The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 22: The Origin of the Power Conference

Weiss didn't seem to see it, and his face was as usual: "Master Billus is getting angry now, I don't want to touch him now, otherwise, even I might be beaten."

Bados looked at Weiss with an unexpected look: "Even you will be beaten? Not so?"

"A lot of things have happened to us, and you may not believe it if you say it. You should persuade Master Xiangpa to hand over the super dragon ball, otherwise if the two brothers really get angry, things may develop very badly. "

Bados took a deep look at Weiss. She felt that there was something that Wes was hiding from her, but she didn't ask too much: "Should we be together?"

Seeing that the fight between Birus and Birus became more and more fierce, Wes nodded and flashed at the same time as Bados, appeared between Birus and Birus, blocking the fists of the two confronting each other, and knocked them separate.

"Weiss, let go!" Billus yelled immediately, full of gunpowder: "Otherwise, you will be beaten!"

"Master Billus, calm down first, like your style of play, it would be no good if you recruited Master King."

"Master Xiangpa, or you should give the Super Dragon Ball to Master Billus. If a Super Dragon Ball makes your brother stiff, it seems a bit worthless."

"Who cares about him, bastard!" Xiangpa said with an angry face: "He really dared to hit me, he won't give it or die! Unless he apologizes to me!"

"Want me to apologize to you, go dream!"

"Ahhhhh~~ I am so angry! I really thought I was afraid of you! You dead cat!"

"Ahhhh~~~ How dare you call me a dead cat? See if I won't beat you more swollen, you short-tailed fat cat!"

"You, you, you—" Like Pa suddenly turned blue and purple.

For a while, the two brothers scolded each other like elementary school students, but the more they scolded, the more angry they became. In the end, even Weiss and the others couldn’t hold back. They fought together again. It can be said that the entire sixth universe has changed color. The battle of the Destroyer God showed a wave of extreme destruction.

When Bados saw this, Dai's eyebrows frowned slightly: "Weiss, if we don't make any moves, this sixth universe might be destroyed by them."

Weiss sighed slightly: "It's not necessary anymore. Private fights between the gods of destruction are not allowed. Their fight like this has probably attracted the attention of Lord Quan."

Not long after Weiss’s voice fell, a small figure suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield between Birus and Xiangpa. Both Birus and Xiangpa had the light of destruction in their hands, and they were about to collide severely. At this moment, they suddenly saw the small figure appearing in the field. The pupils of the two of them stared suddenly, and their bodies froze in place at the same time, motionless.

"Which god of destruction of the universe, you two? Don't you know that private fights are not allowed between the gods of destruction?" The cute childish voice is not majestic at all, but in the ears of Birus and Xiangpa, But it makes them cold all over.

"Master Quan!"

Wes and Bados flashed away, came to the king, bowed and saluted.

The King glanced at Wes and Bados and ignored them. Instead, he looked curiously at the aperture on Birus’ head, his eyes filled with curiosity: "What is the circle on your head? I don’t. Remember that there will be this thing on the head of the god of destruction."

Billus noodles tugged immediately, not knowing how to explain it.

Wes immediately relieved him: "Master King, this is the halo of the dead, and this halo will appear on the head after death."

"Are you dead?" The king looked at Birus with curiosity: "You are the god of destruction, how could you die?"

Bi Rus was even more depressed when he heard the words, but he had to answer: "Because the God of the Seventh Universe was assassinated and it hurt me."

Although he has seen more powerful existences, he still feels scared instinctively when facing Quan King, because he knows very well that with Quan King's character, he kills you when he says kill you, it's just like playing.

"Because the Realm King God was killed? Then why are you fighting?"

Weiss heard this and immediately explained: "Master King, Lord Birus and Master Weiss are brothers, how could they fight? This is just a simple test. They agreed, who won, super Whoever belongs to Dragon Ball."

Upon hearing this, Birus and Xiangpa nodded their heads again and again in accordance with: "That's right, that's it!" He immediately gave Weis a hundred likes in his heart. This explanation was so witty.

Bados looked at Wes with a look of surprise, he actually deceived the king in order to cover up Birus and Elephant?This is not what a qualified angel should do, but she didn't point it out. Since Wes said so, he naturally has his own reason.

"It turned out to be just a test." The pure king immediately believed it, and then asked curiously: "What is the Super Dragon Ball?"

Weiss: "As long as you gather seven Super Dragon Balls, you can summon a Super Dragon, claiming that you can truly realize any wish."

"So amazing?" Quan Wang immediately showed the expression as if he had found a fun toy: "Have you found everything?"

Birus and Xiangpa looked at each other, and said at the same time: "We have found everything."

Wes immediately understood. With a scepter in his hand, a huge screen immediately appeared in front of a few people. In the screen, there were six huge super dragon balls floating, each of which was the size of a planet and a collection of six. Together, the scene is shocking and gorgeous.

"Wow~~ shiny, this is the super dragon ball, it's so big~~" Quan Wang was like a five-year-old child, with an innocent expression: "However, it’s not right for you to compete like this. You both made people sleep just now. Up."

Hearing this, Birus and Xiangpa immediately became nervous, and hurriedly bowed to apologize: "No, I'm very sorry, we are reckless!"

The whole king tilted his head for a moment and clapped his hands. "However, it seems to be fun too, okay, then you two will continue to fight, whoever wins, this super dragon ball will be given."


When Birus and Xiangpa heard the words, they were speechless. Now they will not be able to fight.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Quan Wang: "Master Quan, wait a moment, maybe I have a more interesting idea."

"Oh~ what is it? Great priest?" Quan Wang suddenly showed a curious expression.

"Let the two gods of destruction fight, the destructive power is too great, and it violates the established rules, it is better to select fighters from twelve universes, and let them have a unified test, and this super dragon ball is used as the reward of the champion. What do you think?" ..

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