The undead monarch was very surprised. He thought that the supreme supreme group would be able to kill the evil kui, but he did not expect that he would be a human?

Are there any powerful humans in this world?

Unlike Nazarick’s contempt for mankind, the undead monarch has never underestimated mankind, and even regarded mankind as his lifelong enemy.

Humans and Nazarick, he hates humans even more. The supreme Supremes of Nazarick have only killed him once, but humans have killed him several times (by the other ten major unions).

Therefore, human beings have already entered his kill list.

Unlike the flying squirrel conquering the world in the original book, the attitude of the undead monarch to human beings is destruction, complete destruction.

It was just not long after he came to this world, he had not had time to implement it.

I found the traces of the enemy I hated again, so naturally I should solve my enemy first.

"You mean, you were killed by a human?" The undead monarch stared at Xie Kui indifferently. The invisible pressure made Xie Kui not breathe.

"Yes, this human being is so powerful that it is beyond imagination, and his subordinates have no backhands in front of him!"

The three undead monarchs were all moved when they heard the words. The evil leader is so strong that he can fight for several rounds even in the face of the undead monarch, but in front of the human beings, there is no backhand power?What's a joke, I mean, are humans stronger than the great undead monarch?

"Don't find excuses for your incompetence!" Hei Kui glared at Xie Kui with a sullen face, both guarding the left and right. He felt that Xie Kui's actions were really detrimental to the face of their guards.

"..." Xie Kui was speechless. If it was normal, he would definitely go back, but now, he doesn't have that confidence. Who would call him a loser.

The voice of the undead monarch remained calm and unwavering: "In short, to attach importance to this human being is that now our goal is not human beings, but the annoying Nazarick!"

Speaking of Nazarick, the evil queen, the black queen, and the Necromancer's eyes all showed flames of hatred, how could one forget the enemy who killed them once.

If they are defeating them upright, maybe they will be convinced, and they will not be so hostile, but the opponent uses some conspiracy and tricks (BOSS strategy), magic items (Krypton gold items), which makes people particularly unhappy, they It's strange to be able to serve.

Evil Kui is still kneeling respectfully in front of the undead monarch: "Speaking of Nazarick, it seems that he has been in contact with that human, because he is surrounded by a maid of the'Dual Phantom' race. Understand that the maid of this'double phantom' seems to only exist in Nazarick."

"Don’t the group of undead and monsters of Nazarick hate humans the most? How can they come together with humans?" The undead monarch looked at the necromancer in a pensive state: "Demon girl, your subordinates Isn't there a group of dark priests, their appearance is the closest to humans, let them pretend to be humans and monitor this person's every move, maybe we can find Nazarick's nest from him."

When the necromancer heard the words, she smiled and nodded: "The king is really wise, and the concubine will immediately order it." Then, with a slender move, a magic circle appeared in front of her, and the five also had enchanting. The women in figure appeared in the formation, all dressed in black priest robes, with a different kind of temptation.

"Go." The Necromancer didn't say much, she ordered directly, because what she wanted to say had already been told to them by the method of spiritual connection.

Five dark priests took their orders and disappeared in the dark...

Undead Monarch: "Let's go back first. It seems that this world is not as simple as we thought, and we will act when the investigation becomes clearer."

The huge magic portal reappeared, and the undead monarch took his men into hiding...

The deepest and most important place of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick ─ ─ The Throne Hall.

At this moment, the guardians of the various classes gathered here again.

"You say-the undead monarch?!!!" Albedo showed shock after hearing Sebastian's report.

"Have you heard?" Sebastian looked at Albedo seriously.

Albedo’s face was solemn: "I heard Master Cuiyulu talk about it before, although it was only a word, but that action seemed to be a unified action by 41 Supreme Supremes, and in the end only five Supreme Supremes remained. The undead monarch was killed just now, and at the same time, a world-class prop was harvested from his hands, which should now be placed in the treasure hall."

All the guardians were shocked when they heard this, and Aura even opened his mouth: "Forty-one supreme Supremes were dispatched, and thirty-six were lost to win? How strong is this undead monarch? ?!!!"

Albedo: "I heard Master Cuiyulu said that it was a level 150 ultimate BOSS..."

Although they don't understand the specific meaning of BOSS, they all know that it is a word used to describe a very powerful monster.

One hundred and fifty, what concept would that be so powerful?You know, even the supreme supreme is only one hundred!

The supreme Supremes can defeat this powerful existence, it is really amazing!

"It seems like Master Monkey King said, the undead monarch is here to find us for revenge!" Sebas looked solemn, and heard that the undead monarch had been killed by the Supreme Supremes once. Now he is convinced that the opponent's goal is They are Naxalick.

However, there is no supreme supreme Nazarick, how can he be the opponent of the undead monarch!

At this moment, the faces of all the guardians were worried.

Even the 41 supreme Supremes lost 36 places to win, how can they be the enemy?

Xia Tiya looked at everyone with a worried expression, but she smiled: "Didn’t Sebas say that the evil leader has been killed by Lord Wukong? In other words, Lord Wukong should be able to deal with that person. Where's the undead monarch..."

Albedo frowned slightly: "But the problem is, he may not be willing to help us."

Shatia looked at Albedo and curled her lips: "If you were replaced by a big-mouthed orangutan like you, Master Wukong would definitely not agree, but if you were replaced by the cute me, Master Wukong would definitely not ignore it!"

"You bastard, do you want to say that my charm is not as great as you?" Albedo glared at him immediately.

Xia Tiya waved her hand calmly: "I'm just telling the truth. You don't need to be so angry, do you?"

"Ahhhh~~ I want to tear your bitch's mouth!!" Albedo exploded on the spot.

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