The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 2 Treasure House of Knowledge

Monkey King smiled: "It's really convenient and simple to get along with your angels. Many questions can be understood without explanation, which saves a lot of trouble."

"Master Keisha, he..." Ruoning stood up hard, came to Keisha, and protected her behind.

Kesha smiled softly and pulled her away: "It's okay, Ruoning, this adult can be trusted."

"Totally trustworthy?" Ruoning looked at Keisha with a look of surprise, as if she didn't understand that Keisha would say such a thing. Can a man be trusted?

It's no wonder that she has such an expression, because in the era of heavenly order, female angels are just appendages of male angels, so it is not an exaggeration to say that they are playthings. Men are trustworthy?The sow will go up the tree.

"It seems that you have a big prejudice against men." Monkey King looked at Ruoning with a smile on his face: "It's just that not all men are bad guys. You just have bad luck and met a king of scum. That's it."

"The king of the scum? This is very appropriate." Keisha's face was calm and calm: "Male angels are all scum, but unfortunately, I have no power, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Monkey King smiled and looked at Keisha: "Do you overthrow Hua Ye's heavenly order?"

"!!!" Ruoning looked at Kesha with a look of astonishment. She actually had such a thought. Is it because of what happened today?

Kesha lowered her head and fell silent, because she had no power yet, and talking about other things was just a delusion.

But when I think that the man in front of me is my beloved lover in the future, and can defeat Hua Ye so easily, then...

Kaisha's eyes suddenly brightened, and she looked at Monkey King with scorching eyes: "Wukong...sir...please overthrow Hua Ye's heavenly order and establish a new fair and just order!"

"!!!" Ruoning's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Yes, the adult in front of him easily defeated Hua Ye. If he were to lead him, he would surely overthrow Hua Ye's heavenly order.

"This is not something I should do." Monkey King stretched out his hand and stroked Kesha's smooth hair: "It's what you should do. After all, you are the king of the future gods."

"King of the gods and gods?!" Keisha couldn't help being stunned, because she learned from the information of exploring Sun Wukong that Sun Wukong came from the future. Since he said this, then she in the future, It must be the king of the gods, but can you really reach that height in the future?

"Don't doubt yourself, you have that kind of aptitude, although it will take longer." Monkey King looked at Kesha and said: "However, since I'm here, if I don't do anything, wouldn't it be too boring? So, let me give you the power to overthrow the order of Hua Ye's Heavenly Palace."

Keisha's eyes lit up and her face was excited: "What should I do?"

"For you, you don't need to practice to improve your strength. You only need to improve your own genetic system. I will transmit the relevant scientific and technological data to you. You can research and reform yourself." Sun Wukong said. A single finger tapped on Keisha's forehead, and countless information about technology was input into her brain, and this information was developed by her own research in the future, and Monkey King only gave it to her in advance.

"This, this is?!!!" A large amount of information entered into her mind, making Keisha's eyes widened for a while. Those fantasy-like technologies had already subverted her current cognition, and she became addicted before she knew it. Among them, you cannot extricate yourself.

Keisha is very talented in wisdom, otherwise it would not be possible to grow into the king of the gods. After receiving the knowledge of Monkey King, she immediately strengthened her body according to the knowledge inside...

For others, she can understand the obscure knowledge at a glance, and she can understand it at a single point...

With the spread of her white wings behind her, in such a short period of time, she was directly promoted from the ordinary angel warrior to the third-generation super warrior. The rapid progress is really exaggerated.

"Kay, Lord Keisha?" Regarding Keisha's sudden change, Ruoning was really shocked. In such a short period of time, such a drastic change could be obtained. What did that adult give to Keisha?It has such effects?

"That's great!"

Ruoning's voice seemed to awaken Keisha who was addicted to it. She saw her excited and excited face, holding Monkey King's hands with both hands, grateful: "Thank you very much for giving me such a precious gift. , It’s just that there are too many knowledge points, and I can’t finish it for a while, and the angel computer in my body can’t parse all the content at all. It seems that I want to inherit all the knowledge and need a computer that can match it..."

Monkey King: "This is natural. There is no matching supercomputer. It is impossible to fully analyze the treasure trove of knowledge I gave you. Isn’t there already a way to build a celestial computer? What you have to do now is not to improve yourself, but Transform your angel engine into a'celestial computer'. After you build the celestial computer, you can completely analyze the treasure trove of knowledge I gave you. Then you can improve yourself whatever you want."

"Yes! But I may not be able to do it alone, I have to find a talented person, can you go back with us?" Keisha looked at Monkey King expectantly.

"Of course, I still want to see you overthrow the order of the Heavenly Palace."

"Let's go, here." Keisha took the initiative to hold Monkey King's hand with an eager look, and quickly led the way...

Ruoning, who followed behind her, looked a little stunned. It was the first time that she saw Kesha so close to a man. Even if she saved her, she would give her a treasure trove of knowledge, right?What did she see during the previous investigation?


"Sister, it's great that you are fine!"

Just appearing in front of a house, several beautiful angels appeared in front of them, especially the leading angel sister paper, and immediately jumped into Keisha’s arms and hugged her: "See you That Hua Ye turned away but terrified me. By the way, what about Hua Ye? He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"It's okay." Keisha held her sister's head lightly, her expression calm and gentle, and looked at Monkey King aside and said: "Thanks to Lord Wukong, we are saved."

"He saved you?" Liang Bing shifted his gaze, staring directly at Monkey King from top to bottom: "Can save you from the King of Hua Ye, sister, don't you say that this man has the strength to contend with Hua Ye? "

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