, and fleeing in all directions.

However, at this moment, several angels who were wearing full-body armor, holding a huge mace in one hand and a round shield in the other, appeared out of the crowd like the hem of a long skirt, and the angels whose feet were completely covered, gave a merciless blow. Blast the heads of the escaped magic casters.

Negan's distorted and mad and cold voice also sounded: "The escapee before the battle, kill without mercy, and his family!"

All the magic casters shook their hearts when they heard the words, and the commander's orders made them cold.

"Surveillance Angel! Go on!"

Negan's order was issued again. After these angels with surveillance rights, who were different from other angels, were ordered to kill Monkey King.

The surveillance power angel is an angel with stronger strength than the archangel. The reason why he has not been out so far is because of his special ability.

As the name suggests, the surveillance right angel has the special ability to increase the defense of one's own side in the field of vision, which will lose its effect after moving, so it is wise to let the surveillance right angel stand by.

Since he is dispatched, it means that he has nothing to do.

"It's boring, it seems that you haven't figured out the current situation! The only choice is to wait for death." Monkey King looked indifferent, and the sword in his hand was already slashed down. This time, together with the magic casters and surveillance rights. The angel's body was cut in two at once, and fell into a pool of blood, while the surveillance angel turned into a spot of light and dissipated.

"I still haven't seen it..." Sebastian's face was solemn, this kind of incredible sword, even if he read it several times in a row, he still couldn't see its trajectory.

"Okay... so strong!! This has exceeded the limit of human beings?!" Ggeeff was completely stunned at this moment.

"How, how is it possible?!!! Another... Another sword... Even the angel of surveillance rights...!!!" Negan really broke down this time. Looking at all the men who died tragically, the blue and yellow have already flowed from the hip. Wu Wu, without this group of subordinates, there is no way to summon angels: "There can be no such thing! No one can destroy high-level angels with just one move! How sacred are you? Are people like you? It may be unknown to this day! Who are you?!"

"All said, there is no need for the dying person to ask so many questions." Monkey King looked indifferently, and raised his sword hand again.

But he was so scared that Nigan immediately screamed: "Impossible! Impossible! I can't just die like this! I have a last resort!"

While screaming in fear, Negan took out a crystal from his arms: "The magic sealed in the crystal can summon the strongest angel! This angel once killed a demon god who turned the mainland to the ground two hundred years ago, you Isn't it very strong? Then compare with the strongest angel, who is stronger!"

"The strongest angel? Is it...?!" Hearing this, the young man's expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "Master Monkey King, hurry up, stop him! Don't let him summon, the crystal may be sealed with the Supreme Seraph !" ..

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