The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Dragon Ball Again

After Monkey King allocated the multiple positions, he allocated all the super martial source beads and the middle and high martial source beads, which greatly improved the strength of everyone, which also brought him a great deal of world source beads. Help, only when the strength of the girls rises, the efficiency of collecting source beads will increase.

Afterwards, Monkey King also took a vacation for them and spent a peaceful and leisurely daily time with him.

Until a month later, everything returned to normal, and the journey of hunting the world's source beads began again.

On the other hand, Monkey King stood in front of the opened door of the dimension, lost in thought. Every time at this time, he was always incomparably entangled. Too many options is also a trouble.

However, when he saw one of the familiar dimensional channels, his eyes narrowed slightly, reminding him of the most difficult and embarrassing battle so far...

"With my current strength, dealing with the Chaowu Realm Master is just a breeze. It seems it's time to go back and clean up him." Monkey King's eyes flashed, exuding cold light, he was very grudges.

"Wukong, are you going back to the Dragon Ball world?" A slightly surprised voice came from behind, and Monkey King turned to look, only to see that Bulma was looking at him with expectant eyes.

"Well, I think it's time to clean up the Dragon Ball Realm Master."

Bulma showed nostalgia: "Take me too, I haven't seen my parents for a long time, and I don't know if they are still alive."

"Yes." Sun Wukong didn't even think about it, but agreed. If they hadn't set out on the 18th to collect the World Source Orbs, he still wanted to bring them together.

Holding Bulma's hand, Monkey King stepped into the door of the dimension, his figure flashed, and he entered the passage to the world of Dragon Ball...

At a height of 10,000 meters, as the door of the dimension flashed, Monkey King walked out with Bulma...

Looking around, Bulma's face showed nostalgia for homesickness: "I'm back~~ This feeling is really missed!"

However, Monkey King was looking into the distance, frowning slightly. Seeing him like this, Bulma couldn't help being curious: "What's wrong? Wukong, look at your uncomfortable expression of constipation."

"What are you talking about?" Sun Wukong patted her forehead in an annoyed manner: "I just can't sense the existence of this Dragon Ball Realm Master..."

"Can't sense it?" Bulma was taken aback for a moment: "Impossible? Is this Dragon Ball Realm Master so powerful? Can't even sense you now?"

"It's not a question of whether it's great, it's that he is not in his own world."

"Is it scared to run away?" Bulma smiled.

"It's possible."

"Don't care about him, since the world is still there, where can he escape?" Bulma said nonchalantly and extremely expectantly: "Now, accompany me home first."

"Alright." Monkey King flashed his figure and appeared in an extremely luxurious villa, covering a vast area and luxury, and only Bulma's house could be so exaggerated.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of her and the figure of the woman sprinkling water on the vegetation in the distance, Bulma's eyes flickered with tears, like a girl who had been returning home for a long time, rushing over: "Mom!!!"

The woman who was still watering the flowers, after hearing this familiar call, her hand motion became stiff, and she immediately recovered, then turned around calmly, looking at the familiar memory The figure made her eyes slightly narrowed, and a gentle smile appeared: "Buma, I'm back~"

A simple sentence made Bulma's tears flow down unconvincingly, threw herself into her arms, and hugged her tightly: "Well, I'm back..."

"You are no longer a child, why are you crying on your nose?" Mother Bulma gently wiped the tears from her face for Bulma, her eyes shifted to Monkey King's body, still her familiar smile: "Oh ~ Wukong, How do you think you are getting younger and younger? You have also become more handsome."

"You are the same as before, you look beautiful."

"Where is..." Mother Bulma stroked her face, especially the wrinkles on it, causing her to sigh slightly: "I'm old..."

Bulma smiled: "It's okay mom, but I have a lot of skin care products, I promise to make you younger."

"Really, let's talk about it when we enter the house." Mother Bulma took Sun Wukong's arm with great enthusiasm, and then took Bulma's hand and walked towards the back room...

After a conversation with his parents, Monkey King left the rest of the time to their mother and daughter. They hadn't seen each other for many years, and there were always some endless topics to talk about.

Sun Wukong came to the private swimming pool alone, and after happily swimming back and forth, lying on the bench, drinking a cold drink, watching the blue blue sky and white clouds, exclaimed, "It's really I know how Billus’s is growing now... Huh? Wait, Billus?... I seem to have forgotten something important..."

As he said, he stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand, and the world ring that he had eliminated long ago appeared in his palm, feeling the two familiar auras in it, and Monkey King was silent for a few seconds, really giving them Forgot it.

After thinking about it, Monkey King thought, two figures already flashed in front of him. Wes, holding the scepter, looked at the suddenly changing environment, and after a moment, he stared at him with a smile on his face. On Sun Wukong's body: "Master Wukong, I thought you had forgotten us a long time ago."

"How is it possible." Monkey King showed no guilty conscience: "As soon as I returned to the Dragon Ball world, I let you out for the first time!"

"So, you already have the strength to deal with that realm master?" Weiss looked at Monkey King in surprise. Although he hadn't been with Monkey King for long, he still knew very well about Monkey King's temperament. If there is no absolute He is sure that he will never come back.

"Unfortunately, he has already escaped and is no longer in this world." Monkey King said, fixed his gaze on Birus, only to see him with a bow tie on his head, sleeping soundly.

Monkey King walked over, slapped his face unceremoniously and slapped him several times, causing Birus to wake up from his dream, opened his blinding eyes, and was stunned after seeing Monkey King, yet extremely calm. He got up, then touched his face, and muttered: "Strange, why do you feel a little pain?"

As he said, walking to the pool, looking at the palm prints on the face reflected in the water, a violent aura burst out from Birus' body, shaking the glass all around: "Ahhh~~~ Monkey King! Did you do it?!!!"

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