"It's so arrogant, I shamelessly want to negotiate with the great Supreme Supreme, who do you think you are?" Xia Tiya said with a look of anger to Monkey King, "Master Wukong, please allow concubine Temporarily executed her."

"Xia Tiya, don't need to be so hot, girls should be gentle and reserved." Monkey King smiled at Xia Tiya.

Their loyalty to themselves really cannot tolerate the slightest disrespect of others.

"Yes." When Xia Tiya heard the words, she immediately stood behind Sun Wukong in a reserved and well-behaved manner, just looking at her desperate gaze a little unkind: "It's just that this guy is really rude."

Monkey King turned his eyes on the desperate body again: "You want me to help you, don't you know that we are in a hostile relationship? We killed the people of your country, especially the one named Kerry. My old lady, who is able to hold world-class props [Qing Guo Qing Cheng], must not be simple in your teaching country, right?

"Their life and death has nothing to do with me. I only do what I think is right." Desperately looked indifferent. In her tone, there was no sadness at all for the death of her troop companions, and that attitude seemed to say something. Something that has nothing to do with her.

Of course, this is in line with the desperate style, otherwise how do you think her name came from?

"Oh~ Listening to your words, it seems that I don’t care about the life and death of my companions at all." Monkey King looked at his death desperately with interest: "So, what are your current behaviors? Isn’t it just to save your companions? Did you do it?"

"It's not all right." The tone of desperation was still calm, and the gaze looking at Monkey King suddenly became fiery: "It's just by the way to save them. I only have one purpose. I want to fight, I want to fight the stronger! "

Destiny has been invincible for hundreds of years. She has been looking for the feeling of failure. Now that she is born, she has tried to fail, and she is still the kind of complete failure. She is not depressed, but extremely excited, because she She felt that she was not alone because she was not only a monster, but also a monster stronger than herself.

Moreover, not only the man in front of him, but even the entourage by his side seemed to be stronger than herself. There was a strong urge to integrate into their group. She wanted to know that in this world Above, what else she hasn’t seen.

She is eager to fight, eager to fight with the strong, but has not been able to do so, because the opponents she encountered are too weak.

She had a hunch that as long as she stayed with these people, she would definitely be stronger. From the incident of the church country being attacked, it could be seen that there were monsters in this world that even she could not defeat.

Only the strong can become her companions, and those in the dark scriptures are not companions, but just colleagues.

"Interesting." Monkey King looked at his desperate gaze, showing a slight smile: "I suddenly became interested in you, how about it, do you want to join us?"

"Uh~ are you asking me to marry me?" The desperate complexion suddenly turned red, and she always remembered her commitment, as long as someone defeated her, she would be willing to marry him, even if it is a monster or a badass. Regardless of her identity, she would not care.

From another perspective, this is a ruthless person.

"Asshole, there is no concubine... when will it be your turn!!" Xia Tiya on the side instantly ran away, if it weren't for Monkey King's presence, she would have launched an attack in the first place.

However, the breath that surpassed the hundredth level was released, and it was locked on the desperate body without reservation, making her heart tight, and the hairs all over her body erected instantly, suddenly got up and backed up, holding a war sickle, ready to prepare for the attack. .

This is an instinctive response when facing life threats.

The threat Xia Tiya brought to her was too great, and she felt as though she couldn't breathe.

Before, she asked the person in the Dark Sacred Code who was stronger than the vampire who killed Kerry. The Dark Sacred Code's answer was that she was naturally stronger, so she didn't take this matter to heart. , But now, she can't wait to call the pitch black sacred scriptures to have a blast, so does this make herself stronger?

Just this terrifying aura, its level absolutely crushes oneself!

Even with the equipment of the six great gods, she didn't have any confidence in defeating her, because people's equipment was not worse than hers, or even stronger.

The equipment is not good, the equipment is not good, the level is crushed, and the level is crushed. It turns out that not only the man, but the vampire is also so strong. The information provided to her by the dark scriptures before is simply nonsense.

Who are these people?Where did it come from?I have never heard of it before!

Monkey King looked at Xia Tiya and said, "Xia Tiya, don't need to be so nervous, your position in my heart is irreplaceable."

"Yes, Master Goku!" Xia Tiya was instantly overwhelmed by the feeling of happiness, all the unhappiness vanished in an instant, and returned to a cute and lovely appearance. She had instinctively blocked the'men', and only heard one. The word'you'.

Arche and the others on the side looked staggering, and the feelings of this Lord Shatia were too rich. The speed of changing faces is faster than changing books.

At the same time, I also admire Monkey King. Such a moody existence can be tame and submissive, which is really powerful.

Sun Wukong smiled and looked at Destiny. He had already noticed that Destiny wanted to join his subordinates: "A world-class prop is not enough to invite me to take action. How about joining me? Is it under your command? As long as you become a companion, then I have no reason to refuse the request of a companion."

"World-class props? Are you talking about this real artifact?" Desperately holding [Endless Greed] in his hands, said.

"Of course, it's just a different name. You call it a true artifact, and we call it a world-class prop. Only world-class props is the most accurate name. Every world-class prop is made by the leaves of the world tree. So it has power beyond imagination."

"It turns out that the true artifact has this kind of origin!" Desperately desperate as if opening a door to new knowledge, with a bright eye, and sure enough, these people know some other side of the world that she doesn't know.

There was a moment of silence, desperately looking at Monkey King firmly: "I am willing to join you, but I only obey your orders." ..

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