The huge bronze giant stood on the ground, almost as high as the mountain. A huge foot stomped on the ground. It seemed that even mountains and rivers could collapse, destroying a large area in an instant.The rubble pierced through the air, and fell like a meteorite, forming a terrible disaster!

Fortunately, Guy Nie and others came to the rescue in time, and there were no serious casualties!

It's just that when the manpower is exhausted after all, there are more than hundreds of people here, how can they be saved in a short time!

The Bing Demon God, under the control of public losing and enmity, shot its giant palm that can almost cover the sky with one palm!The terrible palms rang!

A child of about five years old suddenly fell to the ground while escaping!His mother was shocked. She exclaimed, and rushed forward in spite of her own comfort, trying to use her small but great body to resist the terrifying giant palm that fell down...

Looking at the huge palm covering the sky that is getting closer and closer, a deep sense of terror emerged in the mother's eyes... Seeing their mother and son, they would turn into a piece of blood...

A figure flashed in an instant, standing in the air, proud of the sky, and gently stretched out his right hand. Under the horrified and incredible gaze of countless people, it easily resisted the terrible giant that was shot down. Palm!

Suddenly, people forgot to escape, and almost all stood on the spot at the same time, staring blankly at not far away, that incredible scene...

A small body is completely out of proportion to the terrifying bronze giant, just like the gap between the elephant and the ant!However, such an ant uses only one hand to withstand the terrible bronze giant palm, making a clicking sound, no matter how hard the bronze giant exerts its strength, even if the power of the arm is not the terrible bearing The power of wiping out all the sparks, but still can't shake the tiny body at all!

He just stood in the air so indifferently!With just one hand, he caught the huge bronze palm that was so different from his own body!His complexion was indifferent, not the slightest reluctance...

"Too...too...too amazing...Is this guy still a human?..." Tianming's eyes widened and exaggerated.

"This...this...this is beyond the scope of human beings?" Shaoyu's eyes widened in disbelief. There are such terrifying existences in the world!I thought that my natural divine power was already rare in the world!However, compared with Monkey King, it's almost a foolish talk!

"Unexpectedly, there should be such a strange person. It seems that Gai is ignorant..." At this moment, even Gai Nie was shocked.

As for Chi Lian, she has already grown big, and I really want to put an egg into her xing little zui...

" the could there be such a person...this...impossible..." The public defeat was almost frightened by Monkey King's actions. He fell to the ground!How could human power have such terrible power?Even if you are born with supernatural power, it is impossible to reach such a terrible level, right?

For a moment, a deep fear appeared in the hearts of public defeating enemies, he could not lose, losing, it means death!He used this soldier demon god to wreak havoc, but many of the people of Loulan have suffered. They will never let them go...

There was madness in his eyes, and he hurriedly pressed the buttons in the soldier demon god's body: "The soldier demon is the strongest... manpower cannot withstand the full blow of the soldier demon..."

The gusty wind howled, and the other arm of the Bing Devil was carrying a terrible wind, and he slammed towards Monkey King...

However, Monkey King stretched out his left hand again, and with an eye-popping move, he easily took over the terrifying giant hand!The terrible wind is rippling out, even the surrounding rocks are also splashed by the Buddha...

The arms and body of the bronze giant had already uttered the overwhelming sound of clicking, sparks splashed, obviously, it had reached the limit, but even this way, it still couldn't shake Monkey King at all!

At this time, defeating public enemies is really scary. The soldier demon who can survive is as weak as a toy in the eyes of the opponent. The art of the supreme organ that he pursues is like a child’s play in the eyes of this person... He lost all his strength, and sat down on the ground, his face was bald and desperate!There is a deep sense of powerlessness in my heart!This person is invincible!Really invincible!

The power of Monkey King, after Wei Zhuang, he was frustrated and frustrated with the defeat of the enemy, and he had no intention of fighting again, his face was ashamed!

"Hey! Have you given up? A wise choice!" Seeing the appearance of public defeat, Monkey King smiled indifferently. This feeling of completely defeating others from the heart is really cool!

After speaking, Monkey King's next move was even more shocking to everyone's eyes. The boss was so wide open that he almost didn't even know his jaw dropped!

"Get up!!" As the soft drink sounded, the muscles on Monkey's arm became more prominent and tightened!Immediately, the heavenly soldier demon god, under the horrified expressions of everyone, rose from the ground, just like this, under the eyes of everyone, he was lifted up in the sky by Monkey King!

This situation is like an ant lifting an elephant, and it will be shocking!What kind of overlord, compared with the current Monkey King, it is simply weak!

At this moment, in the eyes of others, Monkey King is no longer a man, but a god, an omnipotent god!The god that the world cannot cross!That shocking, invincible posture that scorns the sky is imprinted in people's hearts, and I am afraid that it will never go away!

"From now on, there will be no soldiers and demon gods! Your Loulan's mission! This is the end!" The mighty voice rang in every corner of Loulan, just like the god king, giving an absolute god metaphor!

At this moment, everyone felt excited and exciting!The excitement can hardly be suppressed, and I want to roar to the sky!

Immediately, Monkey King gave a strong throw, and the huge Demon God was thrown into the air under the horrified eyes of everyone, and then fell quickly...

Monkey King's punch hit the sky!"Boom" a terrifying roar!The whole sky began to tremble. Shake!The Bing Demon God burst into pieces under the punch of Monkey King!The public's vengeance in it turned into a smear of blood in a scream of fear!With the bronze shards all over the sky, raining down...

Terrible blow, earth-shattering!The man standing proudly in the sky, like an undefeated God of War, just where he stands, he exudes that vast and infinite majesty!

After the silence, the people of Loulan knelt down and looked at the figure in the sky, full of infinite respect and worship!It's so hot, like those diehard believers!

Cheers and tears are intertwined, resounding through the sky...

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