The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 62 Cosettes vs. Heikui

Monkey King looked into the distance with both eyes, and squinted slightly: "It seems that things have become more interesting..."

Wetland, the village where the lizardman "Green Claw" tribe lives.

At this time, the former appearance was no longer visible, but a miserable state. On the ground, there were countless corpses of lizardmen lying on the ground, only dozens of lizardmen evaded far away, watching the fierce fighting in the field.

One-on-three, but it is the one who has the upper hand.

Two of the lizardmen existed, but only to harass them, and only Corsets was the real enemy.

And his enemy is the right guard of the undead monarch, and he is also known as the strongest general-Hei Kui.

As a 120-level BOSS-level existence, his strength is beyond doubt, and as a fighter, his fighting posture is even more gorgeous.

The Death Light Magic Blade in his hand was over two hundred centimeters in length, exuding a black light with the surface of death, and the sharp cold light that pierced the air caused the surrounding air to wail.

"An eye-catching guy, it's time to leave!"

With a'pouch,' one of the lizardmen was cut in half by him.

"Brother!!" Zariyus Shahwa roared in anger, and the'frozen toothache' in his hand exuded a biting icy cold, slashing down towards Hei Kui!

"Hmph~ the light of fireflies!" Hei Kui snorted coldly, and the Death Light Demon Blade once again turned into a black glow, slashing out with a slash.

With a click,'The Pain of Frozen Tooth' was cut in two!

Years of combat experience played a role at this moment. Zaryius Shasha instinctively dodged sideways at the crisis and escaped the deadly cut, but his right hand was still cut off by Qigan like his weapon, bright red. The blood was sprayed on the ground, and the painting became a poignant scroll.

Zariyus Sasha didn't even have time to respond to the pain. Hei Kui's fatal cut came again, and the black light cut across, vowing to separate his head.

At this moment, Zaryius Sasha has seen his own death...


The piercing sound of fine iron awakened him from the trance, and Cosettes used the Sword Emperor in his hand to block Hei Kui's fatal cut.


Without looking back, Cosettes said solemnly, "Go! This is not a battle you can participate in!"

After hearing this, Zariyus Sasha froze for a while, and decisively picked up his brother's body and withdrew from the battlefield.

Although he is unwilling, although he is not afraid of death, he cannot drag down his friends, and the disparity in strength is too great. If he insists on participating in the war, he will put his friends in danger to protect him.

Hei Kui ignored the departure of Zariyus Shasha. Now, all his attention is focused on Cosettes: "You are very good! Over the years, there have been countless strong men who have challenged me, who can be positive. There are very few people who contend with me. Even if it is your supreme Supreme, only a few people can achieve this level."

"Huh~ It's just the defeated generals of the Supreme Supremes. What face do you have to mention the courage of the past?" Confronting the guy who underestimated the Supreme Supremes, Cosettes didn't give Hei Kui a good face, even though the opponent's He admired his strength very much.

Hei Kui immediately turned gloomy when he heard the words: "If it weren't for their despicable group to attack and fight alone, who would I fear?"

"If you lose, you lose. Look for excuses, just by the coward!"

"Excuse? To beat you, why do you need an excuse!" Hei Kui roared, his whole body spurted with black energy, his muscles swelled instantly and became extremely solid, and the parrying Cosettes instantly felt a great pressure. One of the arms was equipped with a machete in vain and slashed directly towards Hei Kui's head.

However, Hei Kui didn't realize it, but he suddenly increased his strength in his two hands. With a roar of touch, Cosettes's body finally couldn't bear the sudden violent power, and he was stunned and flew out. The next knife was also forced to stop.

The weapons held by the four arms left four deep gullies on the ground before stabilizing his figure.

Feeling the arms holding the God Sword Sword Sovereign began to tremble slightly, Cosettes looked solemn and solemn, waved the weapon in his hand, and stood up in a half-kneeled posture: "It is indeed a strong one hundred and twenty Sure enough!"

Hei Kui's whole body was surging with black energy, like an invincible dark warlord, walking towards Cosettes step by step, his voice was full of confidence and arrogance: "Don't you Ainz Ul Gong always like to bully less by more? What about your companions? Where is your supreme supreme? Don't hide, call them all! Today, I will wash away all the shame of the past!"

"To deal with you, why don't you have to take a shot from the supreme supreme, one of us is enough!" Cosettes stepped on the ground, kicking out a cracked pit, his figure was like an arrow from the string, and he flew towards the black Kui. , With four arms waving four artifacts, like a gust of wind and rain, they launched a continuous slash to Hei Kui.

Every blow is a combination of strength and skill, and the action is superb, as if the long weapon in his hand is his own hands and feet, and he can swing freely.

Although Hei Kui only has a weapon in one hand, the dead light magic blade in his hand is like a strong shield that is impervious to the wind. No matter how violently you attack, it will be impervious to his defense. The fierce force counterattacked.

The fighting spirit erupted from the two fighting scenes cut the ground, leaving behind a series of hideous cut marks, and the lizards watching from a distance looked sluggish.

They originally thought that only magic can show such exaggeration and splendor in battle. They did not expect that the soldiers in close combat can show such dazzling scenes, and it is even more exciting!

Zaryius Sasha looked at the battle in the field, his eyes widened in shock. He understood the strength of his friend, but he never thought that it would be so exaggerated.

It was not accidental that Cossets met Evil Kui and Hei Kui. When he was looking for the trace of the Supreme Supreme, he had been to this lizardman tribe, the Greenclaw clan.

He lived in the spirit of Bushido, as if destined in fate, he met the lizard man Zariius Sasha.

Although the strengths of the two were far apart, Cosettes admired the Bushido spirit of Zariyus Sasha, and the two became friends.

When Green Clawfoot was attacked, Zariyus Sasha sent his only friend for help.

Because when the two were discussing each other, he already felt the strength of this friend. Perhaps, he could defeat the strong enemy in front of him. With such a mood, he crushed the token that Cossets gave him...

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