Before Sun Wukong could reply, the rat-like fourth universe god of destruction Quitra had already spoken: "Master Quan, such a sacred martial arts competition platform, but there is such a low-taste, unqualified guy, I suggest immediately This player of Seven Universes was erased or expelled."

"Yeah! It's so unqualified, how could it be so rude in front of Lord Quan." The clown, the destructive god of the eleventh universe, was delicious and immediately agreed.

"Expelled, such a player does not deserve to be here."

The other gods of destruction have also expressed their opinions. Obviously, they are uniting against the seventh universe. After all, it is the power conference initiated by the seventh universe.

Quan Wang stood up with an innocent look. The four or five-year-olds looked cute: "Is this really too much? But they find it very interesting."


All the gods of destruction and the gods of the realm were silent and silent. The whole king said so, who would dare to object.

The military instructor chuckled, "You kid is quite sensible, do you want to come further than to see who pee?"

The king's two big eyes suddenly sparkled: "Okay, okay~ This seems to be very fun!"

"Master Quan, absolutely must not!"

The other gods of destruction suddenly panicked. What kind of bastard knowledge is this bastard instilling in the innocent Lord Quan!

Even the great priest panicked and hurriedly said: "My lord King, you can't do such a deed, you are so noble."

"Can't it?" Quan Wang was a little disappointed."

"No." The great priest shook his head decisively.

The king immediately sat down again improvisingly, with a clear written on his face, "I am very upset."

Mian Sui the destructive gods, the military commander did not persuade him at all, and immediately pointed his finger at the rat destructive god who was the first to booze: "Little mouse, I understand what you said, you mean I am like a mouse shit, Broken a pot of porridge, right? You are obviously a mouse, I'm just a cow.

Quite a bit satisfied when he heard it: "As expected, I am my most capable assistant. This IQ is really high, and there is no swear word in cursing."

"You!!" Quitra was immediately burned in the anger, and the horrible aura was released, watching the military commander wishing to swallow him alive.

Obviously, if the priests, angels, and kings were not present, he would have already taken the shot.

Sun Wukong saw the military teacher's exit and was pulling hatred, he couldn't help kicking him. It's not the time to pull hatred, otherwise the power conference won't start: "Go to the end, and you won't be allowed to speak again before I allow it. ."

The military commander can do a good job of pushing the provocative violent violent anger like Paqi into thunder in one sentence, but he can't really let him urinate in this ring, otherwise his Monkey King's face will be lost, and he can't be stirred up. Otherwise it will be endless.

The military master really rolled on the spot, grunting and rolled to the end, standing upright.

This military strategist is a bit cheap, but the focus is on being obedient. Of course, this is not his one, and the same is true for the big men.

Bados glanced at the military teacher and smiled at Weiss: "You players in Universe Seven, it's really interesting, especially the red-haired one. It should be the Monkey King you said?"

Without waiting for Weiss to reply, a girl standing behind Bados had already stood up, staring at Monkey King, with a carefree face: "You are Monkey King? I heard that you are the strongest Saiyan in Universe Seven. , Why your hair is red? Is it dyed or born?"

Sun Wukong looked at the girl with long black hair that was full of wildness, and suddenly became interested: "Are you a Saiyan in the sixth universe? She is also a Saiyan, but before asking others questions, you Should I report my name?"

"You're really wordy, hello, mother-in-law, my name is Califora, by the way, you are really Saiyan? Why don't I look alike? The two behind you should be the purest Saiyans Right?" As he said, his eyes fixed on Broly and Vegeta.

As for Knok, this guy is a biochemical Saiyan, as long as he doesn't burst, most people can't perceive his breath.

"Don't you know that Saiyans have many transformation forms, as long as they transform, their hair color will change. My hair color is precisely because I changed the shape after transformation to the normal state."

"Transformation???" Calvura looked dumbfounded: "Saiyan can still transform? Why don't I know?"

Monkey King: "Don't you even change Super Saiyan?"

Kalivra is even more confused: "What is a Super Saiyan?"

Yes, Super Saiyan doesn't know anything, obviously it's impossible to change.

However, the Saiyan in the sixth universe is stronger than the Saiyan in the seventh universe. This normal combat power can match the combat power he had when he turned into a super Saiyan for the first time. If this is a super Saiyan, If you are a sub-human, your combat power will definitely burst.

With curiosity, Monkey King couldn't help but glance at the players of the sixth universe. He first stopped on Hit's body. This guy's combat power was good, and he stayed on him for an extra second, but the others had no characteristics. ; However, when Monkey King saw the cowardly face of the Saiyan who was hiding behind a young Saiyan, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh~ guess what I saw, this is too surprising Up!"

When he saw Broly, he couldn't help but want to accept him as a disciple. He felt that if she was a woman, he didn't expect that at this moment, he really let him see a female version of Bro. Lee, how not to be surprised.

Monkey King's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the girl in a flash: "Oh ~ what is your name? Are you interested in apprenticeship?"

When Birus heard the words, his eyes widened in vain; even Wes was surprised and couldn’t help but focus on the cowardly Saiyan. It seemed nothing special, why would Master Wukong? Moved the idea of ​​accepting disciples?Is her talent better than Broly?

"Huh?!" The timid female Saiyan was obviously frightened, and hurriedly ran behind Califora to hide: "No, no!"

Kalivra stretched out her hands immediately, blocking the front of Monkey King, staring at him angrily: "What are you doing? Don't scare my cute school girl."

Monkey King looked easygoing: "I didn't scare her, what's her name?"

"Kel." Kalifura stared at Monkey King: "Don't change the subject. Let me talk about the transformation first?"

Monkey King puts his arms around his chest, and a smile on his face: "Apply a teacher, I will teach you after I have a teacher." ..

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