Kajit naturally wanted to get a real bone dragon, but how could a dragon's corpse be so good?That is the top creature in the legend!

Even if he really owns it, I am afraid he will be killed by the surviving dragon in this world in the first place!

Under the deterrence of Longwei and Death Qi, the one who felt the most sympathy was the sage king of the forest-Komori. At this moment, it has been shrunk to the ground, holding its head with two paws, and trembling.

"This...Is this the real bone dragon?!!!" Iver Ai swallowed his saliva with a shocked expression on his face. This kind of oppression deep into the soul is comparable to the true ancestor of the vampire he encountered before. !It is terrible!

"It's incredible! Lord Monkey King is not only a great warrior, but also a great magic caster?" Gegeland's eyes were round, watching Monkey King's eyes shine brightly: "This is the real man. what!!"

"The real... bone dragon... how many levels does this have?" Clementine asked with a look of horror.

Monkey King: "Just one hundred."

"Hundred... one hundred levels?!!!"

Clementine and others heard this, all were dumbfounded, and their scalp was numb with shock, one hundred!In this age when the 30th level can be called the strongest heroic character of mankind, what is the concept of the 100th level?

All of them were stunned.

Clementine knew that the master he had just recognized was very strong, but this strong was just a vague concept. There was no reference before. Now that he has a reference, he can truly understand his horror and summon a hundred-level one. Bone Dragon, what about him?

Although it is said that the magic caster may not be better than her own summoning object, the strength shown by Monkey King made her absolutely believe that her master is definitely stronger than this bone dragon!

Better than a hundred-level bone dragon, what level would it be?!

"Hundred-level..." Kajit was so scared that his face was pale and bloodless. He shouted in horror: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could there be a hundred-level bone dragon, absolutely Impossible! Even if you are the Platinum Dragon King, it is absolutely impossible to be at this level. You are less bluffing and deceiving! I will never believe it!!"

"I didn't make you believe it either." Monkey King looked plain and waved his hand casually: "Send him on the road." He is not interested in this kind of clown.

The Bone Dragon immediately lifted his right bone claw and slammed Kajit into a pool of meatloaf.

On the ferocious side, Lafasi and the other women were all throbbing in their hearts. The famous Kajit was trampled to death by the bone dragon so casually, it was full of mixed feelings.

Seeing this picture also made Clementine's heart tensed, and her fear of Monkey King became even more intense, and her original cautious thoughts were immediately taken back by her.

At the same time, he stepped forward, pointed to the entrance of the cave in front, and said: "Master, I think the person you want to save should be in the cave. Just take off the crown of the wise man, and without this magic item as a medium, those who attack Ye Lan Tier Of the undead will disband themselves."

Rafasi heard the words and immediately looked at Monkey King. They only need to remove the wise man's crown a bit more to save a few more people. She is naturally very urgent now.

"Let's go." Monkey King said, just when he saw Komori who was still trembling on the side, kicked him in the ass: "It's useless."

Komori had a pitiful look, and he was very aggrieved: "Master, it's not my fault! The bone dragon you summoned is too strong, one hundred! It's excusable that I can't stand it! Please call it back quickly, Master."

Monkey King waved lightly, and the magic circle appeared under the bone dragon's feet instantly, and disappeared with it.

"Huh!" Komori sighed, and immediately stood up without shaking his body. Seeing that Sun Wukong and his party had already walked to the cave, they immediately picked up the orb from the ground and followed up, just looking at the opening in front of them, and then again. Seeing his body shape, he can only wait obediently at the entrance of the cave.

Entering the cave, the young Nfreya was on a stone platform, with a straight line of stab wounds across his eyes, and tears of red and black coagulated blood. He was clearly blind.

His expression was sluggish, even if Monkey King and others arrived, he did not react at all. It was obvious that he was mentally controlled or injured.

When they saw this scene, there was a little bit of unbearable on their faces, because they all knew what the price would be if they wanted to remove the crown of the wise man.

"Master Wukong, is there any rescue?" Lafasi looked at Monkey King expectantly. She had witnessed the power of Monkey King's healing magic.

Sun Wukong's expression was indifferent: "I just need to take him back alive. As for the rest, it has nothing to do with me."

With that, he stretched out one hand and took off the wise man's crown at will under the horrified gaze of Ivel Ai and other women.

"This...doesn't that mean... the wise man's crown cannot be removed?" Clementine looked dumbfounded.

"It depends on who it is." Monkey King said with a calm look: "Nothing in the world is impossible. Don't think you can't do it, just say it is impossible."

Clementine chuckled when he heard the words: "You really deserve to be the master. Even the wise man's crown can be easily removed. Just your words can be passed down in history."

Lafasi looked at the limp young boy, and after taking a closer look, Dai frowned: "It seems that his brain is seriously damaged, I am afraid he will become a fool..."

"Just stay alive." Monkey King didn't care about the teenager. Before accepting the commission, he had already said that he only guaranteed that the teenager was alive. As for the rest, there was no guarantee.

Seeing that Monkey King didn't plan to treat the boy, Rafasi was somewhat disappointed, but she didn't dare to ask more, so she could only ask Geglan to take the boy and follow Monkey King out of the cave.

Seeing that his owner had come out, Komori immediately stretched out his paw and handed the orb he had just picked up to Monkey King as if offering a treasure: "Master, this is the thing that the big bald head fell off just now. It should be a treasure."

"The Orb of Death..." Monkey King took it, and looked at the wise man's crown in his other hand. These two items are indeed treasures for people in this world, but to him, they are nothing. effect.

At the moment, the Orb of Death was handed to Ivel Ai: "This thing is useless to me, give it to you."

"Huh?!" Evel Ai suddenly looked flattered, and his face was flushed. Because of his excitement, he even stammered: "Send, send, send me? Really, send me??"

"Do you want?"

"Yes! Yes!" Yiwei Ai hurriedly took it, she didn't like the Orb of Death, but the gift Sun Wukong gave her...

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