"I'm sorry, Lord Wukong, I'm afraid I will disturb you~" Xi's voice suddenly rang in the ears of Sun Wukong and the next moment, her figure appeared in front of Sun Wukong out of thin air.

"Why, your thing is done?"

"Yes~ The entire dimensional world has been repaired evenly, and the strength has been greatly improved~" Xi's face was full of joy and excitement: "I didn't expect that after being promoted to the real world lord, there would be such an improvement."

"This is nature. The dimensional way of the true self is fundamentally different from the dimensional way of the source. My dimensional way is the embodiment of my strength and realm; and the dimensional way of the source, to put it plainly, is just to accommodate others. The space container of the world, but it is different in my dimensional way. You can get the bonus of my strength and realm, and your strength will naturally increase."

"Master Wukong's understanding of the way of true self is really better than the way of origin. It seems that it is only a matter of time to replace the dimensional god." Xi looked at Monkey King with admiration, and could create from a mortal. In such a way that defies the sky, no Tianzong Shenwu can describe his terrible.

Countless diversified world masters have been studying how to break through the existing realm and achieve the real dimensional way in eternal time. Unfortunately, none of them succeeded.

They couldn’t imagine that an ordinary mortal would not only be promoted to become the lord of the world, but also slowly climbed to the height they dreamed of climbing; in their eyes, someone who was like a grass, actually They can also grow up to this point, they want to see which realm master actually loses to someone rashly.

"Master Wukong, what are you talking about? I don't understand a word of the true self or the origin!" Liang Bing looked at Xi with a curious look: "Also, who is she?"

"Morgana...ah~ No, you are called Liang Bing now." Xi looked at Liang Bing with a smile on his face: "How can I say, you can walk out of my world, so many masters of the world, really I'm quite proud of it."

As he said, Xi couldn't help but stretch out his hand, wanting to touch the cold ice, unexpectedly a force of rules burst out of her body, and directly bounced her hand away.

"Uh~ what's this?" Liang Bing looked astonished, why didn't she know that this kind of power still existed in her body?

Xi curled his lips in dissatisfaction: "It's so stingy, can't you just touch it? I won't hurt you, Master Wukong has even changed your past and didn't see what you did!"

When Liang Bing heard this, his face was dumbfounded: "I, I didn't do anything!"

"I didn't say you." Xi curled his lips.

Monkey King smiled: "Morgana has absolute trust in me. She will naturally not ask what I do with her. Well, you, if you want to get such trust, you have to work harder."

"Really, I'm also their former goddess anyway, is that so untrustworthy?" Xi said that he was very hurt, very wronged, and felt isolated.

"You don't need this kind of expression, right?" Monkey King looked at Xi with a speechless expression. This source world master really doesn't look like a source world master.

Oh, no, she is now the Lord of the True Self.

"Humph~ You won't let me touch it, I want to touch it!" Xiben has a playful and playful character, but it's so exciting to be engaged like this.

Both hands stretched out, directly towards Liangbing and Kesha...

But the result was the same as before. The huge force of rules erupted from the bodies of Keisha and Liangbing, and Xi was directly pushed away for several steps.

At the moment, she wringed her fingers between her hands, her expression aggrieved: "Master Wukong, I feel that they don't like me..."

"No, I didn't do anything?" Liang Bing was still in a daze.

When Keisha looked at her hand, Dai's brows frowned in contemplation for a moment, looking at Xi, thoughtfully, but did not directly intervene.

"Okay, stop acting there." Monkey King patted Xia Xi and said calmly: "This is just their self-protective will, but it doesn't mean it against you. By the way, you are here to do it. What?"

Xi Lima, who was crying and crying, put on a smiling face: "Didn't you hear that you are going out to play, if you can, please take me with you. It's too cunning to watch you play alone!"

"Um~" Sun Wukong pondered for a moment, and his expression became serious: "Since you have finished, then Albedo and the others should be about the same. After so many days, it's time to do business."

"Yeah~ Master Wukong is ready to challenge Master Duoyuan? Great, what are you waiting for, let's go quickly!" Xi became extremely excited in an instant.

Kaisha frowned when she heard the words, and looked at Monkey King: "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah~" Sun Wukong nodded: "It's been so many days. It's time for me to solve some things. What I should teach you has already taught you. Merlot Heaven is also on the right track. With your current strength , I have nothing to worry about, I can only say, see you next time."

"how long?"

"Yeah~" Sun Wukong was thinking about how to answer, but Xi said straightforwardly: "It's probably tens of thousands of years later~"

"Count, tens of thousands of years?!!!" Liang Bing and the others were shocked.

"..." Kesha was also silent.

Sun Wukong was also speechless, and looked at Xiang Xi: "Why did you jump time so far?" This kind of sadness of parting was the last thing he wanted to see, but he couldn't take them away with him now, nor did he It may be with them for tens of thousands of years. Since they are leaving sooner or later, be decisive.

"Blam me." Xi spread his hands and looked irresponsible: "I just let you relax. Who knew you would do so much!"

"It's okay, I can afford to wait." After the silence, Keisha suddenly showed a smile: "Then, we will see you again after ten thousand years, and I will prove to you that the love of angels is eternal!"

"Wow~ Sister~ Do you really want to wait tens of thousands?" Liang Bing said with an exaggerated expression: "Tens of thousands of years, I don't know if I will forget Master Wukong!"

"If you forget me, see if I don't kill you." Sun Wukong immediately glared at Liang Bing.

"That's hard to say~" Liang Bing smiled with blinking eyes, but the sadness and sadness at the corner of his eyes did not escape Monkey King's eyes.

"There is no need to be so sad, the future of us will last forever!" Monkey King said goodbye to Keisha and the others, and under their unwilling gaze, Tong Xi disappeared into her vision together.

"Hey~ it came suddenly, and it went suddenly..." Keisha sighed quietly...

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