The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 112 The Platinum Dragon King

Chaindu Lux Baixiang, also known as the Dragon of the Platinum Dragon King, is one of the thirteen heroes, also known as Char, the place where he lives and sleeps.

The familiar breath caused Chaindulux Baixiang to regain consciousness from his light sleep, and he was full of emotions called surprise, and it could not even be said as consternation.

Although he was still closing his eyes, the darkness was as bright as day in the eyes of the dragon's eyes, and he had completely seen the person who appeared in front of him.

In front of the breath he felt, there stood a majestic old human woman with a sword on her waist. She avoided the keen perception of the dragon and came here, showing mischief on her face full of years. The unique smile of a successful person: "It's been a long time."

The voice rang in the cave, but Char did not answer, instead he opened his sleeping eyes and looked at the old woman in front of him.

The white hair covered her head telling about the years she had lived, but her face showed an out-of-age naughty and lively expression. Aging made her thin and weak, but it did not change her mind, which made people look at it. , You can recognize that this is an old naughty boy.

Seeing that the Platinum Dragon King hadn't answered for a long time, the old woman's eyebrows were raised, forming a dangerous angle: "Why, old friends can't even say hello? It hurts the brain, it turns out that dragons can also be demented."

When the platinum dragon king Chaer heard the words, he bared his fangs and let out a soft laugh that was completely inconsistent with his head: "Sorry, because seeing an old friend, I was too excited to speak for a while."

But when the old woman heard the words, there was a sarcastic expression on her face: "Old friend? But the old friend is just the empty armor over there, although it is scarred."

In the past, when the platinum dragon king Chaer traveled with the old woman and others, he was manipulating the empty armor to replace him from a distance. Therefore, after knowing the truth, his companions thought that he was deceived. The woman still remembers.

"So long ago, you still remember!" Char looked a little helpless. Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something. An emotion called anger erupted from him, looking directly at the old woman who was covered. Living in the abdomen: "You—wounded? Who did it? In this world, there are not many who can hurt you!"

The old woman was silent for a moment, then sighed slightly: "The church country... is destroyed..."

"Huh?" Char's eyes were surprised, and the dragon's eyes flickered, and he said: "Has the hundred-year aftershocks come? Don't you stand on the side of the world like the team leader this time? Your injury was caused by them. of?"

"Yes, and this aftershock is probably more terrifying than before. The old body is in front of them, and there is no way to fight back. If it weren't for the teleportation magic, the other party had no intention of taking my life. I am afraid that the old body has already..." An expression of lingering fear.

"Nothing to fight back?!!!"

The Platinum Dragon King showed a look of surprise, he knew the strength of the old woman very well, even her level could not fight back?The opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Long's face was solemn, and it seemed that this disaster was no small matter.

The old woman looked serious: "In this situation, maybe you can only ask other dragon kings for help."

"I'm afraid it's difficult." Platinum Dragon King Char shook his head: "Like the "Holy Dragon King" that only flies in the sky, or the "Dark Night Dragon King" nests in a huge underground cave and doesn't know what it is doing. It's impossible to help us."

"But you have to try it, don't you?" The old woman's face was serious: "This aftershock is really not trivial. It is impossible to defeat all the dragon kings without focusing!"

Char's face was shocked: "Is it true to this level?"

"Yes." The old woman looked solemn: "There were three people who destroyed the religious nation and took away the allure. One of the women did not take action. It seems that she should be the leader of the team and the strength is stronger; the other two men, each one's strength Can easily crush the old body, not to mention, the breath they give me is more oppressive than you, maybe, stronger than you!"

When the Platinum Dragon King heard this, he had a solemn face, and he had absolute trust in his old friend. Since she had already said this to this level, she was definitely not alarmist.

"Also not long ago, the strength of the vampire controlled by the alluring country and alluring city should never be underestimated. From this point of view, there are already four known supernormal monsters. If we can't get the help of the other dragon kings, we are afraid. Win!"

"But I... can't leave..." The Platinum Dragon King was silent for a moment, but he spoke faintly, his eyes couldn't help but look at a sword not far away from him. The shape of that sword doesn't seem to be suitable for slashing, but it The sharpness of his blade is incomparable, a level that modern magic can never create.

This sword is one of the eight weapons left by the King of Eight Desires, YGGDRASIL's special item-the guild weapon.

This is the reason why the Platinum Dragon King cannot leave, because he has to guard this guild weapon.

The old woman's face was solemn: "Have you not left before? Now you have to join forces with other dragon kings!"

The Platinum Dragon King Char was accidental: "You mean...Don't you hate me to do that?"

"At this time, the old man is not the kind of petty person."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Platinum Dragon King Char nodded and closed his eyes again, but the armor hanging on the side suddenly moved, as if a knight was completely wrapped in armor. In general, the voice of the Platinum Dragon King Char: "Let’s go, let’s talk to the Colorful Dragon King first."

The old woman looked at the armor in front of her with a look of nostalgia, which seemed to remind her of her experience when she was young when she had an adventure with Char.

"Ligulit, don't miss it, let's go quickly."

"Ah~oh, good." The old woman named Ligulite nodded in embarrassment, and said: "But before that, we have to go to the Kingdom of Riyestige. The old man has to find Little Sister Emberon, the ring in her hand can give us a little bit more win."

"Oh~ I noticed that the ring in your hand was gone. It turned out that you gave it to her, and only you called her little sister."

"Cut~ You pay attention to this kind of thing very carefully. Is it because the dragons are naturally sensitive to treasures?"

"Okay, you and I don't quarrel, let's leave and do business."

As Charr said, the armor made of metal made of metal flicked his right hand, and a magic portal appeared in front of the two of them. The old woman and Charr entered it one after another and disappeared... ..

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