The fifth underground level of Nazarick is an extremely cold zone created by the concept of glaciers.

It gives people the illusion that it is like a blue and white iceberg shining from the inside, standing like a tombstone on the endless white ground; the white snow falling from the sky covered with thick clouds is blowing the ice and containing coldness. Dancing lightly under the cold wind of water vapor; the tree icy forest visible in the distance is completely covered by snow, like a giant hidden under a cloak.

Standing in a two-story majestic building in the cold wind, a woman who was very similar to Albedo heard the sound, her beautiful face gradually became crazily distorted: "Hehehehe~~~Someone broke in. Naxalec? Did you even take the chairmanship? Ahhhhh~~~ If you go out now... will you be forgiven?..."

The door suddenly slid open silently—there were bursts of baby crying, not one or two, it was a combination of dozens or hundreds of crying, and it came out, but, I didn’t see any babies in the room, the scene was extremely strange...

Since being created, the woman who has never left this ice prison, felt that Nazarick was in an unprecedented crisis, and stepped out of this field for the first time...

On the way to the treasure hall.

The guardians of the class were fully armed and surrounded Monkey King in the center. Albedo and Shatia accompany him. Their solemn expressions made Monkey King a little helpless: "You don't need to be so nervous, just relax. "

Albedo looked serious: "Your strength is naturally beyond doubt, but it is my duty to protect your safety. I hope Master Wukong will allow me to wait; and there are still many extremely dangerous things in this Nazarick. Guardians, their strength is not inferior to ours. I am afraid that they have already regarded you as an intruder, and they will inevitably launch an attack. We should be more cautious!"

As soon as the voice fell, I felt the piercing cold wind roaring, and the harsh, crazy screams were also passed into everyone's ears: "You, you, you... snatched, snatched, snatched... I My child, my child, my child, my child——!!!"

"This voice!!!" Albedo frowned and turned in vain to look for fame, only to see a woman with a strong murderous aura turned into a gust of wind toward them. Seeing that its goal, it seemed that it was not Monkey King. It's everyone present.

The large scissors in his hand exudes a dazzling cold light.

"How did this guy run out?!" Cosettes shouted and was about to prepare to fight, but Albedo moved faster than her, hurriedly took out a doll, and threw it at the woman who was charging. In the past: "Your child is here!"

Seeing the doll that was thrown flying, the woman's movements froze as if she pressed a stop button, then she put away the scissors, and carefully took the doll: "Oh!"

She embraced her dear'child' lovingly, as if she would never let go, and then turned her face covered with long hair to Monkey King and others: "My lovely sister, and all the floor guards, don't come here unscathed? "

"Nicholide, you too... don't come here unharmed!"

Facing the woman in front of him, the expressions of the guardians are a little weird. The long hair that sheds her head covers her face, and she can’t see what she looks like, but from the standpoint of her figure, she looks a bit similar to Albedo. .

However, in the next moment, Niguride’s gaze was suddenly locked on Monkey King’s body: "You—you are the intruder who usurped the position of the president!" As he said, Chao Yar Bede, who was looking fiercely in vain Waiting for someone to look over: "My lovely sister, tell me! Why are you with this intruder?"

"Sister, he is not an intruder, Master Wukong is the new supreme Supreme whom I agree and recommend with all the floor guards..."

"Unanimously agree, recommend?" Niguride's face became more frantic and twisted: "That's it, that's how it is! Have you betrayed Nazarick and Ainz Ur Gong? Since you It's my lovely sister, and I will never forgive you!!"

The violent aura swept out again, Niguride's mood seemed to be completely replaced by madness, and the big scissors in his hand cut towards Monkey King without hesitation!

"You dare to shoot against Master Wukong? Ahhhh~~ Even if you are my sister, I won't forgive you!!"

Seeing that Nicholas actually launched an attack on Monkey King, Albedo screamed angrily, and the giant axe in his hand unceremoniously chopped down at the scissors.

The loud noise of'Dang' and the aftermath of the violent collision made the two women retreat, but they rose up again in an instant, and collided again, the sound of the collision of weapons reverberated here...

"My lovely sister! You shot at me? You shot at me?! Ah ah ah~! You betrayed, are you? You betrayed, are you? A madman made a harsh scream, her eyes gradually became blood red, she seemed to have completely lost her senses, and her whole body erupted like fighting spirit, which made her look even more crazy, but the frequency of attacks increased. Fast and fierce, the attack from the big scissors in his hand was deadly, and it gradually suppressed Albedo.

Monkey King watched the battle in the field: "She's called Niguride, isn't she? She seems to be a magic caster, who actually suppressed Albedo in close combat. Although Albedo has mercy, but the strength is not bad. Well."

Xia Tiya explained: "She is the guardian of the fifth layer of ice prison, and has the ability to fully monitor the individual. It is rumored that her spirit is not stable. Now it seems that it is true."

Just as Shatia explained, Albedo’s angry screams overwhelmed her, and her jealousy distorted her face: "You, you, you guy, you are actually praised by Master Goku! Ahhh~~ Master Wukong, please take a good look, the concubine's ability is more than that!!"

The giant axe in his hand was shining green in vain, and in the roar of anger, Albedo, who had been defensively, suddenly smashed Niguride out with an axe!

As a magic caster, Nicolede could not be Albedo’s opponent in close combat. He was suppressed because of his mercy, but because Monkey King praised Nicolede, Albedo was driven by jealousy. , The anger distorted her, and her head was hot and she didn't care about anything.

"Cough cough~~" Nicolaide climbed up from the ground with difficulty, coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth, and Albedo, who had a distorted and angry face, suddenly lost his expression: "Sister...Sister, you are all right. Right?" ..

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