"However, even if you let me go, I won't guarantee that I won't do evil in the future." Frieza is indeed Frieza, quite insisting on his principles.

"That's your own business, I'm not interested in asking." Monkey King waved his hand indifferently: "However, don't forget that you are not the strongest Frieza in this universe."

Frieza glanced at Broly subconsciously. This guy had already worshiped Vis as his teacher, and he would become a major enemy to hinder him in the future. He immediately snorted, rose into the sky and left the earth.

"Then, I'm leaving too." After Gula greeted him, he immediately chased Frieza.

After saying goodbye to Monkey King, Noke and others also left one after another.

At this time, Bulma and the others also arrived. When they saw Kalifula and Kell behind Sun Wukong, Bulma narrowed her eyes and looked at Sun Wukong: "It seems that you are having a great time this time, the two of them Yes?"

"My new apprentices, Kalifula and Kel." Monkey King said, pointing to Bulma and introducing to the two girls of Kalifula: "This is Bulma, my wife."

"Ah~ It turned out to be Master." Calvura and Kel immediately bowed and saluted: "Hello, Master, this is Calvula, this is Kel, we will follow Master to practice for some time in the future. Excuse me, please forgive me."

Sun Wukong glanced at Kalifula in surprise. His apprentice, who seemed to be a bad girl, didn't expect to have such a polite side.

Bulma smiled slightly: "Kalyfra and Kel, presumably you are not from this universe, you are welcome to come to my house, and you don't have to be restrained in the future, just treat it as your own home."

"Wow~Is this Master your home?" When Calvura heard the words, her eyes widened, and she looked up and looked exaggerated: "This~~Is it all in the big place?!"

Bulma smiled slightly: "It's all."

"It's too exaggerated?" Calvura looked astonished. When thinking of her own little house, wouldn't it be even worse than a toilet?

Bulma pointed to the refrigerator not far away and said, "There are many special snacks from the earth. Would you like to try it?"

"Oh oh~~ where? Where?" Calvura was immediately attracted, and the attributes of foodies were also undoubtedly exposed.

Bulma immediately led them to the refrigerator, and Vis and Birus also immediately followed. The cuisine of the earth is irresistible to them.

Even the elders and military strategists can keep up with Pi Dian Pi Dian. For their backward planet, everything they eat on earth is delicious on earth.

On the other side, under the endless starry sky of the universe, Frieza and Gula are rushing to the area of ​​the planet they rule, but a man who flashes suddenly blocked their way, with an elegant posture, and it seems so polite : "Two people, can you give me some time to have a good talk?"

Frieza looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and laughed out, "Where did you come from? It doesn't look weak. It should not be Universe Seven." People?"

"Please allow me to introduce myself." The man seemed to be elegant, giving people an unfathomable feeling: "I am Ephraim. I am here this time and sincerely invite two of you to visit the prison planet."

"Prison planet? Just by hearing this name, you can feel that your intention is not very friendly." Gula looked at Fu coldly, and instantly transformed into a golden state. The terrifying breath of God was released, making this space heavy. Extremely.

However, facing the terrifying and powerful aura of Gula, Fu still looked calm and smiled: "It's really good. I didn't expect you to have stepped into the realm of gods. Although you have just stepped into the initial realm, it is already very good. It’s worthy of being the one I admire. Your performance makes me very satisfied."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Frieza roared immediately. Fona's superior attitude made him extremely unhappy. Do you fucking think you are Monkey King?

But in an instant, Frieza also turned into a golden state, his body flashed, and he mercilessly punched Frieza's face.

However, Frieza's extremely confident punch was dodged by Frieza's head, and her expression was still so relaxed and casual: "Your name is Frieza, right? As the emperor of the universe, both are golden transfigures, you and you 'S brother is too far apart."

"You bastard are you underestimating the king?" Frieza was instantly enraged, and the terrifying golden flames burst out without any reservation. However, before he could show his power, Frieza's figure flashed and appeared. In front of Frieza, just a punch, bombarding Frieza's abdomen, making her pupils instantly stare, her golden arrogance disappeared, and she had already withdrawn from the golden Frieza state.

Frieza looked up, looking at the person in front of him in disbelief, and his eyes were filled with shock and shock: "Who are you?!!!" In addition to Monkey King, there is actually a trick that can knock him down. King Lisa’s people exist?

Fu had an elegant face: "Didn’t I have introduced it, my name is Fu."

Just when his voice fell, Jin Gula's figure flashed, and a whip kick was already slammed down at him. However, Fu just stretched out one hand to easily hold it, his expression is still so calm. Indifferent: "It seems that wanting you to leave me obediently will not work. Then, it can only be solved by force."

As he said, the monstrous aura radiated from Fu's body, and the entire universe was trembling at this moment. Such a terrifying aura made Frieza and Gula's complexion greatly changed. The next moment, even if it entered the gods. The Golden Gula in the field was also knocked down by him and lost the ability to resist.

Fu immediately looked at the direction of the earth, frowning slightly: "The movement is too loud, it seems that you have to leave quickly."

Pulling out the sword at the back of the waist and slashing in front of him, it directly opened a hideous crack in the space, lifted Frieza and Gula with both hands, and disappeared into the crack.

At the same time, the earth.

Birus, who was enjoying the food, seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised his head to look up at the sky: "This breath is... Frieza and Gula? What's the matter with another breath? What universe suddenly came out of such a person? The strong?"

"Oh~ interesting, it seems that I won't be bored anymore during this time." In response, Monkey King looked at Billus: "Would you like to go and see?"

Birus didn't hesitate at all, eating the delicious food in front of him and said, "No."

That kind of boring thing doesn't have the delicious food in front of you...

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