"Uh~Yes." At this time, Arche was nervous to refuse, and subconsciously nodded to the two younger sisters: "U Lei, Couty, don't thank this big brother yet."

"Thank you, big brother." Seeing her sister nodded and agreed, Wu Lei smiled sweetly and took the ice cream from Monkey King.

"Thank you." Kuti also politely thanked her, and she was indeed attracted by the color and fragrance of the ice cream.

With a move, Monkey King handed out another ice cream bar and handed it to Arche: "You also have one?"

"I don't need it..."

"Take it."

"Thanks, thank you." Arche didn't reluctantly refused, accepting it with gratitude, and introduced: "I am Arche, and these two are my sisters Wu Lei and Kuti."

"Wow~~ So sweet, so delicious~" When Ai Xue introduced, Wu Lei couldn't help taking a bite of ice cream, and the expression on her face was immediately replaced by happiness.

After taking a bite, Cutie had the same expression.

"Really cute." Monkey King looked at Wu Lei and couldn't help reaching out and touching her head.

"Unexpectedly, you can get the praise of Master Wukong!" Shatia immediately cast envy, envy, and hostility at Wu Lei.

This made Wu Lei feel cold all over, as if being stared at by some terrible beast, and could not help hiding behind Arche with a look of fear.

At the same time, Arche's expression became extremely dignified. She was also taken aback by Xia Tiya. She was not only a third-order magic caster, but also a born supernatural power, that pair of miracles. Such eyes, if you insist on a name, can be called the magic eye of seeing through.

It is said that the magical caster of the magic power system will have invisible magical aura floating around the body. Arche's abilities can see this aura, so as to see through which level of magic the opponent can use.

Although Xia Tiya is not a magic caster, the kind of despair that makes her whole body cold must be superior to her. In other words, she is definitely a high-ranking post above Tier 4.

Subconsciously, she looked at Nabelar, who had not spoken, her pupils couldn't help shrinking, her eyes widened at the moment, her face was horrified, this, this kind of terrifying magical aura surrounding her, what is Rank magic caster?

Forgive her for her ignorance. So far, she has never seen such a huge magical aura. It is impossible to tell which level of magic caster Nabelar is at all, but there is one thing she can be sure of, this absolute She is the strongest magic caster she has ever seen.

Involuntarily, Arche turned his attention to Monkey King again. Seeing the actions of these two women, it must be just the adult's entourage, right?The entourage is so strong, what kind of identity is this adult?

Because of the shock of the heart palpitations, Arche swallowed her saliva with difficulty. She was really frightened. She did not expect that she would meet such a big man today.

And, just now, I heard that girl called her a "trivial" human. Are they not human?Thinking of this, Arche's heartbeat speeded up a lot. Sure enough, after that incident, the empire became restless, and so many powerful men came to the empire.

Will it be for that secret treasure?If so, then their hopes are even slimmer.

"Um, I'm sorry, if nothing else, we will leave first." Repressing the shock in her heart, Arche said politely and respectfully.

"Goodbye, Wu Lei, Kuti." Monkey King smiled and waved with the two little girls.

"Goodbye, big brother." Wu Lei and Kuti also waved goodbye to Monkey King.

Seeing the three sisters leaving behind, Xia Tiya said with an unhappy expression: "Master Wukong, why should you be so good to the mere humans? Of course, I am not questioning your decision, just a little unhappy."

"After all, I don't hate humans as much as you do." Monkey King touched Xia Tiya's head and said, "And, don't you think those two little girls are cute?"

"Not at all!" Xia Tiya said with jealousy: "Also, in cuteness, do they have cute concubines?"

Nabelal made up for Xia Tiya with a blank face: "Master Xia Tiya, eating the vinegar of two little girls is really out of status."

"Ahem~Who, who is jealous!" Xia Tiya immediately stared at Nabelar, then smiled again: "But Master Wukong feeds on the cuteness of the two little girls? That's right, after all, sometimes my concubine will feed on cute kittens on the side of the road.

Hey, what the hell do you mean by "feeding"?

Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya and didn't bother to complain. Although people have evolved into adults, they are still the same monsters inside.

In a remote and uninhabited alley, a figure shrouded in black robes blocked the way of the three adventurers and let out a weird sneer like a beast: "Hey hey~~ I found three good prey. , Just now, did you do bad things? Did you do bad things?"

"Pretend to be a fool, who are you?"

"Want to be nosy? Or do you want to kill yourself?"

The three adventurers suddenly looked hostile at the people who stood in the way, and took out their weapons in a defensive posture.

"Two swordsmen, a magic caster? Not bad, really not bad." The black-robed man replied unexpectedly, still making an unpleasant strange laugh.

"You guy!" One of the adventurers was obviously embarrassed by the other's tone. Without a word, he stabbed the sword.

The black-robed man dodged sideways in a leisurely manner, and nodded in satisfaction: "The sword is fast and clean. He seems to be an experienced swordsman."

"You guys don't look down on people!" The middle-aged swordsman's face was annoyed, and he accumulated his fighting spirit. The sword in his hand was immediately covered with a layer of shimmer: "Sword flash!"

The speed of the body suddenly increased, turning into an afterimage and crossing the black-robed man.

"Shield? Magic caster?" The middle-aged swordsman frowned, turned, and looked at the black robe man solemnly.

"That's right, as a reward, please go to death!" The black robe man let out a weird laugh again, stretched out one hand, and the ring on his finger suddenly emitted a magical beam, dodge the middle-aged swordsman. The incompetent speed pierced his chest in an instant.

"This, this is!!" The middle-aged swordsman looked at the ring worn by the black-robed man, surprised and greedy, but even more unwilling, and then fell powerlessly.

"The ring, can it be said that it is...?!"

The remaining two adventurers simply ignored the dead companions, but greedily fixed their eyes on the ring on the black robe man's finger...

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