When Rafasi and others came back from outside, they all looked surprised when they saw Clementine who was already limp on the ground: "Master Goku, what's wrong with her?"

Monkey King looked indifferently: "Nothing, just taught her how to become a qualified attendant."

Lavasi and the other women nodded clearly, while Evel's face was gloating. Clementine was taught by Monkey King, but she was most happy to see it.

Rafasi said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, I have sent them away. We have to go back and return to our lives tomorrow morning."

"What. Do you want me to go with you?" Monkey King looked at Lavasi with a playful smile.

Rafasi's face turned red when she heard this. It turned out that Master Wukong had known it for a long time, and she was a little embarrassed at the moment: "Of course not, no one can call you to do something like a great existence like Master Wukong; Princess Lana is really gentle, combining beauty and wisdom. If she can get a little help from Master Wukong, maybe she will do things in the kingdom much smoother."

"There is beauty, but gentleness and wisdom..." Monkey King wanted to laugh when he heard these two adjectives used on the princess Lana. If this is to let Rafasi know her true face, will he be disappointed? Crash?

"Master Goku also heard of Princess Lana?"

"Princess Golden, I've heard of it." Monkey King looked at Lavasi, and said casually: "But you can't look at the surface of everything, otherwise once you know the truth, I'm afraid you will be hit hard."

Lara Sidai frowned slightly, and looked at Monkey King very seriously: "Has Lord Wukong also heard some bad rumors about Princess Lana? Those are rumors spreading jealous of the princess's talents, absolutely not Believe it."

"Perhaps." Sun Wukong didn't bother to explain, and even if she explained the trust of Lana, she wouldn't believe it.

Monkey King: "Maybe I will also go to the capital of the kingdom in a few days. Let's be in touch then."

Iver, who had been extremely disappointed because he was about to leave, immediately changed into a very happy expression: "Master Goku will also go to the capital? Great, you must contact us then~"

With her abnormal behavior, all the women and girls looked at her with an unexpected look. She is usually a boring gourd. Why is she so active now?

Iverée also felt that his performance was too obvious, and Limara lowered his hood, covering his face without speaking.

After Lafasi and the others left, Monkey King looked at Clementine, who collapsed, "Come on, I will continue to teach you how to be a servant."

Clementine's voice trembled a little when he heard the words: "Also... come again?!"

In the early morning of the next day, Lafasi and others bid farewell to Monkey King and left for the capital of the Kingdom of Riyestig.

Clementine also obediently fetched water to wash his face for Monkey King, and his every move was like a maid should behave.

Whether it is standing or demeanor, she looks like a qualified maid.

It seems that the results of last night are extraordinary.

After eating breakfast, Monkey King played Komori as a ball again, feeling really boring, and decided to go to Nazarick to walk around.

When Komori heard this, he immediately began to tremble: "Master, can I not go?"

In the place full of monsters, even though the Master Monkey King was present, all the terrifying auras made him stand upright and restless all the time.

Monkey King slapped it on the forehead with a slap: "Useless things, you are also my pet now, so you are still afraid of the undead? Just roast you and eat it."

Clementine heard the words and smiled: "The meat of the Forest King may be very good!"

"No! No! My meat is not delicious at all! Master, please don't eat my meat, I've always been very obedient and obedient, isn't it just a group of undead? I will definitely look at it with eyes full of contempt. Theirs! I will never shame my master again!"

Monkey King looked at Komori who had been shivering with fright and curled up into a ball, shook his head, no longer teasing him, opened the portal at will and walked in.

Clementine waved like it said hello: "Little mouse, go away."

Komori screamed, and immediately followed in...

The first floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the class protected by Shatia.

With the arrival of Monkey King, Xia Tiya naturally discovered him for the first time, and also appeared in front of Monkey King for the first time, but her face still remained full of anger and did not completely retreat.

Monkey King jokingly smiled: "Oh~ who is this offending you? I have an angry expression on his face."

"It's not that lamprey. I'm so angry!" Xia Tiya gritted her teeth.

"Lamprey? Are you talking about Albedo?" Monkey King smiled at Xia Tiya: "Could it be that she also made fun of you for being fake?"

Xia Tiya heard the words, with a look of astonishment: "You...you...why would you also know? No~no! It's not fake! Which bastard is this kind of thing? Ah ah~~ I know Yes, it must be Aula, I must tear her mouth apart!!"

"Don't rush to get excited." Monkey King said with a calm face: "Actually, I am an expert in this aspect. I can help you solve this problem thoroughly."

"Really?" When Xia Tiya heard the words, she was surprised and looked at Monkey King with her eyes brightly: "I am a vampire! Both my body and age have been frozen, is there really any rescue?"

"It has nothing to do with you being a vampire." Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya, ready to start flicking.

"It has nothing to do with this?" Xia Tiya looked curious: "What does it have to do with?" As she said, her stomach suddenly screamed, and her face turned red with shame.

"Are you hungry?" Monkey King smiled: "You are not hungry in your capacity, right?"

After hearing the words, Xia Tiya covered her belly with a distressed face, and her face was full of gloom and sadness: "I don't know! As a vampire, after seeing human blood, I would have no appetite and feel nauseous. I failed, did something go wrong with me?"

"It's not that you have a problem, but I made you have a problem." Well, of course Monkey King will not tell Xia Tiya this sentence.

The vampire sucking human blood is just a setting. Before crossing, Shatia was just an NPC without any thoughts, and naturally he had never drunk human blood.

After crossing, not long after the wave, a blood frenzy broke out, which was stopped in time by Monkey King and secretly erased her desire to suck blood. So now, let alone human blood, Xia Tiya has even a drop of blood. If you haven't touched it before, it's strange if you don't get hungry...

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