The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 49 Brother I am also principled

At the entrance of Medical Village.

"I have sent a letter to the master of the Mo family. After he receives it, he will meet you in the old place..." Master Ban rubbed his beard and said to Shaoyu and others on the lake shore.

Shaoyu and others all turned and walked towards the boat on the lake...

"Okay! We should be on the road again! Everyone, there will be some time later!" Shao Yu stood on the wooden boat, waving his hands and clasping his fists to the people on the shore.

Seeing Tianming who was still immersed in spinning the ink cube, Shaoyu immediately picked up a stone and threw it towards Tianming...

"Big brother, I'm going to leave, don't you say goodbye?"

"Ouch!" Tianming suddenly cried out in pain, touched his forehead, then put his hands on his chest, tilted his head, and snorted coldly: "Farewell? Humph!"

Shaoyu looked at Tianming and shook his head, turning around helplessly...

The boat slid gently, drifting away...

Suddenly a stone flew out and hit the back of Shaoyu's head...

"Ouch!" Shaoyu also touched his head and snorted, looking at Tianming, who was smug and grimace at the bank, looked'angry'. He also threw a stone and smashed it towards Tianming...

In the sky, stones flew back and forth...

Fan Zeng, who was sitting still in the boat, was hit by a stone. Although he didn't gnaw a word, his face was dark...big flesh.The bag bulges on the back of his head...

Yue'er on the shore gave Zui a sneer...

"Miss Yue'er! You look so good when you smile, just like a flower..." Master Ban suddenly flashed to Yue'er's side, his eyes rolled around, his expression pleased.

"Huh! Old man Ban, don't get close to you, I won't learn organ skills from you!" Yueerna didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd!Rejected now.

"Don't say that! Thinking about it!" The old man in class still smiled.

"Old man Ban, Yue'er won't learn organ skills from you!" Monkey King looked at Master Ban and said lightly.

"This is?..." Master Class looked at Monkey King and said to Duanmurong on the side.

"You know the saber..." Duan Murong said lightly.

"Then...that sword..." Master Ban suddenly widened his eyes, and looked at Duan Mulong in surprise: "Is he the one?..." Duan Mulong nodded faintly.

"Huh~" Master Ban breathed a sigh of relief, came to the front of Monkey King, clasped his fist and said, "I didn't expect that my Mo family would welcome a legendary character like you as a guest. It is really an honor for my Mo family! How rude to me just now, please. Forgive me... inside please!"

"Is he so famous? Why don't I know?" Tianming muttered while looking at Monkey King.

"That's you stupid, ignorant and ignorant!" Yue'er looked at Tianming and immediately hummed.Following the Monkey King and the others, walked into the hospital...

Entering the medical village, Master Ban stretched out his right hand towards Tianming and said, "Hey, boy, give me the Mo Fang!"

"En~~Hehe~~" Tianming's eyes rolled around, watching Master Ban with a sly smile.

"You kid, what do you want?" Seeing Tianming's expression, Master Ban suddenly became wary.

"Old man, do you want to be the same as Mo Fang? Let's replace it with the previous mechanism bird!" Tianming smiled and finally revealed the fox's tail.

"What old man, old man! You kid, really uneducated... Do you think that mechanical bird is a toy? No way! Give me the Mexican side!"

"No! No! ...has the ability to chase me!"

"You brat..."

Master Ban and Tianming immediately chased in the courtyard...

In the room, Duan Mulong looked at Gai Nie and said lightly: "Such a serious internal injury, but no skin trauma, it's really rare!"

"It's all thanks to Mr. Sun for treating me. If it weren't for him, Gai wouldn't be able to go here!" Gai Nie glanced at the Monkey King on the side and said with a fist.

"Is that so?" Duan Murong turned to look at Monkey King, and said lightly: "Then why not heal him completely? With your ability, it should be easy..."

"Hehe! Brother Wukong won't heal a man easily... He has been treated for trauma, an exception has been made!" Yue'er on the side couldn't help but smile.

Duanmurong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Monkey King...

"What are you looking at, you are only allowed to save three times, and I am not allowed to save others? Brother, I save people with principles!" Monkey King looked at Duanmu Rong's eyes and said seriously.

"Wukong! Don't tell me this kind of unethical thing..." Xue Nu said helplessly at the moment.

"This is your medicine...Three bowls of water, boiled into a a few days, your internal injury will heal!" Duan Mulong handed a packet of medicine to Gai Nie, and said lightly.

"Thank you! Then Gai will leave first..." Gai Nie said with a grateful expression, and hurriedly walked out of this room that made him feel a little uncomfortable. Facing this group of people, the Yali Mountain was really big!

The quiet days of a few days passed so peacefully...

In the quiet room, all kinds of colorful halos are shining, the aura is full of energy, and the clouds are flowing!The terrifying aura is permeated, there seems to be a roar of the road, and the evolution is supreme...

It's just such a terrifying scene, but outsiders can't know it, because here, a very strong isolation barrier has been set up!

The regular runes exuding terrible powers flashed out from the divine bead above Monkey King’s head, slowly sinking into the center of his eyebrows...

"En? Someone wants to be against Yue'er?"

The cultivating Sun Wukong suddenly opened his eyes, and the dimensional divine bead above his head instantly submerged into the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows...All the visions here disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Monkey King looked at the closed window, and his Zui corner couldn't help but hang a smile: "Is it finally started... But I didn't expect the meeting here to be you..."

"By the way, this supreme rule is really hard to comprehend! After more than ten years, I have only realized less than one percent. How cheating! Fortunately, the time point of each dimensional world is different. It’s all the same, otherwise I don’t have so much time to comprehend it! My master's power is almost reaching its limit... If it is transported, it will hurt the origin... But it should be able to support two or three years..."

While muttering to himself, Monkey King's figure disappeared into his room.

In the lush woods, two stunning women are facing a girl!

The hazy mist hovered in the forest, adding a lot of mystery to it.

A demon. Lao and weird, a beautiful and refined, one like a demon. Lao witch, a pure and beautiful like a fairy, two women with completely different temperaments, at this moment, they are standing together!

Da Si Ming looked at Yue'er opposite them with a surprised expression. Her bright red hands were filled with a mist of blood. He looked at the little white stars in Yue'er's hands and was a little surprised: "That is...Yin Yang technique? I don't remember us. There is a little girl like you in the Yin Yang family...said, who taught you this onmyoji?"

"Want to know? Beat me again!" Yue'er chuckled.Facing the two masters of the Yin and Yang family, there is no slightest nervousness.The hand prints knotted, and the sky suddenly appeared in the sky, turning into a dazzling galaxy, surrounded by a powerful breath, and the sun enveloped the body, like the fairy falling in the dust, beautiful in the dust!

"Are you ready? I'm going to attack!"..

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