"Are you addicted to howl, okay, anyway, I'm just being bored, because of Qiangwei's face, then I will help you." Monkey King nodded when he heard the words.

"Then please." Du Kao and others bowed deeply, expressing their heartfelt gratitude. With Master Monkey King, the trouble of the gluttonous army must not be a trouble. Now he has to sigh, it is really good to have a good daughter what.

"Master Wukong, send me, just gluttonous, and wipe them all out, it won't take much time." Ruoning immediately asked for orders.

"No, no..." Sun Wukong waved his hand: "Didn't I promise that little girl before, to help her get revenge, this addiction, let her end it personally.

"That child? Isn't it a bit wrong?" Lingxi heard this, a little worried, the kind angel in his heart naturally couldn't bear to see the child go to fight with the leader of the gluttonous army.

"Don't underestimate her." Sun Wukong smiled: "Because of experience, her character has been tempered strong enough, and with the talent, it is not weaker than you~"

"Is that the little girl just now? It's really not ordinary that I can see by you!" Ryze couldn't help sighing, and then hesitated: "Is it a little... No, are you training Xiaolun and the others for a while?"

"They?" Sun Wukong couldn't help but look at Ge Xiaolun and the others, which made them all look excited. In the past, Sun Wukong trained them and couldn't escape. Now, after seeing the cruelty of war, they are looking forward to Sun Wukong's training. Only by becoming stronger can they defend their homes and nations.

People don't know how to cherish when they have it, but only after they lose it can they know how to regret it.

Sun Wukong said indifferently: "When I trained you before, didn't the ghost cry and howling wolf? Why are you looking forward to it now?"

"Before we were young and too ignorant. Now that we have experienced it, we know the weight of the burden on our shoulders." Ge Xiaolun said, kneeling directly: "Big Brother Wukong, please give us a chance!"

"Please give us another chance!" Xin Zhao and the others also knelt down.

"Oh~ the previous funny comparisons seem to have really grown." Monkey King couldn't help but smile: "However, with your current skills, there is not much room for improvement. If you want to improve, you have to upgrade your body. If you upgrade the Anti-Void Engine, the power of the galaxy, one of the three major god-making projects, especially Xiaolun, you, that addicted to Howl will be able to raise his hand."

"Damn! Is the power of the galaxy really so strong? Isn't it true?" Ge Xiaolun suddenly looked excited. Over this period of time, he found that besides being able to fight, he really didn't realize that he had anything else. Skills: "Um, Brother Wukong, then teach me!"

"Then what about me? What about me?" Xin Zhao pointed to himself, expectantly.

"you have not."

"Damn, why is the gap between people so big?" Xin Zhao said he was hit.

Upon seeing this, Cheng Yaowen swallowed back what he had just wanted to say.

"Master Goku, I also beg you to teach Ge Xiaolun and the others again." Du Kao looked serious: "The earth now needs them."

"Okay, anyway, one of the orthodox religions is to teach, and the two are also to teach. Allow you to observe and observe." Monkey King looked at Ge Xiaolun and said.

"Yes! Thank you so much!"

Ge Xiaolun was all excited.

Du Kao immediately said to Ryze next to him: "Go, hurry up and call Zhao and Liu Chuang."

Observing Master Monkey King’s teaching, how can such an opportunity be missed? He has clearly heard Principal Kieran say that Monkey King’s knowledge must be far above him, and its existence, even Principal Kieran, cannot be traced to the ancients. The degree is beyond words.

In the past, they compared Monkey King with Principal Kieran, but later heard from Principal Kieran personally that they were far behind, but they really shocked them.

Ryze frowned slightly and said seriously: "Is it really good to call them back like this? If it's an emergency at the border..."

"It's okay, let the fight to defeat the Buddha work harder. Anyway, he knows how to score himself, and being alone is enough to resist thousands of troops."

Ryz nodded silently, walked aside to communicate...

Poor fighting and defeating the Buddha seems to have become a tool man, but in order to protect the world left by the master, he is also willing, because this is the fighting and defeating the Buddha-Monkey King!

After finishing the conversation with Du Kao and the others, Monkey King came to the kitchen under the leadership of Ge Xiaolun.

At this time, the little girl was already lying on the chair, and it seemed that she had been hungry all the time.

Thornton also lay on his back without an image, touching his stomach with contentment, it seems that the food here is very appetizing for him.

Sun Wukong stepped forward to ignore Thornton, but came to the little girl's side and touched her chubby belly: "Even if you are hungry, you can't eat so much at once. Are you afraid to hold yourself to death?"

The little girl smiled: "It's better to die than to starve to death."

Upon hearing this, Monkey King couldn't help touching her head. A simple sentence was enough to explain her experience.

Monkey King: "After resting for an hour, an hour later, I will teach you how to control your power."

"Own power?" The little girl looked puzzled, it seemed that she herself hadn't noticed that she was wrong.

"At that time you will understand." Monkey King smiled and said: "I left that addiction to you to deal with it, you have to study hard~"


"It's the leaders of the gluttonous army, those who killed your family."

"Those bad guys' heads?" The little girl immediately squeezed her fists and stood up, her eyes flashing, her expression firm: "Let's start now!"

"It's a good thing to be motivated, but you can't rush it." Monkey King touched her head and smiled: "However, I still don't know what your name is now?

The little girl hesitated and said, "My name is..."

However, before she could finish her words, Monkey King interrupted her: "Or, just call you Annie?"

"Hey? Why?"

"Because I think it suits you."

"..." The little girl was silent for a while and nodded: "After that, my nickname will be Annie."

Obviously, she knew very well that her food, shelter, and even revenge were tied to Sun Wukong, so she knew not to refuse...

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