The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 47 The Fall of the Canglang King

"The worst..." Shaoyu and others all looked at Yue'er speechlessly. Is the little monster who kills the four heavenly kings of the Quicksand Organization and ranks third like you just the weakest in your family?In other words, what kind of monsters are in your house!

"What should I do with him?" Tianming asked, looking at the Canglang King who was still unable to move on the ground.

"Since it is the enemy, in order to eliminate the future troubles forever..." Fan Zeng waved his hand at the people behind him: "Take it with you..."

Several Xiang Jia Bingwei immediately understood, and drove the Canglang King into the crowd...

"Damn it! Let go of me! You bastards...hoooo!!!" The Cang Wolf King suddenly looked up to the sky with a howling wolf.

Suddenly, in the darkness, a group of terrible wolves popped up again. At this moment, all of them, with blood red eyes and fierce bloodthirsty light, were no longer afraid, and all of them were not afraid of death. Come…

"Damn it! Didn't those wolves all escape? Why are they back again!" Tianming shouted immediately.


Monkey King snorted immediately, and an invisible aura flashed away, and the wolves who were not afraid of death stiffened their bodies and threw themselves to the ground. There was a deep color of fear in their eyes, and the whole body trembled. stop…

"Get out!" Monkey King said lightly, looking at the wolves lying on the ground.

"Woo~~" The pack of wolves whispered to Monkey King. They seemed so submissive, and they fled here with their tails in their hands...

"Ok... so awesome... just one sentence scared the wolves away!" Tianming looked at Monkey King, his eyes suddenly filled with infinite worship.

"Now you know how great it is!" Yue'er hugged Sun Wukong's right hand tightly, took a glance at Tianming, and said proudly.

"The scared wolves bowed their heads... the depth of this person's skill... it is unfathomable... the rumors are really not false..." Gaie Nie looked at Monkey King and couldn't help but feel frightened. He immediately clasped his fists and said with admiration: "Mr. Sun is really a good method, he moves his heart at will, and he can send and receive freely. Gai admires this kind of ability!"

Monkey King waved his hand lightly, but looked at the Cang Wolf King.

"Come back! You guys come back for me!!" The Cang Wolf King looked angry at this time, and his eyes flashed with extreme bloodthirsty hatred: "Damn! I didn't expect human beings to be unreliable... even wolves would betray? Ah!!! Damn humans! I want to kill you all!" He said, with a fierce look on his face, that terrible killing intent was like a wounded and abandoned lone wolf, awe-inspiring and terrifying!

"The look in this person's eyes... is terrifying!" Tianming shivered as he looked at the eyes of the Canglang King.

"I hate humans, and only work with wolves... Now even the wolves are throwing you away... Your life is really sad!" Monkey King looked at the Cang Wolf King and said lightly: "A dangerous beast like you, stay. This is also a scourge! It's better to get rid of it sooner!" Then, Zhao Shaoyu looked over: "Shaoyu, he killed so many of your men, it will be handed over to you!"

Shaoyu was stunned for a moment, looked at the fallen silhouettes around him, nodded firmly, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Brother Wukong!"

As he said, holding a long gun slowly came to the front of the Cang Wolf King, and said coldly: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, Cang Wolf King, you are also a legend of a generation, can die in my Xiang Shaoyu In your hand, you should look at you too!" As he said, the long gun in his hand pierced his chest with a shot under the constricted pupils of the Cang Wolf King... The shot was resolute and fierce, worthy of a young general who had fought on the battlefield!

"Damn... I think my dignified Cang Wolf King... unexpectedly died in the hands of a stinky kid like you..." The Cang Wolf King stared at Shao Yu unwillingly, his life was gone, and for a moment, he fell into the endless darkness...

"Let's go! It's getting late, I'll take you to Jinghu Medical Village!" Monkey King looked at everyone and said with a faint smile.

"Huh! The danger has finally passed..." Everyone was relieved at this moment.

Sun Wukong hugged Yue'er sitting on the roof of the carriage, and accompanied her to count the stars in the night sky...

Everyone rode on a carriage, drifting away under the moonlight...

Then I rode in a small boat... As the sky gradually brightened, I finally arrived at Jinghu Medical Village.

Looking at Yue'er who was still asleep in his arms, Sun Wukong couldn't help but smile, lightly embrace her, walked to the shore, and said to Shaoyu and others faintly: "It's already here, let's get off the boat!"

"Is this the Jinghu Medical Village? It's so beautiful!" Tianming was the first to jump off the boat.

Looking at the plaque on the door, Tianming was very curious and said: "What is written on it? Why don't I know one of them?"

"That's the language of the Yan Kingdom... Since Ying Zheng wanted to unify the language, it has been forbidden to use it... But here, there is no need to pay attention to the laws of the Qin Kingdom..." Shaoyu came to Tianming's side and explained Tao.

"What is written on it?"

"This is the doctor's rule set by Duanmu Rong. It is called three not to save... First, the people of Qin will not be saved, second, the people with the surname Gai will not be saved, and third, the people injured by fighting fiercely than the sword will not be saved..." Having said this, Shao Yu said to Tianming very seriously: "So, you kid, don't say your Uncle Nie's surname is Gai!"

Gai Nie frowned insignificantly, and said to Monkey King beside him: "Since Gai is in the midst of these three unsuccessful...I don't think I will bother..."

"It's okay! You are the friend I brought, and this little face, girl Duanmu will still give it!" Monkey King couldn't help but smile faintly, and said: "Let's go!" He walked into the medical house now...

Looking at the Snow Girl and the others in the courtyard, Monkey King couldn't help but smile and said, "Oh, you guys got up early, you've been waiting for us here so early!"

"Yue'er fell asleep?" Xue Nu came to Sun Wukong's side, looking at Yue'er in his arms, said softly.

"What's falling asleep! I think that little girl doesn't want to get up in Wukong's arms!" Chi Lian twisted, moved her waist, and came to Monkey King's side, looking at Yue'er in his arms, Wu. In Mei's big eyes, a touch of banter emerged.

"What's the matter! I just woke up, OK!" Yue'er blushed suddenly and opened those bright big eyes.

The few people from Gai Nie came to the front of Xue Nu and the others, clasped their fists, and said hello, without squinting their eyes, they were like a gentleman.

"Shaoyu, Tianming..." Xiao Li looked at the two familiar figures, feeling a little bit in his heart. The companions who were born and died together in the past have not changed at all, but now they look so strange.

Sun Wukong looked at Duan Murong, who looked at him, pointed at Gai Nie, and said: "He is the Gai Nie who is known as the Sword Saint. His surname is Gai. It seems that you are in the midst of your Three Unsalvage. It’s for my friend's sake, can you open it online?"

Duan Mulong glanced at Gai Nie, her eyebrows frowned, but she looked at Monkey King and nodded, "Come in!"..

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