The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter Nineteen Clementine

"This is!!" The man couldn't help being dumbfounded. Although he was only looking from a distance, he would never read it wrong. It was the crown he had seen before: "The symbol of the Witch Princess, the crown of the wise man! This is not of the Slian State of Order. One of the biggest secret treasures!"

The woman laughed endlessly, looking very evil: "Yes~ Because I saw the cute girl wearing this weird crown, I thought it was too abrupt, so I started it. The result surprised me! The other party went crazy immediately—— Fart pissing!"

If the wise man’s crown is snatched away, what will happen to the person who originally wore it-that is, the witch princess, the central figure in the magic ritual of the Slian State, will end up, it is impossible for a woman who is a former dark scripture to know.

However, she is now speaking such words in such a tone, it is obvious that the woman's personality is twisted and has some defects.

A person wearing a wise man’s crown must never be removed. If it is removed forcibly, either the brain will be necrotic and become a vegetative person; or he will simply go crazy.

And if the witch princess, who is the kingdom of Sleng, goes crazy, there will only be one result, and she will definitely be sent to the embrace of God immediately.

The woman stopped the silly laughter, pouting her mouth, and said, "But there is no way, because only this way can be obtained-it is the fault of the person who made this crown, the guy is wrong!"

There is no safe way to take off the wise man's crown, the only way is to destroy.

After being shocked, the man looked at the crown in the woman's hand, but he snorted coldly: "Huh, what you want to rob if you betray the dark scriptures is actually such a waste! It's better to grab the artifact left by the six great gods. Better."

The reason why the man said this is because of the special nature of the wise man's crown. This piece of equipment is not something that everyone can wear. There must be qualified talents, and such a person has a probability of only one in a million.

That's why the man said that this crown is waste. What is unusable, not what is waste?

"It's too much to say it's rubbish!" The woman pretended to puff her cheeks, with an inexplicably charming feeling.

"The probability of a woman who can wear this item is only one in a million. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a waste? If it weren't for a country like the Sri Lankan State, you couldn't even find a wearer!"

Slian State is the only country in the surrounding countries that has a resident list, so as long as you use the resident list, you can easily find the wearer of this item-the sacrifice.

The woman pursed her mouth with dissatisfaction: "It is impossible to grab that artifact! Because it is protected by the strongest monster of the dark sacred scripture that transcends the human realm, the blood of the six great gods, and the genetically inherited animal! "

"Are you a god... Are those guys really that strong? I only heard you say it."

"Those guys have already surpassed the strong domain! That's because the information is blocked, you don't know, because if the insider is tortured in a mind-controlled manner, it will be bad. I heard that if the wind leaks, it will cause In a decisive battle with the remaining true dragon king, the religious nation will be affected or even destroyed. I hope you can pretend not to hear it."

The man was a little bit bluffed: "...a little unbelievable."

The woman chuckled: "It was unbelievable. On the way here, I also heard an unbelievable news~"

"Huh? What is it?"

"Have you heard of the Forest King?"

"The monsters in the transmission have naturally heard of them."

"But, this legendary monster has been tamed!"

The man was taken aback for a moment, and his indifferent face showed a little surprise: "Who is it? Could it be those..."

"No!" The woman said, jumping onto a stone platform and sitting down, shaking her little feet: "He is a very handsome young guy, he seems to be called Monkey King, not any known strong person. Oh~"

The man's expression became serious: "When has a strong man who can tame the sage king of the forest appear on the continent! Is he in Ye Lantil now?"

"Yes, it's in the biggest hotel in the city!"

"Hmm~" The man looked solemn, if Ye Lan Tier had such a strong man, then his plan...

"Don't show such an expression!" The woman chuckled, "I know you are in trouble, so I came to you! Kargit Dale Badantier, who is also a twelve cadre, is willing Can you help me?"

"Oh, did you finally show your true face? Do not call me Dale, the clone of Queen's Tears, I don't need that name anymore."

"Then you don't call me the clone of Queen's Tears? Call me Clementine."

Kajit's face was serious: "Speak straight, Clementine, how do you work with me? Just rely on your crown?"

"I told you not to underestimate it." Clementine said dissatisfied: "Don't you know that there is a very outstanding natural ability person in this town? If it is that guy, maybe you can match it. Wear this prop..."

"...That's the case, that guy in the legend! But if you just kidnap a human, aren't you more than enough?"

"Well, you are right, but you want to cause confusion when you start!"

"That's it, do you want to escape in the chaos..."

"If I help you with the ceremony, what do you think? A good deal, right?"

Kajit squinted his eyes and showed a wicked smile: "Great, Clementine, if you are willing to help me, you can go ahead with the death ceremony! No problem, I will do my best to help you! "

"Then it's settled!" Clementine smiled joyfully, waved his hand and walked out of the cave: "I will provide you with enough materials as soon as possible. After all, people can't wait to see the wise man's head. The crown is awesome!"

Out of the cave, Clementine wandered through the cemetery like a ghost, looking at the brightly lit city ahead, showing a lovely smile: "The joyous ceremony is about to begin, so who will be the first? How about getting my'favored'?"

The smaller figure turned into a ghost and sank into the streets of the city. It happened to see a group of sneaky figures entering the alley. Clementine's mouth showed a nice smile: "Ahh~ so soon It’s great to find the goal!"

The next moment, the hippie smile suddenly changed into a cold brilliance, and the delicate body flashed and sank into the alley...

However, for a moment, his forehead and steel helmet were pierced, and a man shook his body sharply, then fell straight.

His companion was shocked instantly: "Who is it?!"

In anger, he already drew out the long sword in his hand and chopped it out...

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