For a time, Ge Xiaolun and the others all cast awe at Annie. How long has it been since she has mastered this power, and even Liu Chuang has suffered a lot. No wonder Wukong will value her. But fortunately, the bear that was summoned out was the strong one. If Annie herself was so strong, then they would really doubt life.

Also, the material of the teddy bear seems to be very impressive. It was chopped by the God-killing Axe and it was not damaged at all. Sure enough, the thing that Wukong gave out was a good batch.

Now they are convinced that as long as Annie has been trained by Big Brother Wukong for a period of time, howling will never be a problem.

"It's really a peculiar ability." Ruoning looked at Annie with a curious look: "Her ability doesn't seem to belong to any civilization I know."

Sun Wukong turned his head to look at Ge Xiaolun and the others: "You continue to study, I'm going to train Annie. When you finish reading it all, you can basically understand it, and you are looking for me."

"Let's go, let's go to a wider place." Monkey King said, pulling Annie, taking Ruoning and other angels and leaving the place.

Seeing the back of Monkey King leaving, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but sigh: "Big Brother Wukong is really exactly the same as before. He likes special treatment, and obviously allows us to understand things immediately, but we must learn by ourselves."

"Okay, sometimes you say these bullshits, so hurry up and learn!" Liu Chuang said with a serious face: "Big Brother Wukong does this, naturally there is his reason, otherwise you can tell the little girl Annie to read like us Ah? Does she understand?"

Zhao was wearing goggles and couldn't see his face clearly. He also spoke when he rarely spoke: "Reading...reading...our...time...not much..."

Soon, three days passed.

After studying hard for three days and three nights, Ge Xiaolun and others finally finished reading that thick book of genetics, and they rushed to the venue where Monkey King was training Annie. They were all shocked by the scenes they saw. .

As far as his eyes could be, there was a sea of ​​flames of Wang Yang, and poor Thornton was dancing in the sea of ​​flames like a silly tap dance, wailing painfully from time to time.

Looking at Annie, with a wave of his left hand, the fire spread, and a finger with his right hand, the little bear fell from the sky, making Thornton miserable, and hugged his head for a while: "Stop~Stop~Little Annie~Stop! I admit defeat~I admit defeat~I I'm telling you~ Children shouldn't play with fire like this, otherwise they will wet the bed at night..."

"People don't know how to wet the bed!" Annie suddenly said with an angrily expression: "Little Bear, hit him, hit him hard!"

The little bear immediately thumped his chest and roared to the sky. The next moment, as if he had started a gust of wind, he rushed towards Thornton...

"Come back?" Thornton saw this and quickly backed away subconsciously. After a few days, he had suffered a lot of the bear's loss. He couldn't chop, he couldn't kill, he couldn't kill, and he couldn't fight hard if he wanted to win. It can only defeat its Summoner Anne, but Anne is surrounded by a sea of ​​fire, and it is impossible to get close without paying a price, and it is also difficult to avoid the protection of the bear.

Thornton immediately looked at Monkey King: "Master Wukong, can I cut her down now?"

"It's okay." Monkey King nodded. In the past few days, he has been forbidden Thornton to use weapons against Annie, only allowed to deal with Cubs, but now Annie is almost trained, but Thornton can try his best. If you can't even beat Thornton and want to defeat Howl, then it will definitely not work.

"Hey~~Little Annie, you have to be careful now, but don’t be cut in half by me." Thornton, who had been suppressed for a long time, immediately let out a happy laugh. He was allowed to do it. All the depression of a few days was released.

Seeing the little bear rushing towards him, Thornton was not backing back, shaking his head and yelling, he stepped on the ground and climbed high, slashing towards the little bear with the force of smashing Huashan...

Seeing this, the little bear stopped immediately, thumping his chest and roaring, rounds of sound waves rippling away. Thornton felt his head dizzy, and most of his strength in his hands could not be removed. But when the little bear saw the right time, he jumped and took a bear paw. It directly hit Thornton's forehead, causing it to crash into the ground.

"Oh~ my head is dizzy!" Thornton staggered up from the pit, then sat down on the ground, lying on the ground and vomiting: "Oh~~ Stop fighting, don’t fight It’s too shabby, I’m most afraid of getting dizzy, the whole world is spinning around and I’m unsteady..."

"This messy crocodile..." Monkey King shook his head helplessly. Thornton's combat power is actually very good. However, a little setback can make him give up on the spot and give up on the spot. Aside from being cute, it seems to have little effect. I vomited, I was so arrogant before calling people to be careful, and I would directly admit defeat in the next moment, it was speechless.

"Awesome! Can you beat Thornton in just three days?" Ge Xiaolun and the others were shocked. They also fought Thornton, and they still agree with his strength. Now they have been formed by Annie. This look was naturally shocking.

"Big Brother Wukong is Big Brother Wukong, this teaching skill is simply awesome!" Liu Chuang immediately slapped him.

"Why, have you all finished reading that genetics?" Monkey King turned his head to look at them, waved his hand, and the surrounding Wang Yang sea of ​​fire disappeared without a trace.

"After reading it, I probably understand it." Ge Xiaolun nodded solemnly before daring to come to Monkey King.

"That's all right, I'll help you unlock the genetic lock."

"So simple?" Xin Zhao and the others were taken aback, which was different from what they thought.

"Why, do you still want to try to solve it yourself?"

"No, no, no~~" Upon hearing this, Xin Zhao and others all waved their hands and shook their heads: "Let's ask Brother Wukong to come! Come on!"

"All stand up."

Just two seconds after Monkey King's voice fell, Ge Xiaolun and the others lined up and stood up.

"Yes, the action is quite capable." Monkey King nodded, and stretched out one hand, a section of invisible data submerged into their bodies, transforming and unlocking the genetic lock for them...

Ten seconds later.

Monkey King: "Okay."

"That's all right? Why don't you feel anything?" Liu Chuang looked at his hands, puzzled.

"Surely you are practicing divine art. Breaking through can feel the power bursting?" Monkey King couldn't help but glared at him: "If there is any change, try it and you will know."

Xin Zhao immediately got up and disappeared with a whistling sound. The speed was so fast that he almost moved...

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