The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter Thirteen Sister Paper’s Favor is the Most Important

Big and small, the three Chilian girls didn't need any orders at all. They jumped and jumped off the sand boat. With their bodies flickering, they besieged Xiaoli...

"Roar!" The little Yao Xiu above the sky was furious, and just about to turn around to return to help, three fierce attacks came towards it!The bombardment on its body was actually a faint pain!

Looking down, it was the Moon God, Star Soul, and Wei Zhuang who were riding on a mechanical bird, rushing towards the sky and intercepting it in front of it, with fierce sword energy and terrible air blade. It shot out from their hands, and for a while, it made Xiao Yao Yao unable to withdraw to help!Can only roar and roar, launch the most fierce attack!

However, how easy is it for the three masters of this world to join forces?Rao is how fierce Xiao Yao Yao is, for a while, he is inextricably beaten...

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the power of yin and yang radiates from the moon god’s hands, permeating Xiao Yao Yao’s body, and for a while, it makes its actions a little slow...

The Moon God frowned, watching that he was still alive and vigorously under his yin and yang power, fighting back fiercely. His movements were only affected by the slow Pai Yao, and he had to marvel at Pai Yao's terrifying physique: "It is indeed a legend The strange beast... can be immune to my Yin and Yang curse..."

On the other side, Si Ming and Chi Lian had already stopped in front of the three of Xiao Li, a group of Qin soldiers followed, and in a moment, the water around them was blocked!

"Now, what do you want us to do with you..." Chiren walked, twisting and moving her snake-like willow waist, but there was a terrible coldness in the lure.

"What to do? These guys are very strong...we are not opponents..." Tianming clenched his fists, and looked at the three Chilians in front of him with vigilance and the Qin Bing who surrounded them.

"What else can I do? Of course it was killed! As long as Xiao Yao Yao frees his hands, we will be safe!" Shao Yu whispered, his eyes moved around, looking for a breakthrough to break the formation.

At this moment, suddenly an extremely fierce aura radiated from a distance. The three Chi Lian all turned their heads and looked at them. While stunned, there was a cold chill in their eyes: "Is it him? !"

"He...seems to be injured?" Chi Lian's eyes flashed with shock when seeing Monkey King not far away!The person who was so powerful that he defeated Wei Zhuang with one stroke was actually injured?Moreover, it seems that it is not light, who is so capable?

"Are you injured? It just happens to be ashamed..." Da Si Ming snorted immediately, and abandoned Shao Yu and the three of them. They walked slowly in the direction of Monkey King... Behind them, Chi Lian and Shao Si Ming followed at the same time. When they went up, the chill in their eyes showed their hatred for Monkey King!

"No... they found Big Brother Wukong!" Shaoyu was shocked, and was about to intercept the three of them, but was surrounded by a large number of Qin troops, but the spear in his hand spurred directly towards his vitals. !

Shaoyu had to stop, grabbed the three spears that spurred, and pulled hard. The three Qin soldiers immediately left the team and were pulled over by Shaoyu's divine power from that day. With one kick, they kicked the three of them out, and in a moment, they knocked down a piece of Qin soldiers...

And Xiaoli and Tianming also shot at the same time. With their skills, they were more than enough to deal with these Qin soldiers...

Seeing the man whose skin was cracked and healed in front of him, the three Chilian women were full of surprises. They vaguely felt a trace of fear from the heart in the weird runes lingering beside them!

However, who are these three women, naturally they will not stop because of the inexplicable fear in their hearts, and while hesitating, Da Si Ming is the first to take action!

On the blood-red palm, the red light loomed, and a blood-red Tai Chi pattern evolved. The red light spurred towards the vital part of Monkey King...

However, just as the terrible attack was about to come, the law rune lingering on the surface of Monkey King's body flashed with light and thunderous roar...The terrible wave spread and opened...In a flash, the attack of Da Si Ming was annihilated. Yu Wutang...

However, the terrible wave of destruction did not stop, and in a flash, it spread to the three women!With a sound of'pouch', the three women were in panic loss. When a mouthful of blood spurted out, their bodies flew upside the air, their bodies were cracked a little bit, and blood spurted out from the cracks. It looks so weird... Seeing that it's about to die...

"Oh~~ You are really messing up..." A light sigh came, and Monkey King opened his eyes, waved his big hand, and a divine light appeared. In an instant, the figure of the three women was enveloped in it, and time was still. Suddenly, the flow backwards quickly... the terrible crack on the three girls quickly disappeared... the divine light disappeared, and the three girls fell directly from the sky...

While stunned, the three Chilian women hurriedly stroked and checked their bodies. After seeing nothing, their beating heart gradually calmed down, and they all looked at Monkey King with fear...

Just now, in that instant, they seemed to see their own death moment...

"Puff~~" Sun Wukong spouted blood again, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and looked at the three Chilian girls beside him, but there was a wry smile on his face: "Please, we don't have deep hatred, right? Why see? I'm going to kill! Really... In order to save you... Brother's injuries got worse..."

The three girls of Chi Lian wrinkled their eyebrows slightly, and stood up from the ground, looking at the blood on Monkey King's body, somehow, the hatred in his heart gradually disappeared!They knew very well that just now, in order to save them, Monkey King had suffered from his own injuries just now.

"Huh! Seeing that you are all injured, even if you win, you won’t be victorious. I will spare your life today. See you next time. I won’t be merciful under my hands..." Chi Lian snorted coldly, twisting like a snake. Liu Yaoyao left!Na Feng. Hidden huo, I really want to pinch him!

Da Si Ming lightly supported the hair on his forehead, glanced at Monkey King lightly, but he snorted, without saying anything, he turned and left... But Shao Si Ming’s bright eyes were After taking a deep look at Monkey King, he followed the pace of Da Si Ming...

Looking at the three daughters who left, Sun Wukong touched his nose, but smiled faintly: "I was hurt a bit, but it improved the favorability of these three ice beauties. It seems that it is still worthwhile..."

As he said, he turned his head and looked in the direction where Xiaoli was, but saw a man holding a long sword. He did not know when he appeared beside Tianming and guarded them by his side with a sharp sword in his hand. , The cold light is shining, and between the swings, there are several Qin soldiers falling under the sword at the same time, that elegant swordsmanship, handsome figure, killing. But there is a different kind of free and easy and handsome...

"Gai Nie? When did this stuff appear?" A hint of surprise flashed across Sun Wukong's eyes...

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