The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 110 The Abyss of Magic

What's even more bizarre is that not only did the death and despair not be consumed by the tactics of the sea of ​​people, but the stronger the battle, the aura gradually increased every moment.

"Is this the power of the real artifact?" Fluda Paradine stared at the desperate death of the Quartet, especially the ring in her hand, her eyes hot.

His lifelong long-cherished wish is to peep into the "magic abyss", as long as he obtains this true artifact, maybe his wish can be achieved.

"Don't focus on attacking the deadly death, that will only make her stronger!" As if seeing through the state of the deadly death, Fluda Paradine immediately ordered, pointing to the Monkey King watching the play. Person: "You go to deal with them, and you must give it to me!"

Upon hearing this, the elite soldiers and knights evaded her when they desperately dealt with the other elite soldiers, and killed them where the Monkey King was...

On the other hand, under the protection of the surrounding guard knights, Fluda Paradine raised the staff in his hand, chanted the spell, and prepared to launch the sixth-order magic.

Looking at the group of elite soldiers rushing towards them, Sun Wukong stood up: "Nabe, these guys will be handed over to you, let me see your newly acquired power."

"Yes." Nabelal stood up in a respectful voice, her face was extremely serious, and she stood in front of Monkey King; when Xia Tiya saw this, she immediately ran to the back of Monkey King and knelt on the ground, full of expectation and excitement. Looks like: "Master Wukong, please, sit down."

"..." In this regard, Monkey King was speechless. Would you like to be so unscrupulous?And Albedo, what's the matter with your unhappy expression that was preempted by her?

Sure enough, the minds of these guardians are extremely peculiar. This kind of thing is extremely embarrassing to outsiders. In their eyes, it is extremely glorious, and can be loved, respected, and noble. Sitting on the supreme as a chair is simply a blessing for three lives.

Monkey King: "Is it okay?"

"You're welcome." Xia Tiya's tone and expression were uncontrollably excited.

Since Shatia was so enthusiastic, Monkey King was not polite. She sat on Shatia’s back, and Shatia smiled happily in an instant. With that excited and happy expression, Albedo was gritted teeth. , Can't wait to kick Xia Tiya away and replace herself.

On the side of Nabelal, she has already begun to do it, and the surging magic power is released from her body, making Fluda Paradine, who originally prepared the sixth-order magic, froze in the original. With a horrified expression of horror, he turned his head towards Nabelal, and her deep old eyes shrank in vain, feeling that the surrounding temperature dropped in one breath, and her whole body was covered with goose bumps.

"This, this is? Impossible!! How is it possible!! This, this level, there is such a existence in the world?!" At this moment, Fluda Paradine felt his heart, his own The soul was trembling, his feet were soft, and he knelt directly on the ground. There was a strong sense of nausea. It was an instinctive reaction that could not bear the deterrence of such immense magical power.

Fluda Paradine is also the owner of a natural ability, able to see through the highest level of magic that the opponent can use, of course, if it is hidden, he can't check it.

Just like Nabelal, if she hadn't evolved, she would naturally be able to be seen through by Fluda Paradine, but after evolution, it was obviously impossible.

After evolution, Nabelal's ability to hide herself is more advanced than the props that hide her information in the game.

Fluda Paradine has lived more than two hundred years old, and his heart is so tough that he has forcibly restrained the uncontrollable nausea, but the trembling of the body can't be restrained; but After the fear, he became extremely excited.

His lifelong wish was to peek into the'magic abyss', and now, this one in front of him is not the goal he has been pursuing all along?

But just in his stunned effort, Nabelal’s magic has been activated. Between the wave of his hands, thunder snakes danced wildly, thunder fell from the sky, countless elite knights were struck by thunder, convulsed and screamed. Zhong fell to the ground, everyone was killed by one blow.

Even the four knights of the empire, under this sixth-order magic, were slashed outside and tender in the inside and covered in black smoke, but they are much better than other elite knights, at least not dead, just being hit hard. But the fear in his eyes is obvious.

Within a radius of fifty meters, the only enemy standing is Fluda Paradine. After all, Nabelal only uses the sixth-order magic, and what Fluda Paradine said is the same. The sixth-order magic caster, he used defensive magic to offset a lot of the thunder's damage in time, but because of the power gap with Nabelal, he still suffered serious injuries, but at least he did not fall.

At this moment, Fluda Paradine is not only not afraid of this, but on the face of excitement and enthusiasm, and even looks a little crazy: "This, this is the'magic abyss'? Very strong! Really strong!! Only the sixth rank can easily hit me hard!"

Trembling, Fluda Paradine actually knelt down to where Nabelal was, "My lord, please accept me as a disciple!"

"!!!" The empire soldiers all around were shocked and stunned, and even the four imperial knights were shocked: "Master, you, you..."

Bajod Pershmel's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that the respected chief court mage of the empire actually succumbed to the enemy, and even worshiped him as a teacher?

"You shut up!" Fluda Paradine looked enthusiastic, and his expression at the moment was like a mad scientist, full of fear: "This is the'magic abyss' I have been pursuing. In order to pursue a higher level of magic, the old man can give up everything for this!"

The four knights of the empire were all stunned. Except for Reinas Rockbruce, she had no interest in Fluda Paradine. The only thing she thought about now was what she should do to save her life. , Because she herself has no loyalty to the emperor, and pays more attention to her own interests and safety than her allegiance to the Lord.

Nabelal looked indifferent, as if she hadn't heard her. For human beings, she herself hated them very much, and accepted her as a disciple?I think you think too much.

A move of slender hand, another move of "Devil Fire Purgatory", endless black fire spread from the ground, directly submerging Fluda Paradine.

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