The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 87: Calvra vs. Black Broly

The arrival of Monkey King and others was naturally discovered by Black Broly.

"It's you!!" The first time he saw Monkey King, Hei Broly roared, anger, jealousy, and hatred, venting out of his brain.

The memory of being mercilessly slammed by Monkey King at that time has always been his lingering nightmare. It was this person who destroyed his confidence and arrogance, and made him wake up in nightmares every day.

"Is he Black Broly?" Bidili looked back and forth between Broly and Black Broly with a shocked look: "It really seems! But Black Broly is cooler."

Well, generally speaking, villains are indeed cooler than decent ones.

Broly looked innocent and a little bit naive; on the other hand, Black Broly was cold and indifferent, with a straight and slender figure. The two were obviously exactly the same, but for the temperament, Broly was completely crushed.

"Even you are here..." Black Broly immediately fixed his gaze on Broly, his eyes flashing with coldness.

"Stop talking nonsense, guys like you are absolutely unforgivable!!" Calvura yelled and interrupted Black Broly, her body flashed, and she appeared in front of Black Broly in an instant with a right fist. He came out, but was caught by Black Broli with only one hand, standing still in place.


Calvura was shocked. She just felt the horror of the opponent without any hesitation, but in an instant, she was transformed into a super game, her golden arrogance skyrocketed, and a whip kick towards Black Bro Lee's face swept out.

Hei Broli looked indifferent, and while resisting with his fists, he turned around with a whip kick and kicked Califora away.


Kail was shocked and was about to go up to help, but was drunk by the steady Calvura: "Kail, don't come over! This is my battle with him!"

She said, with a loud drink, her anger soared again, golden arrogance wrapped around the crackling thunder and lightning, glaring in the direction of Black Broly: "Come again!!"

The figure flashed in front of Black Broly again, with a punch; Black Broly looked cold and greeted him with fists. The two collided fiercely in the air, shaking and roaring in the sky. The surrounding tall buildings were due to the fighting between the two. The aftermath collapsed again and again.

Previously in Bulma’s home, Califra and Kel practiced, because of the protection of Monkey King, there was no exaggerated aftermath of the battle. But now, Bidili looks at the shocking and exaggerated scene in front of her. This is enough to be called a earth-shattering battle, completely stunned her aside.

"Hahaha~~ So strong! So strong!!!"

Calvura was blown upside down by a punch, but she yelled with excitement, and once again flashed to fight with Black Broly.

In just a few seconds, the two were in a fierce confrontation. Hei Broly punched out again, and Calvula yelled, crashing to the ground, destroying everything under her.

"It's just an ordinary state, it completely crushed my sister's Super 2!!" Kyle looked at Black Broly with shock.

"Ahhhhh~~You guy~ you really are so strong!!" As the roar resounded, Califra burned with golden arrogance, her figure rose into the air, staring at Black Broly, and her eyes were wary. , Also questioned: "You guy, obviously a god and so strong, why do you do such a thing?"

"Why?" Hei Broli looked indifferent, his expression full of compassion and compassion from the righteous man: "Of course it is for justice to wipe out all the people on earth."

Kalifra and others were shocked when they heard this: "For justice, the earthlings are to be extinct? What the hell is this for you? Your head was kicked by a donkey?"

"A mere human, how can you understand the idea of ​​God, in order to create a truly ideal peaceful world, only know that the human beings who initiate war must be clear."

"I... my fucking..." Calvula faced a lunatic like Black Broly, and didn't know how to refute: "Ahhhh~~~Go to the peaceful world of NM! Like you It’s a waste of time for a madman, I’ll just kill you and save trouble!"


With a soft drink, Calvura's golden arrogance instantly turned to pink, and even her hair color became pink, her breath soaring.

"This is-pink?!!!" Hei Broli watched Calvula's transformation, his eyes widened for an instant, and an expression of anger and hatred appeared on his face immediately: "A mere human! It can also change. Body pink?! You will also be transformed into the same as God? This is a blasphemy against God!"

"A mere human? A blasphemy against gods? You guys are really shameless!!" Calvura roared, and instantly punched, Black Broly was directly hit the ground by her, transforming into a pink, her strength He reversed instantly with Black Broly, who had not yet transformed.

"Ahhhhh~~ The blasphemy guy should be completely eliminated!"

Hei Broli roared in anger, and the aura of terror soared. A terrifying field was formed within 100 meters of his body, causing gravel and other objects to float in the air, and the scene was shocking.

In the next moment, Hei Broly's hair color also turned into pink, and the burst of qi also turned into pink, so that Monkey King and his group could clearly perceive Hei Broly from the evil aura he released. Evil, narcissism and arrogance.

"You, you can even turn into a pink?" Calvura looked at the black Broly who turned into a pink, with a look of astonishment.

"Peach..." Broly looked at the transformation of the two in the field with a deep gaze: "Is this the Master Weiss wants to teach my new transformation? I can't perceive Qi, but I can clearly perceive it. That kind of oppression that makes your scalp numb, is this the realm of God..."

"This, this anger, my sister can't win! The difference is too big!" Kaier looked at Black Broly in the field, his expression changed slightly, and turned to look at Monkey King.

Monkey King naturally understood what she meant, and smiled back: "Don't worry, only under the pressure of this desperate situation can human potential be thoroughly stimulated."

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Broly: "Broly, get ready to play, maybe in this battle, you may be able to step into the mirror of the gods smoothly."

When Broly heard the words, his eyes flickered full of expectation, in the realm of God, as long as he stepped into the mirror of God, could he also transform into this pink?

"Is this guy... so strong?!" After Calvula felt the terrifying aura of Black Broly at this time, the whole person was shocked, everyone is pink, why are you so strong?..

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