The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 45: Second Madness

The realm king Shen Xin couldn't help but spit out: "Since we are all on the court, why should you come back? We will just press it for you. Fortunately, the game hasn't started yet, or you will be eliminated before the game."

"Hey~~" Manda could only smirk and touch his brain, then flung his cloak behind his back, walked to the table, pressed his name, and was instantly teleported into the arena.

Grand Priest: "Everyone is here, everyone, let's start!"

Various strong and weak auras burst out in an instant. In this regard, the general general flicked his cloak behind his back. As the aura stirred, the four crooked and twisted characters of'The Only Under Heaven' drifted in the wind, stepping forward, revealing thick leg hair. , Referring to all the players present, it can be said to be infinitely coquettish: "Everyone, have you seen the words behind me? It's a pity that I am quite big. It is your misfortune and your luck."

"What do you mean?"

The players in other universes suddenly frowned slightly, full of vigilance. The players in the seventh universe were full of weirdness. The tauren in front of him looked like a second-hand, but his breath made them feel a little bit. Danger.

Hearing this, Manda immediately turned his back to the crowd, pointed to the font on his back, and said in an educative tone: "What about the IQ? What about the IQ? I can't see this? Still need to explain? The world is only two, the world. The only thing you understand? But why, besides the boss, the seventh universe ranks second in existence."


As soon as these words were spoken, all the players on the scene were instantly bluffed, the second strongest in the seventh universe?Only under the Sun Wukong who defeated the god of destruction Birus?This guy who looks like a second-hand, is so strong?


Compared with the shock of other universes, the players of the seventh universe raised their eyebrows one by one. This kind of big talk is really big, you really dare to say it. If it's not for you to have a great boss, look. How do we cut you.

But the realm king Shen Xin seemed to be bluffed: "Master Wukong, this is quite it so strong?"

Sun Wukong's expression remained unchanged: "It's bragging, and he can beat a military division among us."

"..." Realm King Shen Xin stopped talking immediately.

"Nock can pick seven. As the boss's first little brother, I can't lose the boss's face." Manda said, his nostrils spewed out of heat, and he looked at all the players: "Come on. , You guys go together!"

The players in other universes all looked at each other and understood each other’s thoughts. The players in the seventh universe are really arrogant. Regardless of whether the opponent is bragging or has real talents, let him Let's talk about it.

Taba of the Eleventh Universe kicked the ground and rushed towards Manda in an instant. He thought he would hide from him. He had already figured out several coping strategies on the way, but he did not expect this In a hug, he hugged a sturdy one, like a toad, tightly hugged quite big.


Suddenly I was hugged by someone, making me quite confused, and then he suddenly looked like: "This brother, although I look handsome, but you don’t need to be like this, I’m a cow with a family. Now, this is not appropriate. I am cute and my wife, and I will not be sorry to my wife."


The rest of the players are speechless. What are you talking about?

Taba was also made to look confused now, I like women, okay!Without further ado, he changed his weight and pressed Manda directly to his knees.

When the other players saw this, they immediately stepped forward and faced Manda with an old punch. With a bang, accompanied by screams, Manda was beaten with a bruised face and swollen face for a moment.

"That's it? Second in Universe Seven? It turned out to be just bragging!"

At this time, the other players were relieved. When they were about to join the beating team, a loud and angry roar was resounding through the field: "Ahhh~~My handsome face~~you guys, Mad cows don’t show off, you treat me as a little cow!"


The terrifying breath burst out from the quite large body in an instant. His body was quickly pulled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, his muscles swelled, his gray skin turned red, steaming hot, his hair rooted up and his eyes stared. The boss is full of violent and terrifying aura.

"Wow~~ The boss is going crazy again!!" The military division screamed immediately.

"Oh~ this is... the second madness?" Monkey King looked quite big with a little surprise, and then looked at Weiss: "You have some tricks."

Weis smiled: "No, no, no, this is not my credit. It's all because of Lord Billus that he can transform smoothly."

"Oh~ tell me what's going on." Monkey King suddenly became interested.

The strategist immediately glared at Birus, "It's not that Birus and the boss grab something to eat, but the two of them fought, and the boss was beaten. The sister-in-law couldn't see it, so she punched Birus. As a result, Birus Even the sister-in-law was beaten together, and then the boss went crazy and became like this."

Although the military division explained very concisely, but the meaning was very clear, because Birus played the second flower, which caused the anger to enter the second frenzy.

Seeing that the field is as big as a giant, the aura has far surpassed the other players, the world king Shen Xin smiled: "It seems that the victory of this game is also our seventh universe."

In the field, despite his huge stature, Man Da is not restricted in his speed at all. It is like a gallop, and there is a bloody flame on the surface. With every step and every punch, the ground is broken and smashed. There are terrible gullies and pits.

The Taba, who originally hugged the rather large size, had been lifted arrogantly and threw it directly off the court, making people appreciate a scene of violent aesthetics.

The other contestants changed their faces and used qigong waves and bombarded the man. However, the man with blood and sturdiness was like a okay person, like a wild beast into the flock and swept all the way. It smashed, an ear-splitting sound came out, and the air exploded like thunder.

The players in other universes are really moved this time. Why are the players in the seventh universe so strong?One or two in other universes is not bad, but the seventh universe has completely exceeded the standard!Is this the seventh universe or the universe behind them?This kind of combat power is simply slamming them in all directions.

In fact, the great priest is also quite helpless now. The reason why the ranking of the seventh universe is very weak is that the strong are all killed by Monkey King, and at the same time, the Monkey King also disappeared. As a result, there are no decent strong men in the seventh universe. The rankings are almost at the end of the Twelve Universes, but who would have thought that as soon as Monkey King returned and resurrected all the dead, he would also be on the battlefield. This combat power would suddenly explode...

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