The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 36 Old Acquaintances

"You guy, why do you always like to pretend to be mysterious?" Liang Bing looked at Monkey King with an unhappy expression.

Monkey King: "I don't like to pretend to be mysterious, but it is troublesome to explain. Anyway, you will understand in the future, why should I say more."

Liang Bing curled his lips and said, "From now on, I only know that it's uncomfortable now."

Monkey King: "Then keep holding back."

Liangbing: "..."

Monkey King looked at Liang Bing and the others: "Let's go, I will personally train you for a period of time, and then you will go to Earth."

Soon, half a month passed.

Albedo and the others still haven't found the right passage to the multi-dimensional master. After all, in the endless dimensional passage, it is like finding a needle in a haystack, not to mention that the other party still deliberately conceals themselves, making it even more difficult.

And Liang Bing followed Monkey King’s advice and came to the earth; afterwards, in order to help the humans on the earth, Keisha also came to the earth, and everything started slowly back on track...

(PS: The story during this period is the story of the previous Super Seminary, but some people and things have changed slightly. For example, angels and demons will not be hostile, but the overall development will not change, so I don’t have much. I've written it again, please automatically continue to the previous Super Seminary.)

A few months later, the Merlot Court of the Angel Nebula.

Monkey King was teaching the fighting skills of several angels such as Fanxing in the beautiful courtyard. Hexi hurried in, with a trace of anxiety on his face: "Master Wukong, I suddenly cannot feel Queen Keisha, nor can I contact Yan. They can no longer enter the treasure house of sacred knowledge. Is something wrong with them?"

When Fanxing and other angels heard the words, they all looked astonished and their eyes widened.

Sun Wukong waved his hand to signal them to rest assured: "It's okay, you don't need to worry, it seems that they have been taken away by me now."

"Take it away by you?" Fanxing looked puzzled: "Aren't you here?"

It was Hexi's face that was stunned: "It was you who took them away to have a later journey. Has the acquaintance helped us? No wonder you would say that it is inappropriate to go to the earth..."

"Your head is pretty good." Monkey King smiled and looked at Hexi: "It's worthy of the brainpower of Merlot Heaven."

"You have a good reputation." Hexi looked humble: "Just where did you take them? Will you meet again in the future?"

"Don't worry, it won't be long before you will meet. At that time, they are already true gods."

"Are you a real god?" Hexi nodded silently, and didn't ask more, anyway, Master Wukong won't hurt them.

Monkey King: "But before that, I think you should make more preparations. Merlot Heaven is about to usher in an unprecedented wave of invasion."

Fanxing couldn't help but stunned: "Who would have the guts to invade our Angel Nebula?"

Hexi also wrinkled her eyebrows slightly, a little confused, with Queen Keisha's deterrence to the entire universe, it is impossible for that god to dare to invade the Angel Nebula.

Sun Wukong smiled: "If anyone learns that Kesha and I have left and are no longer in this universe, would you tell me, would other gods still fear the Merlot Heaven? Who will covet Angel Nebula?"

Hexi was taken aback for a moment before blurting out, "Hua Ye?!"

"!!!" Fanxing and their complexions changed drastically. Hua Ye, a name that only exists in the literature, is a name that every angel of them knows. In that era of patriarchal order, Hua Ye was all angels. Nightmare.

"Does he want to take advantage of Queen Keisha's absence to regain the Angel Nebula and restore his heavenly order?" Hexi's expression was indifferent. Now she has no regard for Hua Ye at all. Developed courage and absolute confidence in their own strength.

"Except for this goal, I think there should be nothing else." Monkey King's expression was indifferent.

Hexi turned and looked at Fanxing: "Assemble all the fighting angels and prepare to fight."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Sun Wukong smiled: "Then Hua Ye thought that I dared to invade here after I left with Keisha. If I suddenly appeared in front of him, what would he look like?"

"..." Hexi looked at Monkey King speechlessly: "You are really nasty, since you want to play with him, then just do it with you."

"Let's go, just accompany me to wait for Hua Ye's arrival. Let's give him a big surprise." Monkey King said, suddenly thinking of something: "Oh, yes, that crocodile Are you still locked in the dungeon now?"

"Crocodile?" Hexi's face appeared in a daze: "Are you talking about Thornton? Liang Bing took him away when he left."

"Take it away?" Monkey King nodded, and when he was about to say something, Hexi's ears suddenly heard a heart-warming voice: "Master Hexi, a spaceship was found outside the nebula and is heading towards Angel Nebula. , How should we respond?"

"Are you here so soon?" Hexi looked cold and gave an order: "Stay on the spot, we will be there soon."

After speaking, he looked at Monkey King: "Master Wukong, there is news from Chixin that a spacecraft is found outside the Angel Nebula and is heading for us. Do you need to set off right away?"

"Let's go." Sun Wukong nodded, and his thoughts moved, he already showed up in the first layer of protection outside the nebula with Hexi, and the angels in the distance flew in front of them to salute: "Master Wukong , Master Hexi, look, the spaceship has appeared within sight."

Hexi calmly issued an order: "According to the intelligence, Hua Ye will come to invade the Angel Nebula. You should hurry around and be prepared to report any abnormalities."

"Yes!" Chi Xin's expression instantly became extremely solemn, Hua Ye?It turned out to be Hua Ye, the former king of angels.

Monkey King looked at the spaceship that was getting closer, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You don't need to be so nervous, the person here is not Hua Ye, but an old acquaintance."

"Huh?" Hexi heard the words and quietly stared at the spacecraft in his line of sight, and a little surprise gradually appeared in his eyes: "That is... the spacecraft that Nuoning took when he left Angel Nebula..."

"Is Lord Ruoning?" Chi Xin was shocked, looking at the Monkey King beside her, a little surprised. Ruoning was the guardian angel of Lord Wukong. She knew that Lord Wukong appeared in Angel Nebula, so she didn’t come here. By accident.

"It seems that it is indeed her." Monkey King looked at the figure standing on the deck with a heroic expression, but smiled. Compared with ten thousand years ago, she was less green and more mature and stable. With a trace of hostility hidden between her eyebrows, it seems that her experience in these years is not ordinary...

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