The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 13 Monkey King vs Broly

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah -"

Anger, roar, and roar came from Broly's mouth. The terrifying sound wave shook the mountain, and the force of terror exploded from the body, forming a torrent of breath that shook the sky and the earth roared!

At this moment, the clear sky became dim, and it seemed to have been shrouded in Broly's shadow.

"He, he—Is Broly so strong?!!!" Remo was trembling with fear by Broly's horrible breath.

Clay looked at Broly's violent emotions, but he was worried: "This is not him, Broly is obviously a kind child... It's all to blame his father, he turned Broly into I only know the fighting machine!!"

"Zlay, you still have time to manage these! Get out of here quickly, it's important to escape!"

Remo greeted him and fled.

After hearing this, Clay quickly fled the center of the battle.


With a loud shout, Broly stomped on the ground, instantly cracking and collapsing soil and rock, bursting into pieces, and bursting into the sky along with the underground magma.

Broly appeared in front of Monkey King as if he was teleporting, with a punch, entraining the weather, and his fist whizzed towards Monkey King. The muscles in his hands swelled due to the infusion of majestic power.

"This punch is not bad." Sun Wukong said calmly. This seemingly earth-shattering punch was still picked up by him casually. His figure didn't move at all, even if he didn't even blow a corner of his clothes: "But, it's still far away! "

As he said, he raised his left hand and hit Broly's forehead with a dull brain, causing it to scream and fly out...


Seeing this situation, Clay and others were all dumbfounded. Broly had already exploded to such an extent, was he not even a finger of the other party?

"Wh, how could it be so strong! How could it be so strong!!!" Paragas was already shivering with fear. At this moment, he clearly understood that he seemed to overestimate his son.

Clay looked anxious: "Paragas, tell Broly to stop! If we can't win, we have to run away!!"

When Paragas heard the words, he was shocked and yelled: "Browley! Don't fight! Go! Evacuate! Broly!!!"

"Ah ah ah ah~~!!!"

However, what answered him was Broly's unwilling anger, angry roar, and the fighting spirit in his eyes. At this moment, he was completely replaced by endless anger. His breath was soaring, and his body was getting taller and bigger. The angry eyes began to become indifferent, until the critical point, his black pupils even disappeared, and his emotions were completely out of control.

"not good!!"

Seeing this, Paragas was shocked, and hurriedly opened the bag on his waist to take out the controller, but it was empty inside, and his pupils suddenly tightened: "No, it's gone? How could it be gone?!!! Finish, it's over It's over! Everything is over!!!"


Seeing this, Clay was speechless for a while. At this moment, she suddenly felt that she had done something bad with kindness.

Seeing Broly's rising breath again and his taller body, Monkey King's face showed a little unexpected look: "In the form of a human being, this guy is really born for war. Super genius! In this state, I couldn't do it before!"

Looking at Broly, Monkey King had to speak out with emotion, and he had to admit that in terms of talent, the Monkey King in the original book was far behind him.

"Unfortunately, it's a man. If it's a woman, I can't help but want to accept him as a disciple." Monkey King muttered to himself. Such a talent is really good.


Broly's rampage is still going on, his aura is still rising rapidly, and a torrent of terrifying aura has formed a canopy around him, full of violent destruction.

With the earth-shattering sound coming to an end, Broly's body swelled to a height of more than three meters, and his solid muscles looked like a huge human bear.

The thick and lush hair is also stretched because of the swelling of the body, and it seems that it has such a super four flavor.

Transformation Super Four, as long as you reach a certain level of strength, you can successfully transform into a golden great ape, and then you can regain your sanity. But Broly has found another way to maintain the great ape in a human body. The increase in is even greater than the transformation of a giant ape. This talent is really blessed, I am afraid that only a person like him with a super bloodline can do it.

"I have completely lost my mind..." Paragas looked at Broly's current state and fell to his knees feebly. He knew exactly what Broly's current state was. This was when he cut Broly's tail. After falling, Broly, who was unable to transform into a giant ape, turned into a giant ape-like state as a human being when he ran away. In this state, the six relatives did not recognize it, and there was no reason at all. Even if he won Nakakarote, They couldn't escape the fate of being killed by Broly.

"It's over, everything is over!" Paragas muttered to himself.

Only Zlay looked at the violent Broly in the field with a worried expression.


A loud roar sounded from Broly's mouth, and he saw his mouth wide open, and a wave of qigong shot out from his mouth. This kind of power was too powerful, piercing through the air, and destroying Zhiwei to the extreme.

"Not bad! This kind of power is not enough to resist the super three!" Monkey King was full of surprise, and he shot the qigong wave directly by the smoke he shot.

From this point, it can be seen that Broly's normal combat effectiveness is also extremely astonishing, I am afraid it is even stronger than the Super League.


In this scene, the pupils of Zilai and the others were constricted. This Master Monkey King was so desperate that the horrible Qigong wave was suddenly shot away?

Seeing that his qigong wave was accidentally slapped by Monkey King, Broly did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations at all. He stretched his figure and rushed towards Monkey King like a moth to the fire. Now he has the only thought in his mind. Destroy everything you see in your eyes.

The terrible light waves were released, like cobwebs intertwined and shot towards Monkey King. These scenes were simply too violent, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

The earth was devastated, and the underground magma expressed protest and turned into a pillar of light to rise up into the sky. Here, it seems to be an apocalyptic scene.

"I said, Qigong waves can't be placed randomly. Are you trying to ruin the earth?" Monkey King said calmly. He has never moved a step. At this moment, he moved, stepped forward, and already appeared. In front of Broly...

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