In the field, Kell's violent scene made the other players frown slightly.

However, the other six players in the field were delighted. They naturally saw that Kell had obviously lost his mind. Looking at this posture, it was a posture to beat the opponent to death. If she killed her Opponents will also be disqualified, so they have a chance.

As for the Golden Gu Ge, who was hit on the brain by Kel continuously, he was obviously beaten to death. If this continues, Kel may really be beaten to death.

The great priest looked at all of this with a plain face, obviously he would not stop it, he would only announce the result or disqualify the offender, and would not stop the player's behavior.

In this regard, players in other universes are also very happy to see this situation. If such an opponent can be disqualified, their chances of winning will be even greater.

However, the players of the Sixth Universe are in a hurry. If such a powerful companion is disqualified, it would be too embarrassing.

Gabe looked at Califra, who was still screaming excitedly, cheering and cheering, with a speechless expression: "Califra, stop screaming, hurry up and stop Kelly, it's not good to go on like this!"

Calvura looked excited: "What's wrong? Kell has already hammered his opponent to the ground, too, too powerful!"

"That's not good!" Gabe wiped away his cold sweat, full of anxiety: "Kel seems to have lost her mind. If she continues to fight like this, she will be disqualified if she kills the opponent."

"Huh? That's right!!" Calvura immediately stunned, and yelled out: "Kel~Kel~ I heard you! Kel~ Calm down! Kel!!! Don't fight. Now, throw him off the court! Throw him off the court! Did you hear that, I’m Califora!! Don’t fight anymore! Throw him off the court!!!"

Kel, who had a violent face with a hammer, suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked at the location of Calvula.

Seeing this, Calvura was overjoyed: "I heard it, she heard it! Great!! Kell! Throw it out, throw him out of the field!!!"

Kel turned his head and looked at the Golden Gu Ge who was pinched by her neck and fell to the ground. Suddenly he pulled it out of the ground and threw it into the sky. He gathered Qi with both hands and sent a Qigong wave to the Golden Gu Ge. Blasted off the court.

At this moment, Jin Gu Ge was obviously smashed and stunned. After he reacted, he had been teleported back to the auditorium of Universe Seven.

"I lost???"

Jin Gu Ge immediately became angry and ugly, especially when he thought of the scene of being hammered on the ground, it made him mad.

"That kind of transformation... so strong!!" Broly stared at Kel in the field, his eyes flashed with inexplicable light, he felt that this kind of transformation was stronger than his passing mode, and he didn't like it. As he was fighting, he wanted to go to a fight with that person right now, that feeling was a little hard to suppress.

"It's really strong." Weis rarely took a serious look: "It's no wonder that Master Wukong has taken a fancy to it. That little girl does have something extraordinary, but this kind of transformation is abnormal, and it's bad for the body. The damage is also great, and the hidden dangers left behind are also permanent."

"How do you say?" Broly looked at Weiss seriously.

"That's the extreme of emotions, the transformation from despair to the critical point of collapse, a slight difference, the emotions will collapse, once the emotions collapse, it is difficult to adjust back, then, she will It's over."

Broly looked at Weiss, not very clear.

Weiss thought for a while, and said, "Once a person's emotions collapse, he will become mad. To put it blankly, he will become neurotic. Understood?"

"Is it so dangerous?" Broly frowned slightly.

"So, this should be regarded as a one-time special transformation." Weis said: "If you enter this transformation again, the little girl's emotions will inevitably collapse; of course, if the little girl can Remembering the feeling of transforming back then will be of great benefit to her future cultivation."

After finishing speaking, Weiss looked at Gu Ge and comforted: "You don't have to be unwilling. It's not ashamed to lose in this state of transformation.

"Huh~!" Gu Ge let out a cold snort, did not speak, but stared at Kaier in the field with his eyes, as if he was going to swallow her alive.

Kelly focused on the other players because they were the closest to her after knocking out Jin Gu Ge.


However, it is clear that this look of Kale suddenly scared the rest of the players to erect their hairs. Without any hesitation, they resolutely jumped out of the ring one by one and gave up on their own.

They don't want to fight such monsters, maybe with a punch, their bodies will be blown up by others.

In response, the great priest announced the result: "The seventh game, the Kelvin of the sixth universe wins."

"Won! Haha~~ Kell won! Great! Hahaha!" Calvura immediately screamed with excitement, and she couldn't help pinching Monkey King's neck with her hands and shaking violently.

Hearing this voice, Kel subconsciously looked at Califora, and then, the bloodthirsty and violent aura became more violent, and then, her actions stunned everyone in the audience. Up.

His figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Monkey King in a flash, and the fist that was big enough to smash Monkey King's head unceremoniously.

"Open, Kel?!"

Kalivra was obviously taken aback, but she did not expect that Kel would suddenly attack Monkey King.

Sun Wukong had a smile on his face. He just stretched out a finger and resisted Kel’s extremely violent punch. There was no energy spread, just like this punch, just a fluttering punch. .

In this scene, the pupils of Kalivra suddenly shrank. Kel’s state at this time was powerful and moving. However, it was such a strong Kel that, with a punch, he was given only one finger by this Monkey King. Took it?Is this guy so strong?

"Really a girl who is easy to be jealous." Monkey King smiled at this, and when he glanced at Kalivra and Kell, the relationship between these two girls was easy to misunderstand.

Shaking her head, a light finger flicked at the center of Kaier's eyebrows, and Kaier's horrible aura instantly dissipated, and even the dark green hair color of the same head disappeared and returned to normal black, making her exit the desperate pass mode.

Kell, who returned to normal, immediately snorted, threw himself on Monkey King, and fainted.

"The performance is not bad." Monkey King took out a fairy bean that hadn't been used for a long time and stuffed it into Kale's mouth...

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