The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 108: Blood Emperor

Aixue was silent when she heard this. From this incident, she also realized how naive her previous thoughts were. It was not that she could leave if she wanted to leave with her sister. In the eyes of outsiders, she Her parents are still her parents, just a word can determine the fate of their three sisters.

Even after the incident of abandoning them and running away from home, with their parents' personalities, they might do more excessive things.

Although she is a third-order magic caster, she still hasn't seen enough in the face of the nobles.

Ai Xue looked at her two young sisters, and suddenly regretted it. She shouldn't have the idea of ​​running away from home. Although it was really hard before, it would not fall to the desperate situation.

She knew very well that if something happened to her, she couldn't imagine how the two sisters would end up.

Suddenly, Arche looked at Monkey King, her eyes became extremely firm, and kowtow begged: "Master Goku, please accept our three sisters! I know that in your capacity, the two sisters who want to protect me absolutely No problem, I am a slave or a maid. It doesn't matter what I do, as long as the two of them are fine!"

Monkey King looked at Arche: "Even if we are not in the human camp?"

Arche was stunned for a moment, and nodded resolutely: "Yes, as long as Wu Lei and Kuti are safe and sound, I will have no regrets even if I degenerate into a devil!"

"Your family is really interesting. Your parents are typical incompetent and ruthless dudes, but your sisters are just the opposite of them. It's really amazing that parents like you can give birth to three sisters like you. If I help you, then I will help to the end. Allow your three sisters to join the Pleiades star cluster and become one of them."

"Thank you, thank you so much!" Arche was grateful at the moment, and kowtowed her head repeatedly.

Monkey King waved his hand, and the portal flashed out again, Yuli Alpha walked out of it, and bowed to his knees.

Monkey King said: "Their three sisters have got my permission to join the Pleiades star cluster, Yuri, take them back and train them."

"Yes, Master Wukong." Yu Li Gongsheng took the command and looked at the three Ai Xue sisters: "You, follow me."

Arche didn't dare to neglect, and quickly grabbed the hands of the two younger sisters, and followed Yuli into the portal.

What they see and hear in the following will subvert their lives...

Monkey King looked at the night outside the sky: "The trivial matters have been resolved, it's time to rest."

After hearing this, Albedo immediately turned around, ran to Monkey King's room, and got into the bed.

When Xia Tiya saw it, she was suddenly shaken by her angry eyebrows: "Albedo, what are you doing? Get me down quickly!"

Albedo narrowed his eyes slightly: "Of course it is the only great supreme supreme warm bed for my concubine~"

"Ah~ you are too cunning, Albedo!" Xia Tiya exclaimed, and jumped into the bed: "I want too!"

"Then, I will retreat first." Desperately looking at Albedo and Shatia with some envy, he said goodbye to Monkey King and returned to his room.

She didn't dare to fight in front of Albedo and Shatia, because she had already seen that neither of them was easy to provoke.

Imperial Palace.

The blood emperor's bedroom.

Nippel Jacques Dier Anok, also known as "Garrewind", fell on one knee in front of the Emperor Bajas.

This emperor known as the blood emperor, whose full name is Jiknif Renfalord Al Nix, has ascended to the throne at the age of only twenty-two, and his methods are naturally unusual.

At this moment, he is lying on the soft collapse, his appearance always makes people can't help but think of the "golden glitter" in FATE, which has a kind of unruly domineering.

After listening to Nipple’s report, he suddenly got up and sat up, no longer the lazy and casual, but full of surprise and solemnity: "Hair and eyes are divided into different colors, one black and one white, and the appearance is a girl. It looks like a half-elf, are you sure you read it correctly?"

"OK!" Nippur said with a certain face: "I swear by the reputation of a knight! Moreover, her identity has also been recognized by the old man, she is indeed exactly the same as the legendary one, so the matter is very important, we dare not call the shots. , Just came to ask your majesty."

The blood emperor's eyes flickered: "Unexpectedly, the teaching country actually hid this person for so many years, ha ha ha ~ ~ interesting, interesting, are they not afraid that once they are known by other countries, they will be attacked by groups? Send her out..."

He said, looking at Nippur: "So, that real artifact is in her hands?"

"This... the subordinates are not sure. When they came out, the girl stood behind a man like a waiter. I think that real artifact should be in that man's hand?"

"So, is that man an important person in the country?" The blood emperor was lost in thought. The precious things of the country have always been kept by important people in the country. An old woman holds the same.

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do next?"

"How to do it?" The Blood Emperor looked at Nipur silently, and the emperor's majesty instantly suppressed him and lowered his head a little breathlessly: "Does this still need to be said? Since it is something that appears on the territory of our country, it is naturally It belongs to my empire, when is it their turn for outsiders to intervene?"

"What does your majesty mean?"

The blood emperor threw a token to Nipur: "You are allowed to call the Forbidden Army and the Knights, and you must snatch the true artifact back!"


Nippur's eyes lit up, and he walked away with great momentum...

After Nipur left, the blood emperor’s eyes flashed with inexplicable light: "The religious country...haha~~ I really don’t know if you are arrogant or ignorant, and dare to let such a sensitive monster out, hahaha~~ It’s been a long time ago that your gods are not pleasing to the eye. How can you miss such a rare opportunity..."

The sky was just getting bright, and the chaotic pace awakened Monkey King and others from their sleep.

Xia Tiya looked out the window, looked at the army that had surrounded the surrounding streets and houses, and looked at Monkey King beside him: "Master Wukong, it seems that the empire has already begun to act."

"It seems that the temptation of world-class props, that blood emperor is also hard to escape." Monkey King dressed up under the service of Nabelal, and walked out the door: "Come on, let's go for morning luck ."

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