The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 42: Supreme Supreme

Dimiugos put one hand on his back and bowed to salute: "Master Monkey King, what do you think of our Nazarick?"

Monkey King: "It's pretty good, especially on the sixth floor. The endless night sky scene is impressive."

Dimiugos said respectfully: "The great underground tomb of Nazarick was cast by the hard work of forty-one supreme Supreme Beings. It is naturally not comparable to the architecture of the outside world."

"Forty-one? Their supreme supreme actually has forty-one?!!!" When the women such as Lavasi heard this, it was tantamount to dropping a nuclear bomb. They thought that the leader of Nazarick was them. The supreme supreme in their mouths, but never expected that there are forty-one supreme supreme in their mouths, forty-one monsters stronger than them?Thinking about them, I feel panic!

My goodness!What kind of force is this?Is it more terrifying than the Eight Desires who ruled the world before?

One Supreme Supreme makes them feel incredible, forty-one?That kind of picture is hard to imagine!

Fortunately, I heard Master Wukong said before that their supreme supremacy no longer exists for some reason.

"It's amazing, there is still such a force in the world!" Clementine's eyes flashed, showing inexplicable excitement.

Sebastian stepped forward and said: "As you can see, with the departure of the supreme Supremes, Nazarick has no leader, and even the most basic goal has been lost. Now Nazarick desperately needs a new man who can rule us. The Supreme Supreme, I wonder if you are willing to become our 42nd Supreme Supreme and lead us to new glory!"

" actually want to worship Master Wukong as the master?" The women such as Lavasi were shocked by the sudden operation of Sebas.

Of course, it was not only them who were shocked, but also Shatia, Albedo, and so on. Even the sisters of the Pleiadian star cluster frowned slightly.

Don't look at them as being Sebastian's subordinates, but if Sebas does anything to betray the Supreme Supreme, they will ruthlessly attack him.

This is the member of Nazarick, who has absolute loyalty to the Supreme, and the betrayer will only usher in destruction.

And what Sebas said now is tantamount to betraying the Supreme Supreme.

Albedo and others all stared at Sebas with hostile eyes; but Sebas faced calmly.

"Let me be your supreme supreme?" Monkey King smiled, without the slightest surprise. He had known this kind of thing a long time ago: "Aren't you the ones who hate humans the most?"

Dimiugos said respectfully, "We really hate humans, but you are not a human? That kind of breath, God... No, it should be called a devil, right?"

"Heh~ Devil..." Monkey King smiled, "Why is it inexplicable? I have one more head street, but to become your supreme supreme, let's forget it."

He was only interested in some of Nazarick’s sister papers. As for the position of Supreme Supreme, it’s really not uncommon, and their minds are not simple, they just let him play the tank and balance the guardian who is not right. We shouldn't let Nazalik fall apart, so as to give them time to find the supreme supreme.

Once the supreme supreme returns, his temporary forty-second supreme supreme will definitely be thrown away in the first place, and will be transferred to the supreme supreme.

The setting of absolute loyalty is not that simple.

Of course, things are not absolute, and there are exceptions. Take Albedo as an example. In the original book, after being modified by the flying squirrel, Albedo even gave birth to love once another supreme supreme returns. The idea to get rid of it came, and secretly, it was all ready.

So, love is a miracle!

Absolute loyalty is not absolute.

Speaking of Shatia, Sun Wukong has also planted her roots. Although she has been relieved from the control of the allure, Naxalik, Ainz Ur Gong’s union system has no restrictions on her. As long as there is love in her heart, she will be the second Albedo.

Upon hearing that Monkey King refused, Clementine Limara grabbed Monkey King’s arm and said eagerly and excitedly: "No! Master, if your subordinates have such a powerful force, it won’t be difficult to conquer the world. !"

"Conquer the world?" Monkey King smiled, "Only mediocre people have this idea of ​​children's play."

Clementine heard this with a look of bewilderment: "Conquer the world, is a child playing the house?" Her master's thinking is too high, she can't understand it as a mortal.

Monkey King only needs to kill the master of the multiple worlds to control the multiple worlds. The trivial matter of conquering the world is really just a game for children to play.

Rafasi thought for a while, and also grabbed Monkey's other hand, and whispered: "Or, Master Wukong, think about it? If you leave such a dangerous force alone..."

"Needless to say, I'm not interested." Monkey King pulled his hand away and looked at Sebastian and the others: "But if you have nothing to do, you can come here and walk around."

"Of course, welcome anytime!" Dimiugos looked respectful. Although he failed to make Monkey King the 42nd Supreme, his basic goal has been achieved. As long as Monkey King often comes here as a guest, at least When Shatia, Aura, and Albedo had conflicts, someone could stop them. This was enough, and it was the best ending.

The biggest reason why Dimiugos and Sebas gave birth to the new 42nd supreme supreme idea is because of the three of them, because their own settings are not pleasing to each other, and as women, If there is a disagreement, you will fight, and there will be no restrictions from the supreme supreme.

Not long ago, Shatia and Albedo had been fighting overnight. Although they didn't work hard, their relationship was gradually deteriorating.

The appearance of Monkey King only gave them a choice, but this was not a betrayal, but just to better protect Nazarick and wait for the return of the Supreme Supreme.

Then there was nothing to do. As for the food provided by Nazarick, Monkey King couldn't flatter him.

Moreover, in the'living' full of powerful monsters, Lavasi and the others were suffering all the time, and Monkey King had to say goodbye and took them away.

Seeing that Monkey King and others had entered the portal and left, Albedo and the others all focused on Sebastian and Dimiugos.

"Let's talk about it, what do you mean by privately wanting to establish a new supreme Supreme? If you don't give a reasonable reason, we can be ruthless!" ..

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