The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 39 The Asylum of God

"You guy is definitely not a human!" Xia Tiya pulled a certain distance away from Monkey King, such as the frightened deer: "How could humans have such skills!"

"Listening to your tone, it seems that I look down on humans." Monkey King dropped the broken spear tip on the ground and looked at Xia Tiya calmly: "Since you hate humans so much, why do you keep the appearance of humans? Isn't this contradictory?"

"I..." Shatia looked dazed, as if being asked by this question.

Monkey King continued to stimulate Shatia with words: "All things are equal, and the only difference is just their looks. How can they be distinguished between high and low? It seems that the supreme Supreme who created you is really a bad taste, and it will set you up Such boring thoughts."

When Xia Tiya heard this, her face was replaced with an extremely angry expression: "You guy, dare to say bad things about the great Supreme Supreme! Absolutely unforgivable!!"

While screaming, Shatia directly cast [High-level Teleportation] magic, and instantly narrowed the distance with Monkey King, appeared behind him, flashed a spear next to the artifact in his hand, and pierced Monkey King's heart. !

For this kind of attack, Monkey King didn't even have any interest in avoiding it. The spear pierced his heart directly, but he didn't even pierce the slightest mark on his clothes.

"!!!" Xia Tiya's complexion changed drastically. This obviously looked like a piece of ordinary clothes. Why was there such defense?

"It seems that you still haven't understood the gap between you and me." A frightening aura was released from Monkey King's body, and instantly pressed on Xia Tiya's body, causing her to slam directly on her knees, staring at her. The boss, his pupils tightened, his face was astonished, and his body trembled involuntarily: "No...impossible! Actually... so strong... just breath..."

In just a moment, Xia Tiya's fighting spirit was dashed under the terrifying aura released by Monkey King.

"What's the matter? Why did Xia Tiya kneel down? Her appearance... was scared?!!!" Albedo and others were all surprised by Xia Tiya's sudden performance, because they were very clear, even if the enemy Strong, they would never kneel down in fear. This was due to their pride in their bones, but now Shatia was kneeling down. Could it be affected by some magic?

They can't feel the breath released by Monkey King. This is exactly the horror of Monkey King. Even the breath released by him can be absolutely controlled, so that you can feel it; you don't want you to feel it. , You will never feel it.

"...You guy...don't want to make me succumb!!" Xia Tiya's silver teeth bite out blood, and while struggling hard, her feet trembled and wanted to stand up again.

"Huh?" After Sun Wukong's light huh, there was a sense of appreciation in his eyes. Xia Tiya's fighting spirit had clearly collapsed, and she could still return in such a short period of time without any stimulation. Can rekindle the fighting spirit, and still in the situation of [Alluring the Country], this is a bit remarkable.

Sun Wukong knelt down and looked at her seriously: "Your name is Xia Tiya, do you want to be my subordinate?"

"Don't think you are better than me, you can humiliate me!!" Xia Tiya grinned and glared at Monkey King. If she couldn't move, she would have rushed towards Monkey King: "A worm is a worm, even if it is strong, it is still a worm. What qualifications do you have to make me loyal to you?"

Monkey King stretched out his hand and squeezed Xia Tiya's face forcefully: "You girl is really ugly when talking, but she is already in a state of no ownership, is she still so xenophobic... That's all. The fate of you and me is yet to come."

As he said, Monkey King stretched out his hand flat, and suddenly a delicate necklace appeared in his hand, which he wore on Xia Tiya's neck.

And after putting on this necklace, the necklace suddenly emitted a soft fluorescence, causing Shatia to hug her head and hum...

After a while, when everything calmed down, Xia Tiya looked around blankly. When her gaze was fixed on Monkey King, she instinctively retreated with fright and lost her face in shock: "Yes, it's you!! Why am I here? ?!"

Sun Wukong stood up and looked at Xia Tiya: "It seems that the control of [Qing Guo Qingcheng] has been released. Wear the necklace that I gave you. It is called [God's Shield], which can remove all control and curse magic ."

When Xia Tiya heard the words, she subconsciously looked at the necklace on her neck. After a daze, the memory in her brain played back like a movie, and then she looked at Monkey King with doubts and incomprehension: "You... rescued me." ?"

Monkey King smiled: "If you figure it out, please feel free to come to be my subordinate~"

"Cut~ how is it possible!" Xia Tiya unceremoniously contempted: "How could I betray the Supreme Supreme and turn to be under the command of a mere human!"

Monkey King: "Your supreme supreme no longer exists, so why do you do that foolish loyalty? And don't you know that the supreme supreme in your mouth is actually a human being."

"What?! Impossible!!!" Shatia screamed immediately: "Even if you save me, you will never be allowed to speak ill of the Supreme Supreme, duel! I want to fight you!!"

After Sebastian and others listened to Monkey King’s words, they were all moved, but looking at Monkey King’s expression, they didn’t see the slightest lie at all. Is the Supreme Supreme Being really a human being?

"How is this possible!!"

As soon as the thought came up, it was pinched out by them shaking his head.

"What do you guys know?" Albedo came to Sun Wukong in full gear and shouted coldly, "Tell us all you know, otherwise, you don't want to leave here safely."

"This is not a begging attitude." Monkey King turned his head to look at Albedo: "And, you don't really think that if you have more people, you can take me down?"

As he said, one hand stretched out, one invisible big hand suddenly flashed and pinched the throats of Albedo and the others, and lifted them up in the air. No matter how hard they struggled, it was futile.

At the same time, Monkey King's indifferent voice was also introduced into their ears: "I want to kill you, but between raising my hands." His figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Albedo, staring directly at him. Her beautiful face with a look of fear: "So, don't speak up in front of me!"

"Yes, yes..." Albedo nodded blankly. The hostility released by Monkey King now made them feel death.

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