"The angels now have such bad tempers." Monkey King grabbed the blade of the Flame Sword with one hand and smiled at the angel who was attacking him.

"Can you withstand the sword of flames with bare hands?!" Angel sister paper was shocked immediately and cried out: "The one who came is bad, array!"

When the angels behind heard the words, they immediately opened their formations, surrounded Monkey King, and raised the sword of flames in their hands, emitting a fiery light.

In this regard, Monkey King appeared helpless: "Hey hey hey~~ You started the attack first. I am just defending myself. How come the person is unkind? Are the angels unreasonable?"

Angel Sister Paper was obviously stunned, feeling that Monkey King made a lot of sense, so she raised her hand to stop the upcoming attack by the angels at the rear: "Then you said, what are you here for?"

Just as Monkey King wanted to speak, he suddenly heard a voice full of surprises coming from the front: "Master Wukong?!" There was uncertainty in his tone.

The next moment, only an angel flew to this side extremely fast and landed in front of Monkey King. She looked at Monkey King carefully, and her expression of excitement became more and more obvious: "This kind of completely unexplored display... Wukong Your lord! You really are Lord Wukong!"

"It turns out to be Chi Xin." Looking at the familiar and more mature beautiful figure in front of him, Monkey King smiled: "It's fine if you have acquaintances. Otherwise, these beautiful angel sisters will treat me. Use force."

"You are so rude, all retreat to me!" Chi Xin immediately looked at the angels behind him and shouted coldly.

The angels all stepped back obediently when they heard this, but their faces were full of curiosity. Who is this man?Master Zhixin is so respectful to him?

"You don't need to be so strict, they are also the responsibility." Monkey King also specially said good things to the angels: "I am quite satisfied with this."

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Chi Xin's face: "It is a great honor to be appreciated by Master Wukong. They are all soldiers and companions I have trained with my own hands. They will stay with me to guard the peace around Angel Nebula. Of course, Except for her..." As he said, he also pointed to the angel who attacked Monkey King.

"Oh~ Has your position risen to the level of defending Angel Nebula?" Monkey King was slightly surprised.

Chi Xin waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I'm just a deputy, Hexi is the real guardian here."

Sun Wukong nodded, turning his gaze on the angel who was doing his hands on him: "This doesn't look like a little soldier, please introduce?"

"Her name is Leng, and she is the disciple of Lord Ruoning..." At this point, she didn't go on.

Sun Wukong naturally heard the hidden meaning in her words: "Listen to you, Nuoning has left Angel Nebula?"

"Yes." Blazing was not surprised as to why Sun Wukong knew. In her heart, Lord Wukong is omnipotent, and this little thing is naturally clear.

It seems that during his absence, their respective destiny trajectories are developing toward their original destiny line.

"Because I watched my teacher break through the line of defense and left the Angel Nebula, Leng joined us..."

"So there is still this relationship." Monkey King couldn't help but look at Leng.

Cooling was a cold expression: "Huh~ In order to be a left-wing guard, she actually left Angel Nebula in anger and left Queen Keisha. I don't have such a teacher!"

"Is it still because of this..." Monkey King touched his head, and sure enough, his established personality is difficult to change.

With a cold expression, he looked at the Monkey King: "Master Chi Xin, who is this adult?"

"He is your teacher. After leaving Angel Nebula, he said he was looking for such an adult."

Leng Yi's eyes widened in an instant: "What?! He is the Lord Monkey King? Ended Hua Ye's heavenly order, saved all female angels, and founded Lord Monkey King of Merlot? The only one in the legend of our Angel Nebula. Male god?!"

"Hey hey hey~~ How come I have such a title for some reason?" Monkey King looked at Chi Xin speechlessly.

Chi Xin spread both hands: "After all, what you have done is too legendary, so that it is passed on, and it becomes like this."

"Wow! Is this lord the only male god in our Angel Nebula legend who can enter and exit the Angel Nebula at will?" The angels in the rear also looked at Monkey King with surprise and curiosity.

"I'm so sorry!" Leng suddenly knelt down on one knee and lowered his head: "I was too rude to you before, I..."

"You don't need to, get up." Monkey King held her hand casually and pulled Leng up: "Your behavior is correct, just a little impulsive. In the future, you must truly determine the opponent's position before making a decision."

"Yes, I would like to listen to your teachings!" Leng looked respectful and obedient.

No way, because of Kesha and others, they have made Monkey King the patron saint of their Angel Nebula. They want to keep his name in the Angel Nebula forever, not to be forgotten by them, and respected and worshipped by all angels. .

"I will pass this news to Queen Keisha immediately. I think they will be very happy."

"No need!" A voice that was indifferent and full of majesty sounded in vain, and the next moment I saw that a huge door appeared not far from Monkey King and the others, and Keisha, wearing a crown, walked out first, and then Followed by Hexi, Fiery Flame, and Zhixin who replaced Ruoning.

"Welcome back, Wukong!" Kesha looked at Monkey King, seemingly calm.

Monkey King smiled and opened his hands: "As far as you are concerned, there should be ten thousand years of disappearance. Why, don't you come and hold one?"

"..." Keisha was silent for a moment, and suddenly flew into the arms of Monkey King in the shocked eyes of countless angels: "I... miss you so much..."

For a time, the expressions of the angel girls became sluggish, and the majestic and invincible queen in their hearts had never shown such an expression.

The two of them hugged for three minutes before they parted. Looking at the expressions of the angels around, Keisha's face was rarely reddened, while Monkey King looked at Hexi: "I said Hexi, look at you. With a calm face, don't you want me?"

Hexi glanced at Keisha instinctively, with a smile: "Is it enough if the queen wants you?"

"Not enough, at least you and Blaze have to be added!"

The blazing flames on the side heard the words, the expression of surprise flashed away, and returned to his calm appearance...

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