"Next, where are we going?"

Several Monkey Kings walked on the mountain roads and mountains, and Shaoyu looked at Monkey King beside him with some doubts.

But Monkey King looked at Xiao Li beside him.

"Loulan! The place we are going next is Loulan...If you don't want to go..." Xiaoli said lightly, but finally, he cast his eyes on Tianming and Shaoyu.

"You are going to Loulan? Uncle Lu told me that I must take this thing to Loulan by my own hands..." Tianming said, pointing to the little Pai Yao who was held by Xiao Li, "So, I must follow. You go together..."

"We are also friends who share adversity! Since my friends are in trouble, I will naturally try to help! So, I will go with you... Besides, Qin seems to have been eyeing this thing too, maybe it has something to do with the Demon God of War. I must check it out!" Shao Yu said firmly.

"The Demon God of Soldier..." Xiaoli glanced at Shaoyu with an inscrutable corner of his eyes, stroked the little brave in his arms, and said faintly: "It has a name... it's called the little brave... you don't have this thing in the future Call it!"

"Xiao Pai Yao? This is its name!" Shao Yu looked at Xiao Pai Yao, but greeted him with a grin.It still clearly remembers that he and Tianming were arresting it before!Without being arrested by Qin Bing, Xiao Pai Yao's attitude towards Shaoyu and Tianming was obviously hostile.

"Haha...it seems that this guy is a grudge!" Monkey King smiled faintly, and reached out his hand and touched Xiao Pi Xiu!The latter immediately became vigilant, but immediately shrugged his nose, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes. He jumped, broke free from Xiaoli's hand, and jumped into Sun Wukong's arms very intimately. In the middle, his head rubbed lightly, his face was full of enjoyment.That lazy look was extremely cute.

Seeing that Xiao Pi Xiu was so intimacy with Monkey King, Xiao Li's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and immediately above the corner, a touch of beauty emerged!As long as he is recognized by Xiao Pai Yao, he is definitely a good person.

But she did not know that the reason why Xiao Pi Xiu was so intimacy with Monkey King was that he was completely attracted by his breath. You know, Monkey King is a true god!

Several people hired a carriage and moved in the direction indicated by Xiao Li...

As the night got deeper, a few people came to a jungle and camped out...

After a day's journey, and a day's tiredness, Xiaoli and his colleagues soon fell asleep, leaving Monkey King here to watch the night!This is what he requested.

After confirming how many people were asleep, Monkey King's heart moved and his body disappeared!

In the luxurious hall of the palace, the women such as Kongzi have a sad look. Since the end of the battle, they have never seen Monkey King again. How is he?No one knows!How can this prevent them from worrying!After a few days, I was a little bit confused!

"You said, when will Wukong come back? It has been a few days, and there is no movement at all... A damn space, but it keeps us here and can't do anything..." Li looked haggard and looked around. Everything is a bit unwilling.This world is isolated from the rest of the world, even if they want to appear and find Monkey King, they are powerless!

"Don't think too much! Since this space is okay, it means that Wukong will be fine... He will naturally come back when it is time to come back..." Kongzi looked at the girls with a comforting expression.However, the worries in his eyes could not be hidden from the sisters.

"Okay, okay! Look at all of you listless! Didn't you all say? That guy has an immortal body... it won't be a problem... With his character, where is most likely to molested that beauty? …"

"Yo! Concubine Ya! Is my image in your heart so unbearable?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Concubine Ya, but it made her tremble obviously.

And when the girls heard this voice, they all trembled. Seeing the familiar figure that suddenly appeared, they all rushed in excitement...


"Hey hey hey~~ What are you doing...Ah..." Seeing a group of girls rushing towards her, Ya Fei was shocked!As soon as the exclamation sounded, it was submerged in by a fragrant ruan's delicate qu, but there was still a body underneath...

"Hey hey~~ Calm... You have to calm down!" Sun Wukong was pressed down by a group of girls and screamed again and again!But the face is happy!A pair of big hands, touch and touch here, touch and touch there, anyway, wherever they are, they are all fragrant!

Some daring sister papers, too, didn't care about being ashamed, and pulled out Sun Wukong's clothes directly...Use that deep love to express their deep yearning for him...

This time, they were really frightened. With the deep feelings and love in their hearts, they finally found Xuanxie's mouth at this moment, and they used their actions to express their strong love...

A group of girls pressed on their bodies, and Monkey King was immediately hooked into flames. With a quick grab, they pressed a girl’s paper under him...

"Wait...wait..." The sister paper under her suddenly exclaimed, her face blushing and her breathing looked a little dazzling.

Monkey King took a closer look and found that the sister paper he was pressing under him turned out to be Cailin. He was stunned, but he smiled: "Wait for Mao! You will obediently admit your fate..."

The crab is in charge, the rest is not my business anymore!Go YY by yourself!In short, all the sister papers here have been eaten!(Of course, a few little loli is impossible) Hmm!You have to believe in Monkey King's ability in this regard!

The next day, Monkey King woke up quietly, looking at the white and colorful figures lying all over him, a suo smile appeared on his face again, touch and touch here, scratch there, and put on clothes for a long time. …

After playing with the girls for a few days, Monkey King said goodbye to them and left here!

When it appeared again, the sky was already bright.

Although a few days have passed in his world, in this world, only one night has passed!Because in your own world, the time difference inside can be adjusted by Monkey King!

Seeing the Monkey King who suddenly appeared, Xiao Paixiu screamed and jumped on his shoulder.The little head rubbed his face very affectionately.

Monkey King smiled faintly, and gently stroked Xiao Pai Yao's head...

"Ah~! Ghost!!" Tianming on the side suddenly screamed, and when he saw that it was Monkey King, he suddenly relaxed his xiong mouth: "Why are you screaming and disappearing again? I'm dead... We thought you were gone by yourself..."

"Tianming! Don't be rude!" Shaoyu immediately turned Tianming lightly, and clasped his fist towards Monkey King: "Big Brother Wukong, don't be surprised, this guy is just a muscle..."

Monkey King waved his hand. Just about to speak, he frowned. He jumped up to a big tree and looked into the distance, only to see a huge sand boat appearing at the end of the horizon........

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