Ye Lan Tier, the most luxurious hotel lobby.

At this time, Monkey King was enjoying his breakfast, but he saw a waiter hurriedly approaching, bowing and saluting: "Master Monkey King, the Adventurer Guild will name a commission that needs you to complete."

"Name my commission?" Monkey King smiled when he heard the words, "It seems that the name of the Forest King is very useful. Do you know who the other party is?"

The waiter looked respectful and amazed: "It is our Ye Lantier's most prestigious and most senior pharmacist-Lord Ricky Barreare. It is a great honor to be named by her to complete the commission. Yeah!"

"Honour?" Sun Wukong dismissed this, but this Ricky Barrea should be the grandmother of Enfirea Barrea. She asked her for her name by name. I am afraid it is only related to her grandson. That happened.

"Without the series of incidents caused by that bone, did Enfirea be arrested in advance?" Monkey King never left here, but actually wanted to participate in it, because in this incident, one person was his goal .

"Wait until I finish my food." Monkey King continued to eat breakfast unhurriedly.

The waiter on the side looked anxious. The person named was the famous pharmacist. If I replaced it with someone else, I might have rushed to the Adventurer’s Guild in the first place, but this person It's not taken seriously, but with their strength, they do have the capital to make the client wait.

After eating and drinking, Monkey King took Komori for a leisurely stroll to the Adventurer's Guild.

Along the way, it can be described as arousing amazement of passers-by.

As soon as I stepped into the gate, I saw an old woman running in front of him with incomparably vigorous strength, bowed deeply and said anxiously: "Master Monkey King, you can count it, please save my poor grandson! As long as he is safe and sound, you can pay as much as you want."

The Forest King who followed him was the best proof of identity.

Sun Wukong glanced at the old woman in front of him. It should be Liqi Barreale: "It's safe to do without any guarantee, you can save it alive."

Liqi Barrea’s face was delighted upon hearing the words: "So, are you willing to accept my commission? As long as people can be rescued, I will pay you according to the highest commission standard."

Monkey King nodded and sat at a table casually: "Tell me about the information you know."

Liqi Barreare also sat down, organized a language, and said: "It happened yesterday. My grandson Enfirea went to the village of Kahn to collect medicinal materials as usual, and went to visit the village of Kahn. An acquaintance of, every time he went on the same day and returned on the same day, but yesterday he didn’t return overnight. I was worried about something unexpected, so I personally went to Kahn Village. I didn’t want to see it on the way. All the adventurers he hired were killed..."

"But there is no Enferea's corpse, so I am sure that he must have been kidnapped, and looking at the group of adventurers who died in a miserable state, with broken bones and broken stomachs, there are very Maybe some cult did it!"

"And Enferea is a natural ability person who can use any magic items without any restrictions, maybe the other party will start with him because he is valued! Alas~~ This kind of thing should not be rumored. Yes, I blame me for being too careless!!"

"Okay, I have understood the general situation. Just wait for news at home obediently." Monkey King got up and stood up: "Since the other party catches him for another purpose, safety can be temporarily guaranteed."

"This is the potion I personally sponsored for you. Enfilea's safety is up to you!" Liqi Barrea took out more than ten bottles of potions and placed them in front of Monkey King.

Sun Wukong looked at the medicines with such a light color, but waved away: "You should keep this kind of thing for yourself."

Looking at Monkey King from the Adventurer’s Guild, Komori, who had been lying at the door, stood up immediately and said eagerly: "Master, it is very difficult to find someone aimlessly. I need to ask about the surrounding forest. The monsters? If those people have passed by, they will definitely be seen by them."

"No, I probably already know where that person is."

"Huh? Really deserve to be the master! Did you find it so soon? My admiration for you is even higher, and I will definitely show more loyalty."

Starting from the capital of the kingdom, on the way to Ye Lan Tier, a group of adventurers, all made up of women, were sitting in a carriage and marching at an even speed.

"Leader, what secret mission did the princess give you this time? We need to go all the way to the border city of Ye Lan Tier?" The enigmatic woman covered in red robe and her face covered by a mask stared. The heroic and beautiful woman in front of her said slightly curiously.

"His Royal Highness heard that a new heroic figure appeared there, and even the legendary monster, the sage king of the forest, has been subdued..."

"Huh? Is it really that sage king? Not defeated but subdued? That's amazing!" The burly figure riding a tall horse in front of him immediately exclaimed, and the rough voice perfectly matched her strong body.

Even though she has a body stronger than a man, she is actually a woman.

And this group of people is the extremely famous steel grade adventurer team'Cang Qiangwei'.

The woman who has a stronger body than a man is the "Cang Qiangwei" member-Gegland.

"Yes! If it is defeated, we should be able to do it, but we want to subdue... If there is no overwhelming power, it is impossible for Beasts to give in. This person is indeed very powerful!" Captain Lafasi said with a serious face.

Ivelai (Ibiruai) said calmly: "So, is he our target this time?"

Rafasi nodded: "Yes, His Royal Highness also heard about this news, and seems to be interested in attracting this person, so His Royal Highness sent us to find him first. If possible, we will bring him into the group. If not, we must disturb the Prince. Your Royal Highness's wooing plan."

Gegeland grinned upon hearing the words, "Haha~~Captain, have you finally figured out that you want to bring a man into the group?"

Lahasi shook her head without hesitation and cleared it away: "How could it be? I didn't mean to pull him into the team. I just pulled him to the princess as much as possible. No matter how bad he is, he will never be the help of the prince.

Iver wailed his lips and said, "That kind of strong, I am afraid that he will not easily join any power disputes."

"I know, so let him remain neutral..."

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