Chi Yan turned red, and glanced at Kaisha cautiously: "Don't talk nonsense, Master Wukong is the male god of Master Kaisha."

"Oh~ Look at your expression, do you want to..."

"Hurry up, you!" Before Chi Xin could finish her words, Chi Yan had already blocked her mouth and flew in the direction of Monkey King...

"It's really boring. I thought I could show my skills, but I didn't expect it to be over all at once." Liang Bing looked at Monkey King with a grimace: "Master Wukong, you are really too, somehow give me a A chance for performance!"

"The universe is so big, there will be more opportunities in the future." Monkey King smiled.

"Yes, my sister is going to become the king of the gods." Liang Bing's eyes lit up: "In the future, you are not allowed to wipe out all the enemies at once~"

"Don't worry, I usually don't take it casually."

"But if you do anything you want, it's all gone."

At this moment, Chi Yan took her sister Chi Xin to land, and bowed to Sun Wukong several people: "Master Wukong, Master Keisha...this is my sister - Chi Xin."

"I have seen Master Wukong, Master Keisha, and all the goddesses." He saluted respectfully and cleverly. His eyes were full of reverence. The person in front of him easily broke the order of Hua Ye's heaven. It will also be the leader of the new age of angels.

Monkey King smiled at Chi Xin and nodded: "Yes, in that situation, dare to be the first to stand up. You are as brave as your sister."

The blazing humility on his face was also very excited to be praised by Monkey King: "You have been praised, we dare to do that, it is all the courage given by the adults."

Monkey King: "I will introduce the sisters who are accompanying you."

"Yao, Xin, Xuan, Yi, Jun, I just came to see a few adults."

Five beautiful female angels flew over with excitement, and knelt down to salute: "Meet the Lord God, and Lord Goddess."

"Male god..." Sun Wukong couldn't help but laughed when he heard this name. The names of these female angels are quite interesting: "Get up all, and from now on, you will help Kesha with Blaze. "

"Yes!" The female angels stood up, all with a look of excitement, they were directly promoted from the lowest level to the highest level.

The female angels all showed envious eyes, regretting why they didn't stand up first, and why should they be afraid and hesitate.

Keisha looked at the angels looking at Sun Wukong's fiery adoring eyes, and said: "Wukong, I think, or you will inherit this new king of angels, I think no one will object.

"Just forget it." Monkey King waved his hand and refused.

"Don't refuse so quickly! Master Wukong." Liang Bing looked at Monkey King and smiled: "Look at the surrounding area first, so many beautiful angels have become kings, they are all yours."

"Do you think I am Hua Ye?" Sun Wukong couldn't help but give a cold glance: "The age of angels is about to enter the age of feminism. Naturally, your king can only be a woman. So, Keisha, you don't have to delay. This throne belongs to you."


"Hey~~ Sister, why are you so hypocritical?" Liang Bing was suddenly upset: "If you don't want to be the king, then I'll do it."

"You?" Keisha looked at her sister and shook her head: "You can't."

"Hey~ no, why can't I do it?" Liang Bing immediately looked directly at Kesha: "You look down on me, right?"

"No, it's just that your personality is inappropriate..."

"Why is my character inappropriate? You mean my character is terrible?"

"I mean, your character is not suitable for leading these angels." Keisha looked serious. She was very clear about her sister. Let her lead these innocent and kind female angels. She didn't know she would be taken. Where to go.

"Then you can do it!" Liang Bing put her arms around her chest and looked upset and angry. She didn't really want to be the king of angels, but she was upset to be so denied by her sister.

"Okay, this king of angels can only be your sister. History cannot be changed." Monkey King reached out and stroked Liang Bing's head, comforting: "Otherwise there will be some deviations in the future, and you will not be you anymore. Would never know each other."

"Uh~so serious?" Liang Bing was taken aback when he heard this.

Keisha also had a solemn look. In fact, she had made up her mind a long time ago to let Monkey King be the new king of angels, because only he was qualified to be the new king, but now when he hears Monkey King say this, he is not there. Persevere, it seems that she must become the king of angels and even the king of gods.

"Okay, it's not appropriate to chat at this time, let's hurry up and get into the topic." Monkey King said, and with a wave of his hand, a gorgeous high platform flashed in the city. On it, there was a throne surrounded by two wings, gorgeous and gorgeous. Noble and full of divine authority.

"Go up." Monkey King looked at Kesha: "It's time to announce the arrival of a new era."

Keisha took the initiative to hold Monkey King's hand with a gentle expression: "You go up with me."

"Cut~" Liang Bing curled her lips with an unhappy face. Seeing her sister's intimacy with Monkey King, she felt uncomfortable inexplicably.

"No need to'cut', let's go together." Sun Wukong smiled and touched Liangbing's head, took her hand, and turned to look at Hexi's daughters: "You can also follow along. You can't be without you."

"Hehe~~" When Monkey King took the initiative to hold his hand, Liang Bing's original unhappy mood instantly disappeared beyond the clouds of Jiu Xiao, and he happily followed Monkey King to the high platform...

Under the gaze of everyone's attention, Monkey King and his group came to the high platform, and the female angels all around suddenly cheered.

Monkey King looked at Kesha and the others with reddish faces and a little bewildered appearance, and shook their heads. After all, they are still fledgling, innocent little angels, who have not yet experienced the cruel test of reality. Tension is also inevitable.

Since they have some stage fright, he can only come forward. They stretched out their hands and pressed them, and the noisy scene was quiet: "As you can see, the order of the heavenly palace has become a thing of the past, and Hua Ye also took the scum and left Angel Nebula. In the future, this Angel Nebula will be a nebula that belongs exclusively to your female angels. Of course, if anyone finds that there are still male scums hiding in the Angel Nebula, you can report it immediately and we will impose sanctions according to the situation." ..

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