The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 16 Training must start from the womb

Just appearing in his room, Sun Wukong saw the high priest with an anxious look.

Seeing Monkey King suddenly appear, the high priest was surprised and he was obviously relieved. He just wanted to say something about Monkey King, but was interrupted by Monkey King: "Let's go! I already know it!" He said, he walked out of the room first. The door, walked to the room of Princess Yan on the side.The reason why he had just seen Chi Lian was to leave suddenly. He naturally knew that there was something wrong with Princess Yan, so he rushed back.

As soon as she entered the room, Xue Nu anxiously greeted Sun Wukong: "Wukong, come and take a look, Ji Fei suddenly feels a little pain in her stomach, is there any problem?"

PS: Princess Yan will be called Concubine Ji in the future. She has the same surname as Ji Ru Qianlong and named Concubine. Otherwise, she will always call her Princess Yan. It seems to remind people that she is the concubine of Prince Yan, which is uncomfortable. .

At this moment, Concubine Ji was lying on the chuang, her face a little pale, and it was filled with anxiety and worry. After seeing Monkey King come in, the anxiety and worry in her heart calmed down inexplicably, as if she had found the backbone and saw him, It can give people an unprecedented sense of security and steadiness. It seems that all problems in the world can be solved as long as they reach his hands.This was something she couldn't feel in Yan Taizi Dan's body.

When he came to Ji Fei’s chuang, Monkey King frowned slightly, and said faintly: "Pull the skirt back..."

Concubine Ji's complexion suddenly showed a blush, but she was a person who knew the general body. Knowing that it was not the time to be shy, the so-called doctor's parents' heart, after comforting herself in this way, Concubine Ji gently put her skirt on Pulling upwards reveals her crystal clear white belly, which is not flat because of her pregnancy, but a little bulge.But it does not lose its beauty.

Sun Wukong placed one hand flat on her lower abdomen... The hot temperature made Ji Fei's heartbeat slightly speed up, but her self-control is very strong, so there is no strangeness on the surface.

A soft white light emerged from Monkey King’s hands and invaded Ji Fei’s belly...In an instant, Ji Fei felt an unprecedented warmth from her abdomen, flowing into her limbs, the kind that penetrated into the soul. Shu. Shuang, she was so desperate to groan out!The indifferent expression could no longer be maintained, and he was instantly covered with blush, so charming.

As Monkey King retracted his right hand, the refreshment receded like a tide, causing Ji Fei to have a nostalgia in her heart. She was shocked to realize what she was thinking in her heart, but Ji Fei cursed herself secretly and gradually calmed down. His turbulent heart.

As if he hadn’t seen Concubine Ji’s strangeness, Sun Wukong reproached: “It’s forbidden to practice in the future...internal force flows through the meridians. The fetus is very fragile and can’t stand your toss...”

"Ming...understood..." Ji Fei realized that the problem was with her, and she couldn't help but nod her head again and again.

"It's great to be okay... Ji Fei, you are also true... Didn't the doctor mention it to you before?" Xue Nu looked at Ji Fei, complaining on her face. She was shocked just now, Ji Fei That pale face is always frightening.

Concubine Ji shook her head. She had just experienced this kind of thing. Naturally, she didn't know the truth, and the doctor didn't know that he could martial arts, so naturally it was impossible to mention it!

"From now on, I will revive your muscles and bones every day, so that it will be beneficial to the fetus... When she is born in the future, you will surely be an earth-shattering super genius!" Sun Wukong has decided at this moment that he will cultivate Yue'er into an unprecedented person. The super genius and beauty of the newcomer. Younger. Female!Others say that training should start from the baby, but this is from the mother's womb!

Concubine Ji was stunned, and then nodded. She has clearly seen Monkey King's ability. She is definitely the strongest person in the world. Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of their Yin Yang family is far behind, because Eastern Emperor Taiyi It is very strong, but it is absolutely impossible to cut off the roof of the entire palace with a single sword!Since Monkey King was thinking about her daughter, she would naturally not refuse.

"It seems that when the young lady was born, she must have shocked the world..." The high priest on the side could not help sighing.It is hard to imagine how special this girl can be cultivated by Master Wukong when she is born in the future, how amazing she will be!Because she clearly knows that Monkey King, that is the supreme god!A child raised by God feels terrifying even thinking about it!

However, at this moment, Xiao Yao Yao, who was lying next to Concubine Ji, suddenly jumped up, jumped into Monkey King’s arms, stretched out his small tongue, lightly touched his palm, humming, and then went forward. Claw touched his stomach, it looked very cute.

"Xiao Yao Yao seems to be hungry..." Xiao Li on the side said lightly.

Monkey King flipped it over, and a piece of thousand-year-old cold iron appeared in his hand. Upon seeing this, Xiao Yao Yao's eyes sparkled with gold, and his saliva began to swirl in Zui. He grabbed it in one mouth, and jumped onto the table. In the surprised expressions of Xue Nu and Ji Concubine, they bite, as if they were gnawing a carrot...

"That...that's a thousand-year-old cold iron... Xiao Yao Yao is eating a thousand-year-old cold iron?" Xue Nu pointed to the cheerful Xiao Yao Yao, with a shocked expression on her face.That's a thousand years of cold iron!Hardness. The degree of hardness is terrifying, but under its small teeth, it is as fragile as a carrot, this... she doesn't know what to say.

"Xiao Yaoxiu is an ancient divine beast. It feeds on fine iron... It's nothing strange..." Xiaoli said lightly, "But because of Wukong... its teeth are much sharper than the original divine beast, Pai Yao..."

"Well...isn’t it weird to eat fine iron?" Xue Nu looked at Xiao Yao Yao in amazement, and immediately exclaimed: "But is it too extravagant to use thousand-year cold iron as its ration? Such a beast... who raises it? Affordable..."

"I can afford..." Monkey King said faintly: "It's a pity that Wannian Hantie still can't eat with its current strength, otherwise it will be fed to Wannian..." He is the master of the world. He is the so-called precious material You can use the power of rules to make things out of nothing at any time!

Xue Nu and Ji Fei looked at Monkey King speechless for a long time, how perverted this stuff must be!At the same time, he became more and more curious about his identity!The longer they follow Monkey King, the more they discover that Monkey King's identity becomes more mysterious!I thought they had a little bit of understanding, but they were overthrown by the facts. What they knew was only the tip of the iceberg!..

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