The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 63: Origin, True Self

Although the path taken by Monkey King cannot be copied by others, the multiple world masters are multiple world masters. Even if they cannot follow the path taken by Monkey King, they can still use this to evolve and create and step into their own dimensional path.

And now, with Monkey King’s experience and lessons learned, they succeeded.

The power of the dimension was gathered in his hand, and Hong exclaimed: "Is this the power of the dimension? A word difference is a world of difference!" He said, looking at Monkey King, he said gratefully: "Thank you for your generosity. Otherwise, we will never be able to set foot in this dreamland."

"That's really congratulations." Sun Wukong looked indifferent, unable to see the slightest thought in his heart.

Wu Mu looked at Monkey King, and the corners of his mouth showed a slight curve: "Do you regret now? The road that I thought could not be copied was used by me and Hongji. Doesn't it seem incredible?"

"Regret? Unbelievable?" Monkey King looked at the two pluralistic masters with a faint smile: "What are you talking about? If I disagree, how much information do you think you can get from my clone?"

Hong heard this, frowning involuntarily: "Are you saying that these are all you deliberately?"

"Otherwise?" Monkey King smiled, and his high fighting spirit suddenly rose: "Two multi-dimensional source beads that have stepped into the real dimensional path are unique!!"

Both Hong and Wu's expressions became serious. They were able to advance, but this guy did it on purpose?The original excitement suddenly became a little worse.

Diversified on the side was a look of astonishment. He really didn't expect that the promotion of Hong and Wu was actually within the calculation of Master Monkey King?Is this crazy?Or confidence in yourself?Those are two multi-dimensional masters who have stepped into the real dimensional way!Already qualified to advance to the God of Dimension!Don’t you be afraid of playing with fire and burning yourself?

Monkey King seemed to see through the multiple inner thoughts, with a serious expression: "If I don't do this, how can I fight the evil and god of the dimension? Collect the world's source orbs slowly, and develop wretchedly? It will take that time, I I'm sure that at this time, the evil of the dimension has already recovered nearly half of its strength. If I don't take a risk and wait for him to come, I won't have the slightest chance to win."

"But this is too risky!" The multiple expressions are extremely solemn, the two multiple world masters who have stepped into the real dimensional way, this is a bit big!

"Adventure?" Sun Wu was full of vigor: "Can there be the danger of Yuan annihilation? I can even fight the evil of that dimension to doubt life, let alone two multi-dimensional masters!"

"Diversified world master?" Duan said with a serious face: "They have understood the way of the dimension, and now they are counted as the god of the dimension?"

"The God of Dimension?" Monkey King gave Duan a strange look: "Are you thinking about fart."

"Isn't it?" Duanyuan looked curious.

Not far away, Hong and Wu frowned slightly. In fact, their hearts were a little strange. Although they stepped into the real dimensional way, they seemed to be different from the Monkey King's dimensional way?

Sun Wukong did not answer the pluralism, but looked towards Hong and Wu. Now the matter is a foregone conclusion, and there is no rush to start the fight: "Are you two also wondering, you have clearly stepped into the real dimensional way, but it is not Is my way of dimension different?"

"Why?" Hong asked without shame, it seemed that it was not a hostile relationship at all.

Monkey King: "Don't you feel that your own dimensional way and the world that can be accommodated is limited?"

Upon hearing this, Hong and Wu's complexion changed slightly, and they finally knew where the sense of violation had appeared, and their complexions suddenly became a little hard to look at.

Looking at the expressions of Hong and Wu, Monkey King smiled: "It seems you have figured it out."

"What do you mean?" Duanyuan was puzzled. He did not have the same feelings as Hong and Wu, so it was naturally difficult to think of that.

Monkey King said calmly: "Their dimensional way can hold a limited world, at most 10,000; but my dimensional way is infinite, don't you understand the difference between the two?"

Duoyuan was stunned, and suddenly laughed: "That's it, it's that way~~Hahaha~~~ They thought they had stepped into the same dimensional way as Master Wukong, but they didn't expect it, but the fact is that they just follow It’s so funny to be promoted to the real-self multiple world master, hahaha~~~"

The multiple and unbridled laughter made Hong and Wu's complexion extremely difficult to look at. Even if they had a big trouble with NMD, you don't need to laugh so loudly, it's just outrageous.

Monkey King's expression returned to normal again: "However, the two of them let me realize that what the real self multiple world master controls is the real dimensional power, which surprised me a bit."

"Um~ indeed." The complex expressions suddenly became serious, Hong and Wu's pseudo-dimensional power became real dimensional power, and their strength was indeed enhanced.

From this point, we can also see the difference between the true self and the origin. Hong and Wu have changed from the origin to the true self, but the world they control is only their main world, but their strength has not been weakened, but instead Become stronger; if it is replaced by a normal real-self multiple world master, and the world controlled only by its own main world, then its strength is definitely far less than these two original multiple world masters, only controlling tens of thousands of worlds , I am afraid it can be compared with them.

The difference in basic combat power between the two is a bit big. Sure enough, the original creature is essentially different from the normal creatures in the realm. In terms of natural combat power, the original creature is far superior.

Looking at Hong and Wu, Monkey King came up with the idea of ​​accepting them as subordinates. He only controls one main world, and his strength is so strong. If they are allowed to control tens of thousands of dimensional worlds, their strength will be even higher. Floor, this original creature must be stronger in terms of combat power. If it can be used for its own use, try to use it for its own use.

"How, do you want to fight?" Monkey King looked at Hong and Wu, and threw an olive branch: "If you are willing to become my subordinates, I can return the tens of thousands of source beads I collected before."

Upon hearing this, Hong and Wu narrowed their eyes slightly, as if they had confirmed each other's thoughts from the other's eyes. The terrible breath spread, and they acted to show their position.

"Is that so..." Monkey King shook his head with regret: "After you feel the benefits of the real self, you covet my dimensional way even more..." ..

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