Thinking of what happened during this period of time, Yuan Mie wanted to cry without tears, almost mad.

Just after breaking the seal, before regaining his strength, he encountered Monkey King and others and the perverted Dragon Ball World Lord!Later, Monkey King borrowed the dimensional power of the dimensional god to destroy the dimensional channel, causing him to get hurt... But, what’s more unfortunate is that the world he falls into is also the world of Gaowu, although it cannot be compared with the world of Dragon Ball , But it is also a world of explosive strength!

As soon as he appeared, he brought out the realm master of that side of the world, and the two played for several days and nights, and there was no outcome!This makes Yuan Mie an aggrieved one!

Who is he Yuan Mie?That is the evil of the dimension!The supreme existence alongside the ruler of the entire dimensional world, the dimensional god!The realm master who was two dimensions away from him was even on par with him. As expected, Huluoping was bullied by a dog!

Paralyzed, why don't I turn you over, can't I leave it!Therefore, Yuan Mie decisively broke through the dimension and was about to flee!But how could the world master let him escape easily?Such a severely wounded supreme being, there is no advantage, bastard!If you seize the opponent's divine position, then you won't be awesome!So, the world lord chased vigorously!

In countless dimensional passages, the two have engaged in countless duels, and Yuan Mie couldn't be aggrieved!In the end, he was drawn into anger, and still used the forbidden move before his strength was restored, and directly gave the opponent a second!As a result, he was hurt even more, and his strength plummeted!

I wanted to find a low-level plane and absorbed the power of the world's master to restore my strength, but I didn't expect to encounter Monkey King again!It's really narrow!Nima's!Don't bring such fun!My dignified generation of dimensional evil!The big BOSS of the whole world has been like a coffee table since it was broken, full of tragedies!There are wood!

You let me meet Monkey King this pervert now, isn't it the rhythm of death?Players don’t bring this too!

At this moment, even though Yuan Mie had a fierce and angry face, his big eyes were bigger than a copper bell, and his eyes were full of fire, wishing to swallow Monkey King alive!However, in my heart, I was sweating, shouting cheating!He is scared now! The current self is extremely seriously injured. If he is really fighting against Monkey King, if the opponent is in his heyday, then he won't give him a second!

"En?" Seeing Yuan Mie screaming so fiercely, but he didn't dare to step forward and attack, a strange light flashed in Monkey King's eyes: "Isn't this guy maimed by someone? So I didn't dare to come forward and follow. Shall I fight?"

But he didn't dare to try it lightly, because he himself was seriously injured now, and he didn't dare to use all his strength. If he triggered the rule-breaking riot in his body, then he would be a tragedy!

Between the two confrontation, a sweet and gentle voice rang out: "I don't care who you are? But, please converge your energy... My world can't stand your toss!"

"Speaking of the adults, don't interrupt the children!" Yuan Mie waved his hand, shouting at the goddess very domineering.

The goddess was choked immediately, it was the first time anyone dared to speak to her like this, somehow!Suddenly there was a fire in her heart!A dignified generation of goddess who was scolded as a child by others, can she not be angry?If this word came from some mortals, she could still smile indifferently, but if it came from Yuan Mie's mouth, it would be a matter of dignity!Because of the other party, she is in the same position!

The Monkey King on the side was also stunned, and immediately Chao Yuanmie extended a thumb from the bottom of his heart, and said, "Fuck! This is the real goddess! Your sister can bear to curse?"

"What kind of shit goddess, there is no two flesh, a dry old man can slap her to death!" Yuan Mie looked disdainful, waved his hand, and suddenly a portrait composed of divine power appeared in the sky. Intoxicated: "Have you seen it? This is the perfect true goddess in my mind..."

Looking at the portrait of the sky, Monkey King’s mouth twitched...Even the goddess beside him was speechless for a long time...

Can the person in the portrait really be called a goddess?Nima?The muscles of that body are stronger than brother!A fierce look, like a bull!The bucket-like waist, full of lumps of abdominal muscles, makes people look at it, it's deadly!

"She...she...she is the...goddess in your mind..." Monkey King pointed to the portrait in the sky, swallowing saliva, only to kneel to Yuan Mie!Nima!It doesn't have such a heavy taste!

"That's! Look at the muscles of that body! That powerful arm... the ferocious eyes... Wow Ka Ka... Only such a goddess, that is worthy of my Yuanmie... Muscle is power... Power is beauty... Look... what a perfect goddess..."

"Uh~~" Sun Wukong looked at Yuan Mie's intoxicated look, and finally couldn't bear it, almost vomiting out on the spot!At the moment, Chao Yuanmie gave two thumbs up, and sincerely admired: "You bull! You are amazing! I have never admired anyone in this life... You he. Mom is the first..." After talking, Sun Wukong suddenly He burst into a swear word: "Fuck! What a heavy taste this is! You deserve your whole life..."

"Oh! The world is so big, sure enough... Everyone has his own goddess in his mind... The goddess in his mind... Although a little special... but it is reasonable..." The goddess sighed slightly and stepped back. , She found that the head of the one called Yuan Mie seemed abnormal, so it was better to stay away.

While speaking, Yuan Mie has been observing Monkey King. With the other party’s temper, if he had no scruples, he would have launched an attack as soon as he saw him like this. It was him, he would do that too!Because he just experienced such a past!

However, Monkey King has not launched an attack, so it shows that the other party's injury has not recovered!

I am injured, you are also injured!My dimension is different from yours by several levels!There is no reason to beat you!

Thinking of the dimensional power remaining in Sun Wukong's body, Yuan Mie's greed and greed suddenly rose. If he had that dimensional power, it would be of great help to his injury!The so-called riches and wealth insurance in demand, fight it!Even if you can't beat it!I always have no problem running away, right?Thinking of this, Yuan Mie suddenly became vicious, and his body was full of demonic energy, and the terrible aura burst out again. This space finally couldn't bear his terrible power and began to collapse!

Yuan Mie suddenly got into trouble, which caused the goddess Dai's eyebrows on the side to wrinkle, and a deep worry flashed on her face!

"You step back a little bit. With your strength, it is not enough to participate in this battle!" Monkey King said with a solemn expression to the goddess on the side.

The goddess nodded, her figure flashed, and she left here far away!As soon as Yuan Mie appeared, she felt that this person's strength was simply not something she could contend!

"I thought you didn't dare to do it! In that case! Then let's do some exercises!" Monkey King smiled, not afraid!The momentum soared, the whole body burst into the sky, and the hair was flying!In a flash, transform into the god of super game!..

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