The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 55 The Strongest Creature

Desperately reaching out for a grasp, the brilliance of the hand was shining, and when the palm was spread out, it turned into a light spot and dissipated, and he couldn't help but sigh: "What a rich world of spiritual power, worthy of a super martial world."

"Here?!" Hexi raised his eyes and looked around. He couldn't see the edge of the sky. A surprised look appeared under his calm expression. When he wanted to analyze, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Monkey King. : "Master Wukong, my engine seems to be unable to start..."

Monkey King explained indifferently: "The new world, the new law, your power system is not recognized by the rules of this world and cannot be used. This is normal."

"The new world..." Hexi was surprised: "You mean, we have left the original world? Is this another world?"


Just as Monkey King wanted to answer, a sky-shaking roar suddenly resounded, sound waves rippling from a lake not far away like a typhoon sweeping the world, and wherever it passed, the ancient trees in the sky turned into powder, like a doomsday scene.

"!!!" Hexi and the other angels' complexions changed drastically, and they felt death from the sound wave.

However, when this sound wave arrived in front of Monkey King, it disappeared in a flash.

Then they saw the unforgettable scene of their lives. A dragon, bathed in golden light, burst out of the lake, winding and dancing, straight into the sky, and instantly covered the sky, and the terrible aura overwhelmed the world, making a square circle. The creatures of 100,000 miles shivered, filled with fear, shrank in their hearts, and did not dare to move.

There were even more thunderclouds surging, and the thunderbolt fell from time to time, and the scene was shocking.

The well-informed Hexi was stunned at the moment. It was the first time she saw such a huge and wide-open sky, especially the terrible breath that made her soul tremble. , People can't afford a trace of resistance in despair.

"This is... the dragon?!!!" Lingxi swallowed and shuddered.

"It's just a dragon at the stage of transforming a dragon." Sun Wukong explained calmly, staring at the huge figure in the sky with a calm expression: "However, he doesn't seem to welcome us."

"You wait for human beings and leave my territory immediately, otherwise, you will die and your soul will be annihilated!" The Flood Dragon said, and the sound shook the fields. The rumble and roar was filled with supreme majesty, and his tone was filled with Huanghuang Tianwei, let People are frightened and panicked.

"This level of cultivation should be a creature standing at the top of this world?" Xi looked at the sky flood dragon, and made an evaluation: "Looking at one of the golden scales, it's just that the dragon hasn't turned into a dragon at the opposite scale. It can be seen that he is far from true. The dragon is just a kick."

"Indeed." Sun Wukong nodded calmly: "This world is a world of cultivation, so the master of this world must not be underestimated. You must protect Hexi and the others carefully, so don't make any accidents."

Xi and others all nodded solemnly, Chaowu world master, they are not qualified to participate in the battle.

"The world of comprehension..." Hexi couldn't help being stunned when she heard this. She had seen this word in those nonsense novels on the earth. She didn't want to have such a world in this world.

"Um~~" Seeing that the humans below ignore their own majesty, and instead talk to themselves, Jiaolong can't help but get furious, but he is not stupid. He can enter this deserted ancient forest, and it is also deep in it. Those who come to their own territory will be cultivated. It must not be underestimated. Therefore, he did not dare to rush into trouble, but gave a warning again: "Say it again, human beings, leave my territory immediately."

In an instant, it seemed as if the sky was shrouded in majesty, and the sky of tens of thousands of miles in this area was shrouded by thunderclouds, and the sound of babbling was endless, telling the world clearly what is irreversible.

"Tian Noise." Monkey King said indifferently, and shot out with a volley. Aura surging between heaven and earth, and a giant palm covering the sky was formed in a flash. With a bang, the dragon was shot to the ground with a ruthless bang. Rolling and surging, deafening, the forest below instantly fell into a bottomless abyss.

"..." Hexi and the others were stunned by the scene before them.

"??" The dragon lying at the bottom of the abyss was directly slapped and slapped, thinking that he has been rampant in the world for 100,000 years, even if the Tianxian Lu saw him, he would have to be afraid of three points. It was overturned. Could it be that the immortal world leader failed?But haven't heard that the big boss of the fairy world can still lower the world?

Monkey King looked at the abyss and said indifferently: "I think you are not easy to practice, and I am not a murderous person. I will spare your life today."

"Thank you...Senior for not killing..., Biyan is offended, but I hope...Haihan..." A feeble voice came from the abyss, no longer the previous mighty majesty.

After speaking, Bi Yan couldn't help comforting himself. This was not counseling, but only from the heart.

Obviously, Sun Wukong has no interest in paying attention to him, but just looked up at the sky: "This is the realm of cultivation, and there are immortal and gods on it. The words of the lord of this world..."

As he said, he tore the sky with one hand, and a spatial crack hundreds of meters wide was directly torn open, revealing a huge space-time black hole, as if to swallow everything in the world.

Hexi and the other angels were all stunned. They had forgotten to marvel and tore the sky with one hand. They no longer knew how to describe this kind of operation.


With an order from Monkey King, his figure soared into the sky and fell into the black hole...

With a wave of Xixian's hand, a light group wrapped Hexi and the others, and flew them into the torn and open black hole of time and space...

Jiaolong Biyan saw this astonishing scene from the abyss through his magical powers, and couldn't help but shiver. What kind of big guys are these, tearing the sky with one hand, it's so bullish, it seems that you have to converge a little in the future, don't be so crazy.

Passing through the black hole of time and space, Monkey King and his team came to the endless starry sky universe. Then, they saw a starry behemoth that could no longer be described as huge. The figure covered two planets and floated in the universe.

"..." Hexi felt that his nerves seemed to be numb by shock. It was unbelievable. There are such huge creatures in the universe, covering two distant planets in the starry sky. What is this concept?It's indescribable.

Monkey King seemed very indifferent, because he knew that in the Dragon Ball world, there was a super dragon that was countless times larger than this.

However, the strength is not comparable to the creatures in front of them, but they each have their own advantages. The dragon can realize any human wish, but the creature in front of it, except for its strength, can't do this.

"That fellow Meng is really big-handed. He actually created such a creature. It's too fun!" Xi couldn't help but exclaimed, "This should be the strongest creature in this world!" ..

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