Monkey King watched Qiang Na's gradually appearing gluttonous figure and the UFO fighter plane floating in the air: "The front is the range of the gluttonous army, Annie, are you going to try your skills?"

"I'm going! I want to avenge my grandma, mom and dad, and my little bear!" Annie hugged the little bear in her arms tightly, with a firm face, staring at the gluttonous gluttons that appeared in front of her, her name is hatred. The flame burned in the eyes.

"Go ahead, do you remember the protective shield database I transmitted to you, pick one to apply to yourself, don't be sniped by gluttonous shells or armor-piercing shells."

"Yeah~!" Annie nodded heavily, and the little hand tossed the little bear doll in her hand forcefully, and threw out the warplane. A crimson flame instantly wrapped the doll, and it rose up against the wind. With a violent roar, the huge body of the little bear fell straight. On the ground, with a'bang', a gluttonous glutton was directly flattened.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Lock on the target! Launch an attack!" The gluttons suddenly yelled in a panic, and they fired violently at the bear with their guns. However, what surprised them was that the bullet shot on the bear, but The fur on its body has not been damaged even a little.

"What kind of weird bear is this? Quick! Try it with a god-killing armor-piercing bullet!"

"Do you really want to use it? This bullet is very scarce, we don't have much left!"

"...First use shells to kill it! And the fighter plane, also fight me!"

The gluttons got orders, and the manipulator palms changed one by one, forming the muzzle of a black hole, in which the blazing white light condensed and turned into a beam of light across the void, flying towards the bear...

Seeing this, Monkey King smiled: "These gluttons are not in armor, but are completely transformed into mechanical life. This Karl is really a scientific lunatic..."

Ruoning's expression was indifferent: "It was also their volition. It's no surprise that this kind of race who yearns for war will sacrifice themselves for strength."

"I, my little bear will be okay?" Annie looked nervously at the bear who had been submerged by the artillery fire, and the deafening roar made people frightened.

Monkey King stretched out his hand and touched Annie's head: "Don't worry, its material has been specially processed by me, and its defense is comparable to the top divine body. It is difficult to destroy it even by killing Shenwu, let alone such sugar-coated shells. "

"Yeah~" When she heard Monkey King's words, Annie suddenly felt relieved. For this big brother's words, she was absolutely confident that she could bestow such incredible power on her in such a short time. Monkey King was in her heart. , Has long been an omnipotent god.

Just as the two were talking, they suddenly saw a beam of light traversing in the direction of the fighter plane, and Monkey King and the others felt that their eyes were blank.

In response, Monkey King said calmly: "Annie, activate the protection system I transmitted to you."

"Okay." Annie nodded earnestly, and the internal engine started autonomously: "The Void Engine is turned on and the omni-directional light source shield is turned on... It is successfully turned on, the target sanction is implemented, the target is locked-gluttonous, the number is thirty-two, please give instructions..."

I saw that the fighter plane was immediately surrounded by a layer of transparent mask, and the light beam that came across was bombarded on this layer of mask, and an ear-splitting roar broke out, but the fuselage was not affected in any way because the shield was on the plane. Formed outside the body, it is not affected by the slightest shock.

"This shield..." Ruoning was surprised at this. According to her understanding, the shields used by this mobile fighter are attached to the surface to implement defensive measures; but this shield used by Anne The shield directly wraps the fuselage without any contact with it, but it can stably follow the movement of the fighter. Such a shield is usually only used on stationary objects and buildings. It is the first time she has seen it on moving objects. This situation has overturned the concept of physics.

"Attack." Annie pointed a small hand, and her milky voice did not show a bit of domineering, but added unlimited cuteness.

It's just that the next picture has a shocking effect. I saw the gluttonous gluttons floating in the air, losing their physical functions one by one, falling from the air, and then being brutally and brutally used by the bear below. Stepped to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, I saw densely packed fighter planes flying from a distance, like a locust border. The screen was extremely shocking. Obviously, the battle here attracted the support of the gluttonous army.

However, it is not the gluttons who control the fighters, but their beast-body servant army, and only the beast-body servant army has such a large amount of terror.

"This number!" Ruoning was a little moved when he saw it, and stood up from his seat with a serious face, ready to fight.

"Hip-hop~~~ Senior, don't panic, my grandson is here too!!"

A full of breath, domineering laughter echoed the sky, and then saw a figure holding a stick leap up from the ground, transformed into a thousand bodies, shot down with the stick in his hand, and crashed down as soon as he was driving a fighter plane, one person and one stick. , Blocking thousands of troops, how chic, how mighty.

"Wow~ That person is amazing!" Annie couldn't help exclaiming when she saw this.

"Is this avatar technique?" Ruoning looked surprised. Not everyone can know such supernatural powers: "He should be the god of war on earth-fighting and defeating Buddha, right?"

"Damn! It's the one who defeated the Buddha again!" Seeing this situation, the gluttonous army suddenly panicked. It was this figure holding a club, alone, intercepting their entire army here and could not advance.

"Cut~ this monkey grandson is really going to steal the limelight." Sun Wukong suddenly looked upset. Originally, he didn't bother to start with these young guys, and wanted to leave them to Lingxi. Anne will deal with it. Suddenly halfway through Zhizhi came to a fight to defeat the Buddha, watching Annie look at his worshiping eyes, NND, this kind of limelight can't be robbed by that monkey.

"You guys wait for me here."

As Monkey King said, his body flashed and he already appeared in front of the true body of Douzhe Buddha: "You monkey, it's really time to come out!"

"Hehehe~~" Douzhe defeated Buddha with a hearty smile, and did not see that Sun Wukong was upset at all: "Small, small, my old grandson has been stationed here to awe these younger generations. Today, there are seniors to help, you and me. People, just can take their nests and let them get out of the earth!"

"Fuck?" Monkey King smiled calmly: "I don't plan to do this, but I want them to stay here forever!" As he said, turning his hands into palms and pressing down with one hand, I saw a huge sky-covering palm falling from the sky, thunderously shocked. In the loud noise, all the fighters, including the clone of the Buddha, were all annihilated in this instant...

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