The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 59: Call of the Dead

The undead monarch in reality is probably synonymous with invincibility, right?

Suzuki Satoru absolutely believes this.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most tricky thing is the husband and wife characteristics of the undead monarch and the necromancer [same life and death]. As long as these two BOSS stand together, they must be knocked down at the same time, otherwise they will Infinite resurrection.

The racial trait of the undead monarch is immortality. If you want to kill him, you can only use instant magic to make up the knife at the last moment, or even if he is killed, he can be resurrected with full blood within five seconds.

Therefore, if you want to defeat the undead monarch, you must first use the necromancer to operate the knife. The process can be described as difficult, and if you make a mistake, your previous efforts will be abandoned.

Moreover, even if the undead monarch is killed with an instant magic knife, he can still be resurrected after a month. This is the setting of the undead monarch's immortality characteristics.

Once the undead monarch is resurrected, he will be able to resurrect his subordinates for the first time. Repeatedly, this is simply an undead army that can never be eliminated.

Fortunately in the game, this can be treated as a BOSS refresh, but once it returns to reality, it will be a nightmare.

If there is a choice, Suzuki Satoru would rather choose the ultimate boss in the heavens who has never been overthrown, than face the undead monarch who cannot be killed.

"Suzuki, what's the matter? You look so ugly?" Gu Gefu looked at Suzuki Satoru beside him with concern.

"No...nothing!" Suzuki Satoru quickly threw away his thoughts and sat down straight.

Although he was very clear about the undead monarch, he didn't dare to talk nonsense before he had seen it, nor could he explain how he learned it. It is the key to accumulate strength in silence.

Hearing this, Gu Gefu didn't ask any more, but hurriedly got up and left. With such important information, he must inform His Majesty the first time and be fully prepared.

Nabelal stared at the back of Suzuki Goku's departure, and said to Monkey King: "That human seems to have a problem. He seems to know about the undead monarch very well."

To describe humans as "only", it seems that Nabelal really hates humans.

Monkey King: "He is really different, but everyone has their own secrets, so why bother to go deep into it."

Nabelal looked at Monkey King: "Master Goku seems to know him well?"

In the depths of a dense forest, an undead castle inlaid with a variety of gorgeous crystals stands here, and the sky above it is covered by a layer of dark clouds, adding a bit of gloom and terror to this place.

The undead monarch sits on the luxurious throne, the necromancer is standing on his right side, and the left and right guards Xiekui and Heikui stand on the left and right sides of the first place under the throne.

The strength of everyone here is outside, it is an invincible existence, but the atmosphere here is particularly deserted.

Unlike the entire base of Naxalek, the undead monarch only passed through with his concubine and left and right guards.

At the same time, there is this undead castle attached, and then, nothing else.

"Majesty, judging from the current situation, if we want to deal with Nazarick, we should expand our strength." The Necromancer looked at the first two pitiful subordinates and spoke to the undead monarch.

"Expanding strength?" The undead monarch snorted coldly: "Why do you need to expand your strength against the mere Naxalik? This king can kill them all!"

Necromancer Ji said softly: "The strength of the king is naturally unmatched, but don't forget how we lost before."

The undead monarch heard the words, the breath of death spread, and brought an extremely heavy depression to the atmosphere in this hall: "Those despicable guys will only deceive more and less...what do you say?"

"The so-called ants kill the elephants. Since those humans can use the human sea tactics against us, why can't we use the human sea tactics to deal with them? With the strength of the king, it will be effortless to create an army of death, even in the face. We can also be unafraid of human tactics."

"Indeed, why didn't you think of this before?" The undead monarch was stunned, but also a little puzzled. Why didn't he think of such a simple reason before?

Well, it's not that they didn't expect it, but the system does not allow it.

Now that I have come to the real world, without the limitations of the game system, I naturally do what I want.

The undead monarch immediately issued an order: "I remember that there is a town five miles away from our castle, Xiekui, Heikui, I want you to turn it into a dead city before it gets dark!"


Xie Kui and Hei Kui immediately knelt to lead their orders, cast teleportation magic respectively, and disappeared.

in.The Kingdom of Yestij, named Yi Smoor Town, is a small and medium-sized town. Because it is surrounded by mountains and there are many monsters inhabiting the mountains, it is protected by a thick wall to resist At the same time as Warcraft invaded, it was also the kingdom's garrison base.

Standing on this high city wall, even if you encounter the invasion of monsters, you only need to stand on the wall and output with peace of mind.

Two black magic portals suddenly flashed above the city wall.


Such a weird way of getting out of the field was discovered by the soldiers who were still patrolling at the first time. The evil chief and the black chief were surrounded in just a moment.

However, the soldiers did not immediately take action, showing up in this way, indicating that these two mysterious men must be magic casters, and their level is not low, it is necessary to figure out the identity of each other.

But Xie Kui and Hei Kui didn't intend to pay attention to the ants in their eyes. They saw that a huge sickle flashed out of Xie Kui's hand in vain. The wheel was a black disc, and the soldiers around them had already fallen.

"Yes! It's the enemy! Quick, attack!!"

The rain of arrows flew, and immediately shot at the bodies of Xie Kui and Hei Kui, but it did not cause them the slightest harm, and it was unable to bounce off.

"This kind of powerless attack, there is no need to evade." Xie Kui looked disdainful, waved his big hand, the eighth-order magic-Undead Summoning was launched!

Suddenly, a thick black life filled the bodies of the soldiers who had been killed. A corpse, under the horrified gaze of countless soldiers, stood up swayingly, as if being drawn. It was blood-dried, pale and a little scary, but his whole body was wrapped in a black death breath, roaring, like a group of soldiers slaughtered...

For a time, fear and wailing were everywhere, and a single undead was enough to rush into a group of soldiers and carry out ruthless killings, let alone a group. The soldiers on the wall did not have the slightest power to fight back...

And the killing begins!..

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